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Letter XXIII

Happiness like love is not something you do, it is something you are. Its increase in your life comes from the increase in your service to life given freely and on principle. The principle is realized in your experience of the fact that love is its own reward. Once your life is at liberty to enact the love which is your soul, you have achieved the pursuit of happiness without trying.

That is the next experiment in the great American experiment, that emanation and expression of individual and community love whose natural by- product is happiness.

You live in a miraculous moment in human history. It is the moment in which humanity as prophesied awakens to the experience that love is infinite in experience and meaning made so by the fact that love is the source, the substance, and the future of all being. It is the moment when human cosmological discovery matures from concentration on the behavior of energy in the universe great and small to the discovery that love is the source and cause of all lesser forms of energy from gravity to electricity to politics and economics.

To be alive at such a moment makes responsibility for the future of humanity and the Earth family of life an unrivaled joy, feather light and seed light.

The transformation of your worry about the fearful future of humanity into joyful creation and design is a transformation which embodies and exemplifies the divine grace which is the universe and your life within it.

Letter XXIV

Transformation is the product of radical subtraction and heavenly regeneration. It is the stuff of revolution and evolution.

To be conscious transformation is the role and the honor of the social architect. To be that person, that designer, in the age that now enfolds and embroils the masses of humans in confusion is a pivotal challenge for you and a responsibility which you dare not avoid.

The transformation of social architecture to include and become sacred architecture is none other than the most courageous and radical act in American history, far more ambitious of reach than any act in our nation’s founding. For that reunion of the holy with the human health not only reunites science and religion, resolving that needless and senseless squabble, but it also reunites the heart and the head which have no place henceforth in opposition.

Holiness and health are the same thing. To seek wholeness is holiness. It is to seek the highest form of health there is. Throughout all of nature this is true. Health is not a commodity to be bought and sold; it is a divine right not to be stolen or denied by anyone for any reason.

The ability of humanity to subtract money and war and property from their places of central value in contemporary life is a matter now of death or life for all eternity for all humanity. The cosmic magic, the divine grace of heaven on earth, will return these power and possession diseases of the modern soul in rare and purified and healthy, holy new forms for those social architects courageous enough to trust the founding order of transformative life in the universe.

Transformation is grace. It is your life. Where do you think your life came from?

Awake, dear ones.

Letter XXV

Health is the new wealth, the challenge and the battle of this century.

Health may be measured by wholeness, vitality and unity which are the principles of all life. Unity with all else is life. Its absence is destruction. Vitality may be measured by active creation, not the objects of the creation. Wholeness is the membership with all else by making a beneficent life contribution to the community of all being.

Healthy community given freely to all its members is an essential freedom and right of every species in the whole family of life.

So in the end of all efforts and enterprises, whole healthy community measured by the depth and honesty of its generosity is the only possible engine for the continuity of well-being. Anyone or any group who puts themselves between life and its health is a gatekeeper of hell.

That the people know this in America is certain. That they have the strength and courage and political health to rid themselves of parasitic death-dealing is in question.

Again, the solution to all difficulties and acts of injustice returns to the local community. All other higher authorities are so constrained by corruption and greed as to be unworkable for the restitution of justice and simple human kindness. So it returns to the local community to feed, clothe, shelter, educate and heal itself taking whatever pains necessary to fend off the intrusion of governmental and corporate greed, corruption, and death. Then in unity, vitality and wholeness the communities of America, self-sufficient, self-reliant and self-governed, will weave the web of safety and sanctity for which this noble country was founded.

Letter XXVI

I had a passion for design in my day which is still with me. Design of all human endeavors can get out ahead of history, and if the design is elegant and ultimately sensible, it will pull humanity into its beneficence.

So, America, you are faced with the design of a planetary renaissance to benefit all life on Earth. You have no choice, therefore, but to choose your design principles from among those universal and eternal principles that serve all forms of life for all time. This means putting aside all such contemporary considerations determined by and aimed at money since nothing else in nature uses money nor can eat it.

Underlying the phrase life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are universal and eternal principles of value to all forms of life.

The principle of conservation is one such truth and it is, in fact, the fundamental truth on which the entire enterprise of science is built. Conservation means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only strangely moved from one state to another, as ice melts to liquid. Conservation means, therefore, holding order in nature inviolate so that it can change form without loss. Holding lives in biological and in energetic nature inviolate so that they can exist to grow and change and transform is to enact the principle of conservation consciously. Behind, beneath and within the principle of conservation is the eternal principle of love, the ultimate conservator.

In apparent contradistinction to conservation is the universal principle of entropy, the dissipation of energy for the accomplishment of work. The spending of energy toward its continual apparent loss and decrease is as necessary as that destruction and decay must precede and empower creation and construction. Where else would come the lumber from trees enabling the building of your home. Yet that home provides a truth about entropy: that energy which appears to be spending and dissipating is actually allowing and providing for the formation of emerging higher order in the home itself. It is true throughout nature in the crystal, the honeycomb, the bird’s nest, the beaver pond, that energy spent, entropy, provides the ideal form that always does more and more enhancement of life with less and less energy. Entropy ultimately traps and conserves energy in a new form of higher order. Work spent in nature hosts life more ideally. The work formings in nature are a design idealism which is the mother of all practicality. Look, then, to nature for the working ideals of design, the eternal archetypes of eternal order.

