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Un-Numbered Series

North Yorkshire, UK, November 25, 2005. Thought Adjuster. Subject: "Colored Purses."

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Thought Adjuster: "The red purse of the lawyer comes from the blood on his hands. The green purse of the butcher comes from the healing in his heart.

"No profession, or way of life, can be judged for itself alone. The only thing worthy of consideration is the good a man performs in the world. Healing is found in the least likely of places, from the oddest of persons. In fact, healing may be found anywhere you choose to look, and may be carried in the words of a song on the radio, a sentence in a newspaper article, or an overheard conversation in the post office.

"Be open to these pointers of grace in each moment, and realize through them the impact your every day life may have on others. And seek to emulate the butcher, who holds his abundance in his heart and his compassion despite the blood on his hands, over the lawyer who attends charity balls and speaks only violent words towards others in order that he may swell his coffers.

"Or perhaps the lawyer you meet shall be carrying the green purse, and your butcher the red. And perhaps most people’s purses carry a little of each?

"You must rid yourself for all time of these concepts of good and bad, dear one, for it holds you in duality and the realms of suffering.

"Do you not know, truly, that there is no distinction? No golden rule of behaviour other than to do ‘Divine Will’; to follow your own truth of heart, wherever that may take you, and to take responsibility for learning to hear that truth, to find it, regardless of how willing you are to learn that lesson.

"Throw away all pre-conceptions, and instead only conceive that to which you are drawn each moment, each day, and thus bring alive your own true soul in its myriad functions, details and splendor, and most wholly you.

"And then We can stand together in Union, and say to the world ‘I AM’."

(H.W enters deep altered state)

TA: "What Are you, Helen?"

HW: "I am the leaf on a tree."

TA: "Where go you, Helen?"

HW: "To the moon, on the stars."

TA: "Why are you, Helen?"

HW: "To be, feel and explore."

TA: "Where have you been, Helen?"

HW: "Through the soil of germinating seeds."

TA: "How long have you taken, Helen?"

HW: "All of eternity, and one moment more."

TA: "What do you fear, Helen?"

HW: "Nothing but the impossible."

TA: "Why was your birth, Helen?"

HW: "To find myself in another way."

TA: "How far have you come, Helen?"

HW: "All distance and none, a hair’s breadth to the heart."

TA: "What awaits you, Helen?"

HW: "The flash of all, the darkness of none."

TA: "What ails you, Helen?"

HW: "My ego."

TA: "What joys you, Helen?"

HW: "You."

TA: "Where are you, Helen?"

HW: "Locked in a small room, awaiting release."

TA: "What keeps you there, Helen?"

HW: "Fear of turning the key."

TA: "Why, Helen?"

HW: "Because I wish to remain in the womb, seeing the world only through a window.

Because I do not believe I am truly allowed to visit what I see outside.

Because I do not trust there is no monster awaiting me.

Because I do not wish to leave my friends behind.

Because I cannot let myself know that these are empty fears.

Because then I would be truly free."

TA: "Who are you, Helen?"

HW: "I AM You."

TA: "So let us take that key, throw it away, and jump out of the open window and be in that world. Together."

© The 11:11 Progress Group


North Yorkshire, UK, November 26, 2005. Thought Adjuster. Subject: "Beauty."

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Thought Adjuster: "You are beautiful, Helen. In loose clothes or tight, loose hair or tied, make-up or plain. It has been useful for you to explore your projection to the outside world in terms of feminine dress and carriage, to assist in the ‘’kick start’ resonance of your feminine nature, but do not overplay this lesson with significance, or you unlearn the lessons on objectivity, perception and ultimate beauty, that transcend all manner of clothing or attire.

"There is nothing wrong with wishing to look well to others, to look good for yourself, to carry yourself with the dignity of a being who is God, but to express that other than from your own truth of expression is to stifle your own nature and creativity.

"You would never look to another to model how to live your life, for you have learnt you are a unique person with unique passions and desires with no other’s life more perfect for you than your own, so why do you consider your outer expression of form any differently and spend time worrying how others may perceive you? Ignore all rules and regulations of fashion, taste, and gender, and you will find your way in each moment, of fully expressing your own creative truth to the world, in your clothes, your hair, your facial expression, your words, your actions, and your energy and spirit.

"And that can only ever be beautiful. I see the beauty in you each moment. Let yourself and others share that too, and rid yourself of these doubts that are so superficial, yet hold the door to truth that little bit further from your grasp.

"Celebrate your being; and add your own creative flair to everything you touch."

© The 11:11 Progress Group


North Yorkshire, UK, November 29, 2005. Spirit Self (TA). Subject: "Everywhere you Look, I AM."

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Spirit Self: "Follow the yellow brick road, Helen. Follow the path of stars to the dreamtime, and see your own glorious Technicolor visions of a fantasy that might just be reality.

"Who are You? Who Am I? Who are your friends? How does each relate to each other? To the chair? To the mountain? And to the tree?

"For each idea you have there are a thousand others, equally valid, equally true and equally false. What is truth? What is falsehood? What does equality mean? How does each word you use, each word I say, imprint upon your brain? What preconceptions do you have of their meaning? What other meanings may be described by that syntax?

"Grasp for other ways with all your heart, and embrace the one most challenging to come to grips, and peace, with . . . that one, most difficult. Cast aside the ones you a drawn to most easily, for those are your comfort blankets, which give you a sense of security and in time, stunt your growth.

