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New page: Ham101491StillnessPractice Group: Woods Cross, Utah Teacher: HAM Topic: Stillness Practice October 14, 1991 My lesson is concerning the stillness. It is easy to achieve if you are ...

Group: Woods Cross, Utah

Teacher: HAM

Topic: Stillness Practice

October 14, 1991

My lesson is concerning the stillness. It is easy to achieve if you are diligent and steadfast in your application of the following ideas:

1. The stillness requires just that--stillness. It is most important to still the body in order to gain a quietness for the mind to be allowed to begin its quieting process. Any position is acceptable, of course; it matters not. Stillness and relaxation of the limbs, eyes, face, hands, and feet, this will help facilitate stillness in the brain. That is, the electrical impulses coming from the extremities are lessened, and therefore, the electrical activity within the brain itself becomes less.

2. Then the surroundings should be quiet. Stimulation from the auditory sense is most distracting and should be eliminated if possible.

3. Mental stillness, this particular aspect of this practice is the most difficult to achieve. Many of you are, however, making great progress and strides in this section. Mental stillness is essential for Thought Adjuster communications to be received.

There is a metaphor in these teachings, of still water reflecting the sun. When the water (the mind) is turbulent, this reflection is splintered, broken into myriad refractions. In the ideal stillness, for clarity's sake, the mind must, absolutely must, be still. Deep relaxation, mental stillness, will, without fail, result in increased Thought Adjuster communication if you are patient and willing to commit this time.

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