Symmetry is another of nature’s favorite universal principles and design eternals. The human body is a masterpiece of bilateral symmetry. The same ordering is all-pervasive and productive throughout countless other life forms in nature, providing their physical means of livelihood and locomotion. Symmetry underlies all the correspondences of words and their referents, numbers and their quantities. Communication of any kind is a projection and reception of symmetry. So the use of careful symmetry in the creation of relationship with, between and among life forms and energetic forms on Earth is an enactment of resonance and reverence with all life. Symmetry is not design laziness, it is a higher order necessity. Symmetry is the manifestation of the eternal principle of Creation.

Finally, in this group of four universal principles common to all life, there is the principle of information writ small, evolution writ large. Information and evolution are how nature finds and retains those differences which make an enduring difference. There is a natural progression of increasing order exemplified, in human knowing, when information transforms into knowledge which transforms into wisdom which transforms into love. There is a natural rolling and rumbling like thunder bringing blessed nurturing rain when human design matures in intention toward the planning and enhancement of human fulfillment in love. Then you are the embodiment as social architects of the eternal intention of the order you call cosmos.

If you want to more deeply consider or understand any of these universal design principles, conservation, entropy, symmetry, and evolution, you will be assisted in examining that any one is formed by the union of the other three.

It is a source of great joy to me knowing as I do that you are becoming the social architects of the first planetary renaissance, you Americans and your growing family of friends in the full family of life.

Letter XXVII

The eternal actions as principles behind the birth and forming of the universe are yours for designing the social architecture of your planetary renaissance. They are the eternal principles of love, creation, order and evolution from which derive your scientific principles of conservation, entropy, symmetry and information, your universal principles common to all forms of life on your planet.

There was one recently among you, Robert Buckminster Fuller, who called for a design science revolution to afford you the ability to get out ahead of human evolution and help guide you and all life into a higher order unity. He was fond of talking about the synergy within steel and how steel built the modern era of skyscrapers and airplanes. He was the Leonardo da Vinci of modern times, yet he said for you that love is the steel of the twenty-first century. And so it is.

Yours, then, is the opportunity and honor to become the guidance given you from St. Francis of Assisi who had said to you that love is infinite in experience and meaning. How could it not be; it is the source, the substance and the future of all being. So if you would build anything, build it on a web of love and it will be both ephemeral and timeless, momentary and enduring.


There is an order to all things in the universe which guides the affairs of all humanity. That order is so fundamental that it formed the nature of the evolution of the universe itself. That order brings the descent of divine love into the first burst of eternal light and that light into the formation of first matter. From love to light to physical substance, so you humans are formed and have your being as exemplars and models of the entire cosmos which word means order.

You are descendants of love. You are climbing your souls’ ascent back to reunion with your creator and creation authored in love by love and for love.

This descent from divine intention and ascent returning to it is your way, your wonder and your work. When a planetary generation of humans awakens to this cosmic order and intent, and when your lives become an enactment of that love’s intent, you have become a new political economy, the first cosmic community in the history of all humanity, all humanity.

Cosmology, your understanding of how and why the universe came into being and you within it, cosmology is the largest and most powerful thinking tool and story humanity has, and all meaning in your lives derives from it and is ordered by it.

These are such times, then, when human life on Earth becomes worthy to befriend all life here around us and within us, worthy and wise enough at last to carry love out into the galaxies of the heavens. This maturation in life and love will open the door to reunion to other life in the universe, it being Earth’s destiny to carry the founding order of the cosmos out into the stars.

Love is not something you have to do, it is something you cannot help but be since the substance of your very bodies is made of the love become light become matter of the first instant of the manifestation of the cosmos. You are the stuff of love awakening to return to our original heavenly home.

In a matter of a mere few years, our political economy on earth will free itself from the monetary clutches of either-or exchange; either you have the money or you exchange it for the objects of your desire. More recently with the emergence of information as a medium of primal importance you have begun to mature toward and-and exchange. When something is learned both the teacher and the learner still retain it, and as it is passed along to others, everyone retains it and there is no loss, just social synergy powered by information trending toward wisdom.

Love, that cosmic miracle of divine grace, requires no exchange, no reciprocity. Love is its own reward. The inherent beneficence of love is its own reward. You do not do love, you are love. You can not help but be the cosmos. for the cosmos.

Letter XXIX

Fractals are the visible signs of Nature’s frugality of creative process. When it takes her millions of years to grow and continuously refine the elegant fern, for example, why would not the fern be an example of every tiny leaflet taking the same shape as the leaf it helps form and every leaf taking the same shape as the whole fern frond it helps to form. That self-similar form within form that nature uses in growth you, today, name fractal.

