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[Editor's note: file date is published date not reception date for these transcripts] 287 - These You Shall Surely Attain. 292 - Bring Each Heart to Me. 295 - The Manna from Heaven. 300 - Run This Race Set Before You. 301 - All is One, and One is All. 303 - This is My Pledge to You


These You Shall Surely Attain.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks–287–May 4, 2004.

Dear one, slowly, so very slowly, are you awakening to the fact that there lies a deep pool of untapped wealth in potential possibilities hidden away within you. Only in your unreserved contact with Me do you ‘here and there’ obtain little glimpses of what lies ahead in the eternal future.

What I desire for you to grasp right now is the fact of My Eternal Presence in you is to guide you every step of the way, but this I can do only if you are ready and willing to listen to My Voice.

Each mortal needs to decide this for him or herself. No one is exempt, and no one is ever coerced, but ever shall My Still Voice beckon each mortal soul and point him or her to the heights of eternal glory.

And these you shall surely attain through self-discipline and self-mastery, to overcome all your character flaws, and other aberrations, which do not at all well serve a child of God.

By aberrations I mean any addictions you find in yourself, be it restless work in the gathering of material possessions, food, alcohol, drugs, sex and all other things standing in the way of your attaining the highest good you are capable of in this mortal estate.

The realization needs to dawn in each human, that this is the deciding life on which the eternal career is either build, or neglected. How can you be sure that you are on the right path? Simply by coming more and more often to Me, and listening to My Voice.

I know that I am repeating myself here. My point is that so very few mortals on this planet truly listen, or give themselves the chance to emerge refreshed and inspired from being in the Stillness, to then go to their circumstances and work.

To go forth with a fresh vision about how to conduct an ideal life on this planet, living with the Peace and Joy of God alive in them, which gives much needed clarity and direction to proceed.

Sharpen your listening skills and build a conscious connection with Me in the Silence of your heart.

© 11:11 Progress Group



Bring Each Heart to Me.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks—292—May 12, 2004.

Dear one, allow the Peace of My Healing to flow through your heart. I Am the One, Who knows what the human heart goes through, the sufferings and grief, the disappointments and sorrow.

Ultimately they can lead to problems for the physical heart, which manifest in different maladies, and yet the human heart goes on beating valiantly for its owner. Be grateful for every beat, it means that the energy of the life-flow is still in the human body.

Be at peace and allow Me to bring greater understandings to your mind. Your Maker knows all suffering, even selfish suffering brought on by an unforgiving attitude.

The heart, being in truth and fact the mental brain of the body, brooks no hardness of heart. It is the most flexible organ, properly doing the job for which it was designed. This it can only do when unconditional love reigns in the mental heart.

Whatever thoughts it entertains and brings to action, the physical heart reacts accordingly. Remember that it never attacks itself. The term heart attack is a gross misnomer.

The causes are always in the unseen realm. Of course genetics have played a role over eons of time, due to the Lucifer Rebellion, which happened approximately 200.000 years ago, and which has very badly affected your planet.

The human heart is a most delicate instrument, and only its Maker knows all the different influences and circumstances it experiences.

Therefore, never judge another’s heart or behavior until you understand what the triggers are. Bring each heart to Me for healing, for I do understand. Practice unconditional love toward all, for this in itself is medicine for the heart, and this in turn helps heal the planet, one person at a time.

© 11:11 Progress Group



The Manna from Heaven.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks—295—May 15, 2004.

Dear one, it is extremely useful to write down the things that you don't understand, and, during the writing answers may come so clarity dawns in your mind. It is another learning experience.

This is made easier when you pour your heart and soul into it, because it becomes a habit of writing a letter to God. This is a most beautiful exercise you can engage in. It sharpens the inner listening skills, so you may accurately perceive the words that well up from so deep within you.

It is a breaking down of the barriers that exist between you and Me, or so you think. Therefore, on each occasion you spent time with Me, with a sincere and honest attitude and open, trusting heart, you whittle away some more of these barriers.

You understand that I am giving you some very practical and useful instructions. Also, we have spoken before of how important it is to set a certain time aside for coming to Me in the Stillness.

The point I truly desire for you to understand is that you also set a time apart for yourself to come to Me. This is serious business. When you have an important appointment to keep in daily life, you make sure that you are there on time and perhaps a little early so you get the most out of the meeting. This is also what you do in lectures in a school of learning.

So it is with us. I desire that you see our communications thusly; that you prepare yourself with a prayerful attitude to meet with the God of your being to whom you are betrothed. Look to Me with a desire in your heart and I will respond likewise, so you experience a glad recognition.

