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===Topic: ''Do Not Ever Grow Discouraged''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
Do Not Ever Grow Discouraged
A Thought Adjuster Speaks—353—July 12, 2004.
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Unknown]]===
==Session 1==
Dear one, each task set before you is a lesson to be learned, and if a task seems repetitive it is because you have yet to learn more, as lessons can be expanded upon, so you can gain a greater and deeper understanding that you would otherwise miss out on. This is called the garnering of wisdom.
Dear one, each task set before you is a lesson to be learned, and if a task seems repetitive it is because you have yet to learn more, as lessons can be expanded upon, so you can gain a greater and deeper understanding that you would otherwise miss out on. This is called the garnering of wisdom.
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Remember to turn within to Me, especially when frustrated or upset.
Remember to turn within to Me, especially when frustrated or upset.
==Session 2==
© The 11:11 Progress Group
Let Your Heart Sing A Song Of Gratitude.
Let Your Heart Sing A Song Of Gratitude.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks—354—July 13, 2004.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks—354—July 13, 2004.
Dear one, be sure to call on Me when adversity and the storms of life threaten to engulf you. You are slowly learning that there is a Secret Place within you where you can always go for Help to sustain you through it all. At times the human spirit needs shoring up, and this you can only do when you turn within and place your full attention on Me, so I can give you strength to travel yet another mile.
Dear one, be sure to call on Me when adversity and the storms of life threaten to engulf you. You are slowly learning that there is a Secret Place within you where you can always go for Help to sustain you through it all. At times the human spirit needs shoring up, and this you can only do when you turn within and place your full attention on Me, so I can give you strength to travel yet another mile.
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Know that you are loved without measure. Live and laugh and love in return.
Know that you are loved without measure. Live and laugh and love in return.
© The 11:11 Progress Group
==Session 3==
The Question To Be Asked Of Each Mortal.
The Question To Be Asked Of Each Mortal.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks—355—July 14, 2004.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks—355—July 14, 2004.
Dear one, something needs to be said about the present situation on the planet, how the dark forces of evil and iniquity threaten to kill the slumbering souls of innocent people. How the ‘mighty ones’ in the corridors of power are scheming more and more to enslave and corrupt the minds and bodies of people everywhere through their nefarious products of chemical substances.
Dear one, something needs to be said about the present situation on the planet, how the dark forces of evil and iniquity threaten to kill the slumbering souls of innocent people. How the ‘mighty ones’ in the corridors of power are scheming more and more to enslave and corrupt the minds and bodies of people everywhere through their nefarious products of chemical substances.
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This question will be asked of each mortal, who chooses eternal life.
This question will be asked of each mortal, who chooses eternal life.
==Session 4==
© The 11:11 Progress Group
Walk More Humbly With Your God.
Walk More Humbly With Your God.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 356 – July 15, 2004.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 356 – July 15, 2004.
Dear one, the barricades in your mind which exist between you and Me, and keep you from fully experiencing Me, shall be taken down, one by one. This will occur as soon as you will allow yourself to let go of being un-loving, unforgiving, hard of heart, proud of self, angry, jealous, envious, suspicious and intolerant. Human limitations have existed from time immemorial, and they are there for a reason.
Dear one, the barricades in your mind which exist between you and Me, and keep you from fully experiencing Me, shall be taken down, one by one. This will occur as soon as you will allow yourself to let go of being un-loving, unforgiving, hard of heart, proud of self, angry, jealous, envious, suspicious and intolerant. Human limitations have existed from time immemorial, and they are there for a reason.
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Break down the barricades in your heart, and walk more humbly with your God.
Break down the barricades in your heart, and walk more humbly with your God.
© The 11:11 Progress Group
==Session 5==
I Will Lead You On The Road Toward Perfection.
I Will Lead You On The Road Toward Perfection.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 357 – July 16, 2004.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 357 – July 16, 2004.
Dear one, your desire to develop a closer relationship with Me; the One Who dwells within you, is actually very simple, and yet it takes total dedication on your part. Making up your mind is only the first thing you do. Then comes the motivation to stick to your decision, and lastly you need the dedication to continue to daily listen within. And yet, this is not a must, because that would devalue our get-together. No, I desire only your complete free-will cooperation.
Dear one, your desire to develop a closer relationship with Me; the One Who dwells within you, is actually very simple, and yet it takes total dedication on your part. Making up your mind is only the first thing you do. Then comes the motivation to stick to your decision, and lastly you need the dedication to continue to daily listen within. And yet, this is not a must, because that would devalue our get-together. No, I desire only your complete free-will cooperation.
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For a while, ponder these, My words, and what this would mean to you; a lowly mortal cooperating with a Fragment of the Highest God.
For a while, ponder these, My words, and what this would mean to you; a lowly mortal cooperating with a Fragment of the Highest God.
© The 11:11 Progress Group
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Revision as of 00:33, 24 August 2008