Human ideas are fractal reenactments of the birth event of your universe. When the idea of love slowed its timeless and eternal vibrancy to explode into light whose speed is now the natural vibrant frequency of your physical universe, a process was begun which is also now used in human scale for the manifestation of an idea into human behavior. Human ideas are reenactments of the birth moment of the universe, fractals of cosmic order.

I tell you this so that you will grow in reuniting with your source in cosmic order and realize a new cosmology which is also your new political economy for the planet you inhabit, free of thoughtless killing.

When a human idea of infinite speed everywhere in the universe instantaneously without travel time has to slow down to become electric impulse in your body to create intention, action and behavior, a spark of light appears over your head to enact the birth moment when that idea becomes visible manifest reality in your slower light-speed and electric-speed world.

You are your universe of love in every instant of your divine life. Imagine and become that divine inheritance.

Letter XXX

You are the salvation generations. Some generations win impossible wars against impossible odds. One generation among you broke the spell of holy Earth and walked on her moon.

Now you are in the process of learning how to partner with and parent with all of Nature. This does not mean exercise the morally immature disgrace of pretending to own the formative architecture of organic life. It means to honor and to love the long, long story of wildly various forms of life emerging, growing, changing, and moving on. You are salvation’s darlings because you will decide to remain for countless generations into the distant future as parental lovers of all life.

Now there are more and more among you who are choosing one or more species of life: frogs, corals, birds, trees, fish, animals of all kinds to befriend, protect and enhance. For you are on the road and passage out into time and the galaxies ahead as ambassadors and emissaries of love.

Love is the galactic export of Mother Earth and you are her saviors, the salvation generations, and a galactic gift to universal and eternal truths for which the universe itself was born as a living being. The cosmos is itself an experiment to see if love, its source and substance, can awaken to consciousness and then be self-realized and self-fulfilling.

Think of the honor and the glory you now have to be those humans who were chosen and chose themselves to tell that cosmic story beginning on one beautiful spot, America, on one bounteous beautiful Earth.

Letter XXXI

Political economy, scientific technology and physical cosmology are all reciprocal causal. That is, they all three cause each other to become and be what they are.

Of the three, physical cosmology is the broadest in the dimensions of its meaning but is dependent on a platform of political and economic support and on an extension of human scientific knowledge and technical reach for its ever- changing regeneration and redefinition.

As promised to you at the outset of these letters of attention to America for all humanity to consider, I said I would be speaking to you in the terms of today about the triumphant accomplishments of your future. Far and away the most soul- shocking, yet life-saving discovery you will make is that the physical energy and spiritual intention of love, one and the same, is the source and the substance of the entire universe of matter and consciousness.

In the manner in which light and electricity are so central to the contemporary process of scientific research, love will be the new central power, source, and purpose of new technical, conceptual and social inventions.

In the manner in which meaning and money are so central to the contemporary process of politics and economics, love will be the new central value, source, and purpose of new environmental, biological and cultural relations.

In the manner in which energy and matter are so central to the contemporary process of physical cosmology, love will be the new central spiritual intention and purpose of new familial, societal and universal transformations.

That these last three paragraphs are identical in the structure of their process signaled for me as I wrote them that they speak of a grand unification for all humanity. This unification achieves a new harmony for all life on Earth while simultaneously providing a platform for the continuous unfolding of infinite diversity.

Letter XXXII

As a farewell to you blessed Americans and all your planetary brothers and sisters of all peoples and all species, I offer you one final set of insights on your design of the inevitable planetary renaissance it is your destiny to begin.

Spirit in design is how grace enters culture. I have learned this new social architecture perspective from St. Francis of Assisi who, because of the depth of his love, has become another of your and my mentors in the tearing down and building up of holy home; of higher more perfect union, of heaven on earth.

You really have no choice but to heed his words if human continuance, maturation and fulfillment are to be your future.

Love is the Breath of God,
The Matrix of all Spirit and Matter,
Life and Growth.
Love is the carrier of light
and all the divine order
and purpose we can ever know.
It is the symbol and the story,
the letter and the word,
the energy and the law,
the particle and the wave,
the idea and the form.
To know it as the experience
of these things and in all our human relations
and all else we experience
is the will of life itself, which life
is the mysterious Breath of God,
Holy, Holy, Holy and eternal –
on loan to us of willful Earth.
Will we breathe the One?

Publisher's Note

Publisher’s Note

The words written upon these pages call for an expansion of our soul daring to embody more vividly the knowledge and wisdom of love. Their influence will be more readily available to those maintaining a focus upon the actual message without a preoccupation with the apparent messenger who has borne the expression in this particular form and moment. Otherwise, the inertia of a familiar logic attributing the ‘authorship’ to a personality locked into a temporal and spatial grid, whether it be Thomas Jefferson, August Jaccaci, or perhaps Francis of Assisi, will miss the single most important point in this writing, namely, that the ‘source’ is one dwelling in the timeless depths of all persons endeavoring now to write an enduring charter of freedom directly upon the hearts and minds of advancing citizens, such expressions seen now in the “emerging declarations of interdependence with all life” that will guide us to safe harbor, secure in a “more perfect union” governed by love’s wisdom.

Robert L. Davis, IV
Daynal Institute Press

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