The turning up for your daily appointments shows Me how serious you are in getting to know Me. Our daily rendezvous must become the most important part of your life, and you stand to gain a peace of mind, and assurance beyond measure in your soul, because you are fed with the manna of heaven.

Let these words sink deeply into your very being.

© 11:11 Progress Group



Run This Race Set Before You.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks—300—May 20, 2004.

Dear one, when you allow yourself the time to come to Me, you need to learn and leave your burden of daily worries behind. You cannot partake in full of My Essence when you are bent over from worry.

The whole idea about coming to Me is that you may look up into heaven’s sunshine, so the shadows will vanish, burdens will be lifted, and will you feel refreshed and nourished after having been in My Presence.

Surely, to be good at practicing the Stillness, it needs to be a daily discipline. Something so vitally important as this, when persisted with, will yield its own harvest of rewards in truth beauty and goodness. It is the character, which is chiseled into beauty through the discipline in the daily duties accomplished.

Life is meant to be rugged, for this exercises the faith-muscle, which needs to be strong to withstand the rigors of life as it is lived upon this planet. And the more willing you are to go with the ebb and flow of the human spirit, and recognize that most worries are only temporary, the easier it will be for you to rise up and be counted among the stout-hearted, who can keep on believing that all is well.

Trust in the heavenly overcare, for in the unseen world there are many who cheer you on. There are even those, who, because they were born perfect, entertain a slight feeling of envy, because they lack the experience of becoming strong in the struggles of daily earth-life.

Mortal life is a gift to be used for upliftment, first for the self, and then for everyone else on the planet. The Creator Father wills it so. Run this race set before you, and know that all is well.



All is One, and One is All.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks—301—May 21, 2004.

Dear one it is entirely appropriate for you to claim your status as a child of God even though you are still an embryo in the womb of Mother Spirit. You need to know with all your heart and soul and mind that you are a most beloved child in God’s universe.

The Father is no respecter of persons and accepts each and every one as His own.

Your Master Jesus, a Son of God, stated that you are sons and daughters of God and joint-heirs with Him, so claim your divine birthright. Claim everything that is true, beautiful and good.

Seek first the kingdom of God within and grow an abundant spirit-life filled with spiritual energy and healing. This will make your mortal earth-life so much easier to live. To just live for material things, and spare nary a thought for the spiritual, is like living a life in poverty, and so unbecoming for a child of God.

All His goodness and abundance lie unused and undiscovered within you, and, to say the least, your embryonic soul would whither and die for lack of nourishment.

Turn within to that secret chamber of your heart, where Stillness reigns, and seek to converse with Me, so I can feed you the deeper insights and values in Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

Why limit yourself, and become a spiritual beggar, who needs to supplicate and ask in order to survive, while the greatest riches within lie undiscovered, and die from lack of faith and trust in heavenly over-care?

A human being is so much more then just flesh and bones, and a mind that remains earthbound and never explores the spiritual universe and its bountiful offerings.

Learn to live in the abundance of the Father’s House, and you will realize that there is no separation between you and God. In fact, there never was. Mankind simply separated itself through erroneous thinking, and by building up an elaborate system of worship around that mindset.

Know that all is One, and One is all.

© 11:11 Progress Group



A Thought Adjuster Speaks—303—May 23, 2004.

Subject: This is My Pledge to You.

Dear one, do realize that fear is the greatest robber of inner peace. There is fear everywhere; fear of an uncertain future, fear of the loss of a job and related income, fears about aging and losing health, fear of diseases, and the list goes on.

These are legitimate fears for mortals, but they are not becoming for a believing child of God. May I remind you that you bring all worries onto yourself, for what you fear most, you will attract. When you live in fear, you bring on more fear. When you live in faith, and you trust in the Goodness of God, you will attract the goodness of God, for God is good at all times.

When your mind is filled with worries and fear, and when your mind is cluttered with fear-ridden thoughts, God cannot get through to you. Banish fear at once.

You say that such a thing is not easy to do. Of course it is easy, child, for all you need to do is to turn your ‘inner face’ towards Me in the Stillness. The more often you do this, the stronger your faith and trust in Heavenly Overcare will grow. Then all else will fall by the wayside.

With Me as your Co-partner, how can you fail? This needs to be etched into your very soul. It is very important to Me that you truly hear what I am teaching you here, because I need you to become an island of peace. God, and mortal, need each other to bring peace to this planet, where storms of materialism and greed are raging.

It is through experiencing My peace that you become My peace.

This is My pledge to you, as you heed My counsel in the Stillness and go forth to exude My peace, that I shall keep giving you My peace in abundance for you to pass on. Teach each thirsty soul that this, too, they can do—to learn for themselves, and drink from the Living Water of My Peace.

© 11:11 Progress Group