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New page: Image:lighterstill.jpg <center>Image:Helianx13.jpg</center> ---- <center>Commentary</center> In those early days of the Multiverse most species intelligent enough to consi...



In those early days of the [[Multiverse]] most species intelligent enough
to consider their own natures had a natural awareness of a universal [[Creator]].
Its mysterious [[Presence]] seemed to surround them.
There was no need for [[priest]]s or [[religion|religious]] instruction on most worlds
since mature beings almost always developed a direct inner link with the Being
they thought of as the [[First Source and Center]] of all that existed.
Life for these species became a series of initiations,
each challenge they met would yield a deeper [[intuition]] of this mysterious Presence
that seemed to be so powerful and, at the same [[time]], so subtle and gentle.
And yet, because all sentient life possesses innate curiosity, unanswered questions
were bound to arise as they examined the [[philosophy|philosophical]] and [[morality|moral]] issues
that are so important to intelligent beings. This questioning invariably led to the central quandary
facing ali thoughtful beings: Given the experiential [[reality]] of a loving and benign Creator,
why do such painful, destructive events occur?

For the Helianx, of course, this [[conundrum]] had a particular depth of [[meaning]], because it touched the very core of their collective trauma.
The solipsistic [[meditation]]s on the meaning of life that had preoccupied them
in their long [[evolution]]ary history on Womb Planet,
when everything seemed to revolve around them and nothing intervened
to threaten their secure [[existence]], had crumbled in the face of a disaster
which they could only think of as horrifyingly [[arbitrary]].
Not only was their belief in a stable and friendly [[Multiverse]] severely tested,
but the shock of having to drag their enormous, clumsy bodies
over the emerging land masses had introduced them to pain and suffering
on a level they would never have previously [[thought]] possible.
The small legs they had managed to develop were barely able to scrabble
under the huge weight of the creatures as [[gravity]] bore down on them.
Wholly unused to this new pressure, their legs crushed and bloody beneath them,
many had simply given up the bitter struggle and had allowed themselves
to disintegrate back into their myriad constituent tiny organisms.
By the [[time]] the surviving Helianx managed to gather
the last of their life energies and had [[teleport|teleported]] themselves up to the Great Ship,
they had become a rather different species.
Although their reputation would always be colored by those easy-going early years
on Womb Planet, something inside them had hardened.
Fear and doubt of a sort that they had never experienced before had now entered their lives.

When they had recovered somewhat from their ordeal and had set out on their journey in the Great Ship,
the Helianx found that a new urgency now fueled their questioning of all the [[race]]s they met.
Afterwards, they would gather and anxiously await the new songs that their stupendous
c[[omputer]]s spat out after yet another belief system had been assimilated, examined, compared,
and extrapolated for any clues as to what their collective [[destiny]] might be.

When some answers finally did emerge the Helianx were already skeptical enough not to be surprised to learn of even more perilous times to come.

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