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(New page: Machiventa111104Teleconference-Michael_TheExperienceOfSpirit SUBJECT: LIGHTLINE...11-11-04 TEACHERS: MACHIVENTA...MICHAEL T/R: MARK ROGERS Prayer: Divine parents, please be with us now...)
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Prayer: Divine parents, please be with us now in this hour as we seek to establish this connection with you through the others who you would provide for us. Please reside in our hearts as we indulge ourselves in this wonderful gift that is before us. We thank you so much for this opportunity.

Machiventa: Greetings to all those who would so willingly join this classroom. I am Machiventa and you are in my classroom at this moment and I would have a few words of encouragement to share with you. This T/R has expressed concerns that our efforts in the spiritual arena would appear to be small in contrast with the many great challenges which confront us and the vast array of opportunities before us.

Indeed it is easy to feel insignificant when you compare yourself with the vastness of the plan we see before us in its outworking. As a mortal of the realm it is easy to feel isolated and outnumbered at times by those who are different from yourselves, but this very condition present provides an intensive stimulant to your grasp of true and sincere faith. When times become uncertain and your reality may appear to shift, then is when you are best served in returning to the domicile of your faith.

It is destined to be your lot in life to encounter many shifting sands as you make your journey down the uncertain pathway before you, but it is precisely these conditions which provide you with the opportunity to grow your faith, to show your faith, to exhibit your faith to the world and to your Creator. If all was smooth sailing on your journey you might find fewer opportunities for reflection and fewer encounters with the neccesity to embrace more wholly your faith.

While doubts and uncertainties are an everpresent and ever transient part of your experience in this realm, they are a great stimulant to your developing an adequate foundation whereon you may weather these temporal storms of life. This solid foundation, this unshakeable bastion that you build is built internally of your faith, of your sincere undoubting belief. Each one of you has experienced spirit in your lives as a comfortable realm, a positive environment to dwell, and more and more you may come to avail yourselves of this arena when your life experience becomes unsettled and shakey.

In the final analysis you are all quite safe, quite secure on your eternal journey towards your beginnings and even should some of your greatest fears manifest themselves in your future, that reality of certainty would not change. You are all saved by your own volitional will. You are all rendered eternal by your own choices. You are all made unshakeable by the strength of your faith. Your Master, when he walked on this world, was quite commonly heard to say, "fear not". That perhaps might be the watchword of the age.

As we enter into what to many will be tumultous times, those who have the solid foundation, the bedrock of faith will always find footing as the tides ebb and flow. It is one thing to proceed down this adventure of life with optimism and with joy for what the future holds, and this attitude can indeed create for you the very reality you crave. Layer upon this the overall attitude of one with unwavering faith and you have a dominant force in this universal paradigm, therefore can you affect change on your world in your spheres of influence by your very conviction of faith.

You can redirect energy flow with your certainty of spirit. You can access powers far beyond what you individually posssess if you avail yourselves of the everpresent spiritual current. These are the tools that you can use in these times to stand firm, to shine the light of truth as you know it, to be unswerved in the face of such great uncertainty. I understand that with any great change comes natural human apprehension for what that change brings, and how we will be affected by it, but I encourage you not to create the very negative aspects of change that you fear, by giving them life. If you dwell on negative potentials, therein is your energy invested.

By contrast, if you choose to invest yourself in the possible positive outcomes and aspects of change, therein is your energy invested and your focus. Avail yourselves of that which you know to be true and good and right and invest none of your energy in that which you perceive to be incorrect or false or away from righteous. In this way your lives will be lived to the fullest. Your energies will not be expended on the negative and the realities that you create for yourselves will be of the highest caliber.

There will be great need to comfort those many brothers and sisters in your spheres of influence who have not had the opportunity to build this solid foundation of faith. They will need comforted and guided by you as to how to develop these faith muscles, how to use this faith strength. Those of you with experience have the privelege and opportunity to act as guides and interpreters for those who yearn for what you have found.

Truly the opportunities before us are boundless. The final result of spiritual change is always positive and uplifting by design and by nature, therefore should we all fear not. As the sands shift below us, as the heavens swirl above us, our destinies are certain. Our choices have guided us to this point and those reflections of the attitude of the soul are a glory to behold. The darker the times, the brighter the individual spiritual lights shine. As we embark on this turning of an age, we can expect that the plans and the unfolding in this process are of our Masters design and we can look to his influence as we take the steps one at at a time, as we go through our daily lives and continue to make our spiritual choices. Help us to always main[tain] the constant appreciation that we have the approval of the planmaker. We have the support to unfold this plan and we know of a certainty that if it his will it will be so and all that intervenes is the time and the opportunities between us.

Michael: I greet you dear ones, this is Michael. I bring you the comfort of the knowlege that I know each of you. I am aware of your being. I hear the requests of your hearts. You are my children and I love you dearly. I will answer your all prayers and all your requests in due time. I send to you this day, this hour, my peace to be with you. I would lighten your burdens my children. I would take them on as my own, I will be with you in all times. I will place my hand on your shoulder when you are in doubt. I will give you the words to speak when you are uncertain. I will bring you other brothers and sisters that you may comfort them and bring them this peace, this peace I bring you. This is the opportunity I provide for you as this next chapter unfolds. Know of a certainty that I will be with you. I leave you now but I am never far from you. Ask for me and I will be with you at a moments notice. I pray you grasp the certainty of my words. Thankyou dear ones.