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(New page: MEETING WITH ABRAHAM A STORY ABOUT A CAPTAIN AND Co-CAPTAIN JUNE 16, 1997 WOODS CROSS, UTAH I am ABRAHAM. My greeting to you here this evening. It is so comforting to know I am welco...)
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JUNE 16, 1997


I am ABRAHAM. My greeting to you here this evening. It is so comforting to know I am welcome and greeted with such love and enthusiasm.

There once was a person who was a captain of a ship who sailed his ship with skill and efficiency. The captain was quite knowledgeable regarding the sea, the craft, his shipmates and overall watch-care of the journey. This captain enjoyed his profession, and with the many years of experience he needed not praise or commendation, he had sailed his ship for pleasure and the good that would result.

On this ship there was a younger, but enthusiastic, co-captain who desired to learn all he could quickly so that he may sail his own craft one day. The co-captain, in his enthusiasm, pleaded with his captain to steer and share the responsibility of following the course. The more experienced captain declined with wise words to his younger shipmate saying, "I understand your enthusiasm and desire, for I have also once walked in your shoes. I have the concern for the many on board, and I would not relinquish my responsibility to allow you to run the course. I do believe," said the captain, "you are a sincere individual with many talents, and yet, it has been my experience to thoroughly train each one who serves under me."

The co-captain, being somewhat juvenile in mind, had decided to attempt to run this course without thought for direction, weather, shipmates, or condition of the craft. In his drive for experience, and some self-glorification, began to steer the ship with the attitude of, "you see, I can do it. I am fully capable with my limited experience to run the course." Needless to say, this co-captain lost control and there was some damage to the vessel. The more experienced captain gained control of the ship and begin shouting out orders to his shipmates to inspect the craft, to check the conditions of the passengers, to find out how far off course they were. The co-captain, feeling somewhat foolish, realized that his more experience captain was not about belittling him, but about passing on his knowledge about the sea and the craft.

The captain, once again gaining control of the vessel, spoke not. He waited for his co-captain to seek communication with him upon which the captain said, "my son, I have offered to share my knowledge, and in your enthusiasm, you thought it not necessary. I am available to you when you are ready to learn to sail. I will, however, not allow you to steer my ship and endanger my fellows." The co-captain, being somewhat humbled, apologized and requested to the captain that he was in full cooperation to learn the art of being a captain to help for the good of the entire voyage.

This is what I would leave you with tonight. I would ask that you ponder this story and discuss this within the group. How does this story relate with the brotherhood? Who is the captain? Who is the co-captain? What is the real significance of the ship and the sea? I will return next week to experience your broadened understanding of what we have been learning. My love is with you each. Until next week, shalom.