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Be This Light Beam.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 296 – May 16, 2004.

Dear one in your darkest hour, remember the Light. Let the memory of the Light stir your heart and soul to new growth. The memory of God’s Holy Light will grow stronger and stronger until it fills your entire being.

Be an active participant in this. The infinite God loves the reciprocation of a soul. This to Him is a sure sign that the soul is sufficiently awakened for further growth and receptivity, which was heretofore hidden in the deep recesses of the mind.

Life is always thus; the more you show yourself faithful in your willingness and dedication to understand, the more you shall be filled. Your prayer of desire to become more God-filled, and less of yourself, is a sign for Me that you are ready to be led deeper into the mysteries and wisdom of life eternal.

This is the capacity of desire for an active co-partnership, which has developed in you and what I have been patiently waiting for.

Life’s earthly sorrows are fleeing as shadows in the night. Participate more in the Light of the eternal morning, which suffuses all sorrow and grief so they pass into nothingness, never to be recalled. Why soil your soul with bitter memories when you sip of the nectar of heaven?

This will become stronger in you, so you will develop a spiritual fragrance about you, which will attract others, as bees are attracted to the fragrance of certain flowers and so the ‘pollination’ starts another cycle of fruitfulness.

Let your light so shine to help Me light up this world darkened by sin and sorrow. Be this Light-beam the Almighty has bestowed upon you. It is never ending and becoming stronger the more you remember to walk in this Light.

© The 11:11 Progress Group



He Came to Set Men and Women Free.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 297 – May 17, 2004.

Dear one let us discuss Gratefulness. Gratefulness opens the door to abundance—an abundance of inner peace and a deep-felt joy. Although the Eternal Creator causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the just and the unjust, it is a truth that the unhappy and ungrateful remain dissatisfied because of a deep longing, which is not being filled.

Because they don’t take the time to look within, they forget and most often do not even know that the best time they will ever spent, is with Me, the God of their being.

You well know that I do not promise a life of ease, but life becomes far more joyous and purposeful once you have found the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Let us be truthful about this; that all have that hunger within them, a restlessness, a quest to find that thirst-quenching well of Living Water. This is the secret of the ages, this is what you are looking for, and this is what you drink from during your daily renewal of spirit when you turn within to spend time with Me.

You are all such tiny embryos on the planet, with nary a thought for the Creator Who makes all things happen. He, Who causes the seasons, Who makes the trees blossom and bear fruit in due season, and Who causes them to sleep to regenerate their roots during the long sleep of winter.

Yet, mankind in their search for Me, rather than looking within, has caused an elaborate system of do’s and don’ts to spring up, which is top heavy with ceremonies and sundry superstitions, while their faith and trust are placed in the hands of the priesthood.

Truly, the time has come for mankind to be delivered from all this superstitious bondage, and learn to individually walk with the God of their being, which is a Fragment of the Eternal Creator.

This is one of the reasons why your Master Jesus came. He came to set man and women free, and allow their spirit to soar before the Throne of God out of thankfulness and gratitude for the magnificence of life itself, and to learn and honor this life in each other as brothers and sisters under one Creator.

The other reason was to complete His own training as a Master-Son, to have experientially earned His Ruler-ship over the Universe of His making together with His Consort, the Mother-Spirit.

© The 11:11 Progress Group



First Satisfy The Inner Self.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 299 – May 19, 2004.

Dear one, a life well lived is a life which leads to victory over the self. It is the overcoming of all negative tendencies of the lower animal nature, and its instant gratification urges. A well-lived life will accomplish this.

Think about how you may desire a something special. And then, on purpose, train and discipline yourself to wait. This training would also help you in not acting until you have discerned God’s will for you to be manifest in your life. You would in this manner avoid many pitfalls that humankind is heir to. It is the satisfaction of the urge of instant gratification that needs to be curbed.

It is this very materialistic tendency that has fostered and fed that monster by the name of greed, which hides behind a facade of glittering commercialism and false promises. The tendency to buy this, or buy that to be happy, has brought no end of misery to this planet, and the weaker ones who cannot resist keeping up with the ‘Jones’s’, have placed themselves at great peril and risk.

I tell you this is because of an innate hunger in humankind that so deep down within them beckons to be satisfied, but they are looking in the wrong direction to still that hunger for developing a relationship with their God within.

They are, instead, looking to material things and pleasure to satisfy themselves with. Meanwhile their souls are crying out for nourishment.

Beloved, always seek to first satisfy the inner self by seeking Me in the Stillness, and the outer urge for satisfaction will lose that desire for being fulfilled. Instead, there will be discernment growing within you as to the importance of seeking Me in your life.

Practice the discipline of denying the baser self, and give your higher self the chance to grow in grace.