"Everywhere you look, I AM. Everything you hear, I AM. Everything you feel, I AM. Do you truly comprehend the absolute nature of the Father and the infinite potential given to you as a being holding the print of the Father within your very being?

"If you truly comprehended that which I AM, you would not waste one second in finding more of me, of pouring your soul out to be closer to Me, of emptying yourself to become your Master. Yes, I AM your Master, and you, my servant; but such a Master as I wish only willing servants, ones who come to Me from longing, from a wish to partake of the glory, love and joy that I AM.

"Doubt no longer. Act. And be with Me always, (all ways). Expand to My truth, and let yourself soar on unclipped wing . . . to the Son (Sun!) and back. And stand tall.

"Now go eat and drink. Tonight we travel."

© 11:11 Progress Group.


North Yorkshire, UK, November 30, 2005. Divine Self (Thought Adjuster). Subject: "The Red Rose And White Lily."

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Divine Self: "You are perfectly grounded into the Mother. You are held high by the Father. Between the two you become a taut string capable of playing a perfect melody. Did you see in the exercise (see note) how it is impossible to separate the action of the Father and the Mother within any of your bodies; the Red Rose and White Lily entwined together at each energetic centre, inextricable, yet distinct; another chord in the manifestation of the Divine.

"How apt, too, the colors. The purity of white for the Father, the color containing all others, with simple single trumpet beauty of flower, sleek, single petalled and smooth, gentle tendrils.

"The Mother brings the red rose, the color of Earth, of the womb, of the blood that brings you life, and sustains that life, the base color in the rainbow. The point from which all else is measured. And the rose; multifaceted petals folding in and out over each other; a symphony of chaotic perfection, and surrounded in thorns. The thorns that you encounter driven in as challenges to feel pain, learn and grow, and the thorns offered as protection—the Mother’s gift to keep her offspring safe within her eternal career.

"Wrapped in this way, how could you fail to know your feet as Earth, your body as part of Her? How could you fail to know the Spirit Within, held in glory as part of Him?

"We gift you this tool. Remember this image, and use it whenever you doubt your spiritual self’s existence, or whenever you feel disconnected from the here and now in physical form.

I/We move on now to another lesson. Sit a moment and allow the next thread to join."

Receiver’s Note: As I was opening to spirit for this session, I was surprised to see two plants, climbers growing up from the Earth and wrapping me in themselves, each flowering over chakra points, and continuing up above me, reaching into the sky. One was a red rose, the other a Lady’s Petticoat, or Bindweed—a very simple flower in white, which wraps the opposite direction to all other native climbing plants here in the UK. It is this that is referred to in the channeling as the White Lily.

© The 11:11 Progress Group


North Yorkshire, UK, December 17, 2005. Divine Self (Thought Adjuster). Subject: "Be." (A personal, challenging lesson).

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Divine Self: "Today’s teaching is one of utter simplicity. That which you want drags you further from your truth, and that which you loathe to face takes you closer to your goal -- to stare upon reality -- for in order for there to be reality, there must also be illusion, and beyond both is the truth. But whilst you only see illusion as reality, then truth is too far removed to be perceivable.

"How difficult to put this in words, for the language of humanity is of duality, which is in truth the language of illusion. However, with care the illusion can be used to see the reflection of reality, and from there offer a doorway to reality and beyond, to the truth that imbues both realms.

"Sing with the water, howl with the wind, clatter with the Earth and roar with the fire. Cast aside all as impermanence, and enter the dance as conscious athlete, losing yourself in the whirls of beyond time. And then know freedom.

"It is pointless for Me to talk more. All the verbal teaching in the world will take you no further than understanding, and categorizing. Leave aside your labeling, Librarian, and go into the books. Be them, in the quiet stillness of your heart. And then you may take that step to being that which you seek, for how may you see reality, and beyond, if you are not prepared to give away the illusion of yourself.

"Come to me, often, always, but do not expect instruction for some time. Rather give yourself over, and experience will begin to be your being.

"Namaste, dear friend."

© The 11:11 Progress Group


Oakland, California, US of A, December 18, 2005.

Divine Father. Subject: "Come To Me And Receive."

Received by Donna D’Ingillo.

Divine Father: "Beloved one, this is your Spiritual Father who greets you with open arms and loving heart. Be at peace, you are safe. Although the winds of change whirl all around you, you are indeed safe because you live in Me.

"I understand how you perceive your life’s situation. What you see before you colors how you feel and think, yet if you were to turn to me at a moment’s notice, I could give you more ideas how to consider your reality. Let not what you see with your physical eyes doubt the reality of My existence within you.

"The world is fraught with chaos and turmoil and will continue to be so for a time to come. You, however, can find ultimate and lasting peace by coming to Me and nestling yourself in My bosom. There you will find rest and respite, and you will feel safe. The outer circumstances of your life may not change, but your inner reality will be anchored in a serenity that no one can ever take from you.

"I am your Father and I love you deeply. Envision strong loving arms enfolding you and holding you close. Ask for My love to flow from My heart into yours. Feel a strong warmth and steady pulse move through your being. This is Me, your Spirit Father, coursing through your body and mind bringing you the comfort and fulfillment you require for your spiritual growth.

"Desire My presence in your life more. Turn your focus to Me during your daily activities and you will be renewed time and again with what you need. The more you want of Me, the more you shall have until you have satisfied your longing for peace, comfort, love, patience--these are the qualities of spirit that I impart to you, and they are yours for the asking when you desire me. I gave you life that you should have it abundantly. Take it. It is yours, My beloved child! Come to Me and receive." The 11:11 Progress Group