Topic: Do Not Ever Grow Discouraged

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown

Session 1


Dear one, each task set before you is a lesson to be learned, and if a task seems repetitive it is because you have yet to learn more, as lessons can be expanded upon, so you can gain a greater and deeper understanding that you would otherwise miss out on. This is called the garnering of wisdom.

You see, dear one, it is not the growing older that matters. It is the growing wiser that is of prime importance. It is an understanding of what motivates you, when you ‘fly off handle’ in certain situations. Could it be something you have not mastered as yet? Then indeed, it follows that there is more work to be done in the area of self-discipline, for it is My desire as much as it is yours that you continue to cultivate a harmonious and balanced character, poised in beauty and grace.

Knowing you as well as I do, I see that more self-correction would be very beneficial towards self-mastery, and that is why certain circumstances will arise to test you in order to discover how much you have gained.

You are progressing with self-control when you remember to immediately turn within to My calming Presence. Let this thought take a strong hold on you. Let it sink into your cellular level, so you will not forget this. I have placed you in the most ideal of circumstances to learn this most difficult lesson amid the most trying situations.

I know that you will eventually come to see this My way. I have the greatest confidence in you that you shall overcome all, as I know the most intimate and secret desires of your heart.

I am the One, Who totally understands your frustrations at not being understood and having your words misconstrued. Remember, however, that everyone needs to master their lessons in their own time, and when they show a readiness therefor.

Each mortal is at his or her personal level of inner development and self-correction. The older and wiser ones need to teach the younger ones this oftentimes-painful lesson in self-control by example. Yet, do not ever grow discouraged when you are tested and find that you still have a way to go towards an ideal balance in all manner of things.

Remember to turn within to Me, especially when frustrated or upset.

Session 2

Let Your Heart Sing A Song Of Gratitude. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—354—July 13, 2004.


Dear one, be sure to call on Me when adversity and the storms of life threaten to engulf you. You are slowly learning that there is a Secret Place within you where you can always go for Help to sustain you through it all. At times the human spirit needs shoring up, and this you can only do when you turn within and place your full attention on Me, so I can give you strength to travel yet another mile.

In Me, the human spirit is indomitable. It is like a small river being fed with water it knows not from where it comes, but trusts that the water will be there, so it can keep on flowing, and in turn supply everything with this living water it comes in contact with.

Trust in Me that I will always supply this flowing 'Water', even if your spirit is low, for this makes it all the more reason to trust and have faith that more water will shortly be forthcoming, and in great abundance.

Expect big things to happen, and you shall have those big happenings. Expect small things to happen, and you shall have small happenings. According to your faith it shall be done unto you. Pray rightly for the good things in God’s Kingdom, and the earthly matters will be taken care of in, to you, surprising ways.

Trust that all will be well. You only perceive with limited earthly insight, whilst I, your Father Fragment, hail from Paradise and have the long term view. All you need to do is cultivate a greater trust in Me, and know that whatever may befall you, I am here with you.

Be at peace. Be still. Let your heart sing a song of gratitude to the Creator of All, Who has all affairs taken care of and accounted for. All you need to do is to learn your lessons in patience, and trust that all is well when you make Me your sure refuge, for I am a part of God, which makes you a part of God, also.

Know that you are loved without measure. Live and laugh and love in return.

Session 3

The Question To Be Asked Of Each Mortal. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—355—July 14, 2004.


Dear one, something needs to be said about the present situation on the planet, how the dark forces of evil and iniquity threaten to kill the slumbering souls of innocent people. How the ‘mighty ones’ in the corridors of power are scheming more and more to enslave and corrupt the minds and bodies of people everywhere through their nefarious products of chemical substances.

These dangerous, unnatural products have found their way into medicines that are supposed to cure illnesses, and into the food chain and water, which cause severe addictions in the un-awakened masses, so brainwashed by enticing commercials.

Meanwhile, their poor bodies and minds do not stand a chance to develop worthy temples for the Spirit of God to grow within them. And, still, The Father will not hold guiltless those who corrupt the free will of the people.