© The 11:11 Progress Group



Please Realize This.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks—302—May 22, 2004.

Dear one, by beginning to realize the many ways in which you are blessed, you have placed yourself upon the road to a greater depth of understanding. If at first things are not clear to you as to which road to take in life, do yourself a big favor and wait before Me, as the darkness will always flee when the Light of understanding dawns.

Move ever so slowly when there are different forks in the road and wait upon My ancient wisdom, as I can clearly see the road ahead of you. I have laid My plans very carefully for each human child born on every planet in My creation, and I Know what is best for them all.

And I gave them all their free will to make their personal choices, and to act upon their decisions, with which no angelic being is allowed to interfere, except when they want to destroy themselves, and when My plans for their earth lives are not finished.

Likewise, when a soul is ready to go on, and the physical body disintegrates, it should be allowed to carry on to the next level of existence, without the interference of keeping their bodies alive when their spirit is ready to go on.

Way too many bodies that should rightfully have been laid to rest, or decently disposed of, are being kept alive.

It is extremely important to realize that no one is allowed to lord it over another. See what My sons in your society have done, and are still doing, to My daughters on this planet. This is atrocious and an abomination to Me. How is it that they are still so confused? It is time to wake up to the reality of full equality between the sexes—the way it was intended from the beginning of the dawn of time on your planet.

Let all busy their selves to the purpose for which they were born; to be caretakers and protectors of this, My beautiful garden planet with its numerous life forms in which I rejoice. Please respect her, and do not abuse her any longer.

All My children have the same rights to enjoy her bountiful riches; they should be equally shared with all.

Please, realize this.

© The 11:11 Progress Group



The Most Important Quality To Cultivate.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 327 – June 16, 2004.

Dear one, the question that arose in your mind deals with a desire to know how the material life impacts on the spiritual life, but more importantly, how the spiritual life impacts on the material life. This is indeed worthy of consideration and even deeper thought.

First of all, this thought, and the building of faith and trust lead to the surety that life goes on after dissolution of the physical body—death and resurrection into eternal life. You have started to become aware of how your thoughts and actions impact on others. These thoughts can uplift and promote, or hinder spiritual progress.

This is forever the dilemma in mortal life; how you are building, or not building, and sometimes even breaking down, your spiritual counter-part needed for the next stage of existence in eternal life. It is by your choices and decisions, and by the building of your faith and trust that you make this progress.

Can you now begin to see how the material and the spiritual life are intertwined in the earth life of mortal progression? You start out by being almost wholly material, and now the thought comes to you about the story of the little boy, who wanted to have a moment alone with his newborn sister. The parents worried about possible sibling rivalry, but when he got his chance, and they heard him talking to her, they questioned him. He answered that he was asking her to please tell him what God was like, because he was starting to forget.

You mortals are all like little children, paying God the Creator no mind, until you find yourself in dire straits, or suffer a severe disappointment of some kind. This is your wake-up call, and in the blink of an eye everything changes within you.

Such is the work of My Spirit within you; to make you realize your true purpose in life, which is to be about the Father’s business, to learn to love unconditionally, and to express this love towards all others.

This is the most important quality to cultivate.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.



Souls Would Flourish And Be Nurtured.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 334 – June 23, 2004.

Dear one, yes! Always say, ‘Thank You.’ Every request and prayer you offer up to the All That Is, is recognition of a Greater Power than you are. It is a learning of your place in the universe, and ultimately your position in it. So very often people have a feeling of not fitting in, of feeling unwanted, and of somehow feeling displaced.

This is entirely due to the God-connection being missing. Feelings of being unloved and lonely take possession of the human mind. This blight is already happening in the earliest of childhood years, and it lies as a damp and heavy blanket over much of the human race.

This God-connection can already be established when a young couple awaits an impending birth, and there exists mutual love and respect for each other, and for what they are about to nurture. It will not be there during a momentary sex-pleasure with no strings or responsibility attached, which exists so often, especially on the part of the male of the species.

Truly, mankind needs to wake up to the true values and responsibilities in life, in not learning to establish this God-connection, for the greatest pleasures and deepest joys will be experienced. Truly, mortals are capable of so much more than they experience in their short life spans. They keep exploring the outer life and its pleasures, and they hunger for the material, rather than exploring the inner life and take an odyssey into inner space, where true life begins and the true God-connection is to be had.

In doing so, loneliness would be lifted and love would reign in the hearts and souls of men and women everywhere, and no one would take advantage of the other, but both would realize that they are equal partners, and are to sustain each another in life’s journey.

A true rejoicing and thanksgiving would spontaneously well up in hearts and minds everywhere, souls would flourish and be nurtured, rather then wither and die for lack of nourishment, because no attention or time has been given to the inner life, to make the connection with Me.

© The 11:11 Progress Group