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North Idaho Teaching Mission Group

Teachers: Monjoronson, Elyon, Michael


     Deepening Commitment
     G.P.S.- God Positioning System
     You are My Leavening

September 25, 2005

  • Monjoronson (Mark TR): Greetings once again. I will come among you that we may establish a better working relationship that you may encounter once again my energy. You know that I am not very far from you. This is Monjoronson. I welcome this opportunity to avail myself of this circuit that you create this very moment through the sheer force of your wills and the desires of your hearts.

I acknowledge the effort that you make to establish this connection, and I respect greatly your dedication and devotion to building such a strong circuit, such an able channel of communication. It is a direct result of the desires of your hearts and souls to bridge this gap that this reality exists even now.

It is a response to your dedication and devotion that you hear these words this hour. As certain rewards for your efforts we provide for you expanded awareness so that you may grow to your fullest potential. It is my distinct privilege and pleasure to fulfill this role for you as guide. It is not my will that propels us forward together as much as it is yours that brings us together. Without your commitment to stop your busy lives and take a moment to open this channel it cannot be.

You have heard of my commitment to guide and to lead you on this next phase of what really is an eternal journey. I look forward to working with you as together we extend our faith to reach great new heights. The commitment that you show in establishing these circuits so faithfully and devotedly is the commitment I seek for you to enlist in the next ascension party. We have had some time to reflect since last we sat around the circle at base camp, and I have perceived in each of you a deepening commitment to our journey before us. This is pleasing to see, beyond words.

You each have found new depths in your beings and have found new commitment to our process, and for this I am very grateful to be witness and participant. I am certain that with the dedication and commitment I witness in this party that we will endure all challenges which arise as we attempt to make our way to the top.

I invite you to use your powers of prayer and visualization to see this endeavor as being successful, to embrace that reality each one individually. Extend your faith to see with your mind's eye the successful outcome of our efforts spent together and in so doing act to create the very reality you would petition your Father for.

It is one thing to petition divine assistance, and it is yet another step to take an active role in the very creation you would petition for. See yourselves as part of that circuit as well. You know what it is like to be encircuited and now experiment with what it is like to encircuit yourself within different circuits. Indeed we will find ourselves called to encircuit with a great number of other individual circuits.

Once we have established comfort and familiarity with this connecting, it will be a smooth transition for us to access many different circuits over time. Continue to visualize in preparation for this next phase yourselves as being well and fit for such a journey. Continue to grow in your faith that all things are possible in conjunction with the Father.

Together we may eagerly anticipate the climb before us, the challenge ahead, the journey and the destination. These are my remarks for today. I remain in attendance.

  • Elyon (Jonathan): Greetings again, friends, this is Elyon. I am always happy to be present in these collections of attention toward the most important aspect of your lives, your spiritual progress.

Without such communal input you are left to supply power of your own resources. While you each are so capable, it is expeditious to have one another from whom you may draw additional power and support. I have spoken in lessons past of the compass that points to Paradise. I have spoken of the rudder that steers you through the waters of life. Today I will take another tack and speak of a G.P.S., your God Positioning System. You are all too familiar with my admonition to practice stillness.

While much good effort is made toward the overt practice of stillness, the true value of the engagement is very much like your positioning apparatus wherein you lock on a coordinate and, no matter where you are, you stand in reference and thereby are able to be guided toward that coordinate. Through silent contemplation you lock your coordinate, that of spirit, and then while you traverse the many trails of life, be they smooth or rough, be they direct or swing wide and apparently far from your goal, you know where you are and you know your ability to be guided to your destination. It is through practice that you develop the confidence that the spiritual positioning of your personality will not fail to draw you to truth and to life. If you were to possess your material G.P.S. and never use it, you would stand no better off.

But as you practice and acquire familiarity with the features offered you come to rely on its accuracy, even the safety it provides. As you spend your time in worship and meditation you become capable of locking into God's presence in any conflict, throughout any turmoil. All things around you, be they providers of assistance or resistance, cannot prevent your direct continual and secure connection. You may swing wide to the far extremes of the universe in your adventures of personality attainment, and you will never lose your orientation to God on Paradise.

While I speak of travels in a physical placement sense, you may also swing far and wide in emotions, in conflict of mind, in pursuit of the heights of thinking, and still never lose your connection with the Source of all being. Again I encourage you to practice, to get familiar with this innate and internal ability to be oriented toward God and to be assured of your continual connection. Thank you for receiving my words.

  • Michael: I, Michael, am with you. I have told you of the leaven within bread that gives it its rise, of spirit that infuses life, that uplifts all. It brings the nourishment to the soul. You each have sat with me. We have shared the embrace of love. I have received your dedication. You are the leaven by which I uplift the world.

Many a time you will enter into a situation that is spiritually flat, that is without the upliftment of spirit presence. While you may consider yourself but one humble, small creature, it only takes one grain of spirit inoculation to promote and foster the development of truth, to give rise to goodness. I encourage you each to remember that I am with you and that together we have that power to bring about the Father's light and to give our brothers and sisters the nourishment they seek and to lead the world one step closer to Light and Life. I love you all.