For this is the great danger; that even the governments placed there by the people, to work for the people, are, perhaps unwittingly, playing along with the dark forces. These governments pass laws, which only benefit the few materialistic ones, who then wreak havoc in the minds of even the little, innocent ones.

There needs to be a wake-up call in the hearts, minds and souls of the mortals on this planet. The Ancients on High will surely bring the guilty ones to justice, and their annihilation will be swift and sure if they do not repent wholeheartedly for the evil things they have wrought upon this beautiful garden planet.

This is a wake-up call to each who chances to read these words; to turn within and listen to My Guiding Voice, which will grow stronger the more one listens to Me. This planet needs your forgiveness and love, to help uplift the vibrations, to prepare it for the coming of another Son of God.

God is the ultimate Judge of all your actions. This planet is the incubator of your immortal souls. Be at peace during the storms and upheavals, which surely shall befall this planet in her days of cleansing.

Practice unconditional love and forgiveness toward all. It is not about what position you attain in life, but how many you have been able to serve on the way.

This question will be asked of each mortal, who chooses eternal life.

Session 4

Walk More Humbly With Your God. A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 356 – July 15, 2004.


Dear one, the barricades in your mind which exist between you and Me, and keep you from fully experiencing Me, shall be taken down, one by one. This will occur as soon as you will allow yourself to let go of being un-loving, unforgiving, hard of heart, proud of self, angry, jealous, envious, suspicious and intolerant. Human limitations have existed from time immemorial, and they are there for a reason.

You carry the seed of God within you, but you are not yet like God. Much weeding and cultivating needs to be done by each individual. You see, My dear one, you have the perfect pattern and blueprint within you. It is the Gift of God the Creator, the Master Architect of everything, Who has existed, exists now, and will exist in the eternal future.

However, to the lowest of His evolving will creatures, the mortals, He has given free will to become immortal, perfected beings. We have been over this before, yet it needs to be said again, because not many mortals on this planet use self-discipline and work on their inner perfection.

Outwardly they seem healthy, but inwardly many are diseased, and they place all sorts of barricades between themselves and Me, their Guide and Refuge. Look around this planet today and notice what has become of it since a Son of God, the Ruler of your universe, walked this planet to show you all the better way.

Instead, the materialistically minded and greedy elders had Him crucified, and incited the common folk into mass hysteria, because they had barricaded themselves behind greed and refused to hear His loving message that the Father is a God of Love. Presently, the mighty corporations, and those in the corridors of power, do the same thing all over again to enslave the common people with their hidden agendas. Oh, they may pay lip service and pay great sums of money to the churches, which bear the Master’s Name, and then they think that they are thereby forgiven.

But I tell you it is not so. They will be those with a loving, pure and humble heart who will be exalted on High. The fruits of their spirit is what counts, not the fruits of the false god mammon, thus they shall reap the rewards of lives misspent.

Break down the barricades in your heart, and walk more humbly with your God.

Session 5

I Will Lead You On The Road Toward Perfection. A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 357 – July 16, 2004.


Dear one, your desire to develop a closer relationship with Me; the One Who dwells within you, is actually very simple, and yet it takes total dedication on your part. Making up your mind is only the first thing you do. Then comes the motivation to stick to your decision, and lastly you need the dedication to continue to daily listen within. And yet, this is not a must, because that would devalue our get-together. No, I desire only your complete free-will cooperation.

In your resolve to follow My Guidance without wavering, never mind how tough the going in life gets, because I need for you to become tough and resilient to flow with the punches. As a result, you are building an indomitable hope and trust that, underneath it all, I am here for you.

Oh, you will perhaps grow somewhat despondent from time to time, and wonder where I am, for, after all, you are only a human trying to become superhuman in the battle against selfishness and all worldly lures and temptations.

It will be a different kind of life; the way it is lived in the Kingdom of God. You will still be in the world, but not of this world, as you further yourself with self-discipline towards self-mastery, so the ideal you can better unfold according God’s perfect plan and blueprint, which I hold in My Being.

And so, step by tiny step I will lead you on the road toward perfection, always depending on your willingness to be guided. One day, when you fully realize what it is that I am about, you shall wake up and we will no longer exist separately.

This will be the time when you become fully awakened to MY Presence within you, and you and I will be One, and get down to the serious business of doing the Father’s bidding in Heaven.

For a while, ponder these, My words, and what this would mean to you; a lowly mortal cooperating with a Fragment of the Highest God.