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New page: Pittsburgh, PA Teacher Merium: "Whistle While You Work" Teacher Tomas: Intro, Q & A T/R's: Hunnah and Gerdean March 28, 1999 URANTIA BOOK STUDY: Paper 44, THE CELESTIAL ARTISANS ...
Pittsburgh, PA

Teacher Merium: "Whistle While You Work"

Teacher Tomas: Intro, Q & A

T/R's: Hunnah and Gerdean

March 28, 1999



#1. The Celestial Musicians

#2. The Heavenly Reproducers

Group: Celeste, Leah, Evangel, Hunnah, Angus, Gerdean, Hester and Elyssia

TOMAS: Glorious day to you all. I am Tomas.

GROUP: Greetings, Tomas.

TOMAS: Today is the day we acknowledge Jesus riding upon the ass, and also today is a day, the day that we begin a new season, and as in any new season and new beginnings, it will take a while to get into the flow, the harmony. Your session today is very much like the new season of the orchestra -- new players, new energies, and new expectations of what to play. Your instruments are rusty and your capacity is nearly deleterious, so now that we are all here in the orchestra pit, we are going to focus our attention on The Master Conductor and allow Him to introduce to us some new music.

What a wonderful Paper you have been studying, learning about the music of the spheres and about harmony and the like. Wonderful lessons to take to heart, for now you know that true music is not limited to notes and noise, but is in fact also a configuration of energy, and in this new season I will remind you again of the merits of beginning your sessions with a moment of stillness in which you may harmonize your own soul with the chords of Paradise, for it is in this solemnity of trust that you will play your notes when you are given your cue; we will be able to practice and become perfect in making music and singing songs for The Master; in giving forth our music we will become a siren song for those who hear with ears to hear our melodies.

I would like to give Merium an opportunity to exercise you somewhat with a piece. I will play second fiddle today. Merium, I know you are ready to go. I await your baton.

MERIUM: My baton this afternoon is a daffodil, and I do greet you all and appreciate your coming because the temptation to go out and run, play with the dog, and wipe down the windows is very strong. I would like to captivate– I almost have a butterfly net here– the word "peace" and Tomas said I would produce a piece. P-i-e-c-e or p-e-a-c-e? I would like to bring you a piece that will allude to peace.

This piece that I plan to perform will be one that I hope will incubate in you and produce a young, intelligent chick of sorts, a flower of sorts, or whatever is appropriately necessary for the activation of bringing you forward and outward and to be your best. The juices are up! I want you to be alert to your own environment, to watch the color of the bark of the tree. It will change and it will fascinate you. I want you to be aware of the change in the willows.

Not only will this parameter of amusement be with you, I want you also to be aware of the changes within yourself. This change that has been coming along when you least expected it. You have been so busy with your worldly concerns and relationships that you are not really aware of the stretch that you are about to be receiving. The jackets of protection and distraction are about to be brought back, like the shutters of a house that has been boarded up for the winter. The sun is going to stream in and you are going to see some dust and cobwebs because you have been playing.

It is time for spring cleaning, and in that will not be drudgery. It will be joyous. I understand that we have both male and female at the table so do not be fooled. The male's interpretation of this joy and responsibility will be upon him and his words will find/ his mind will find the definition of this expression that I am offering you this afternoon.

I am talking to you but there is no tangible nugget of any particular statement. I am moving among you as energy, as I am going to touch your creative juices and waken all the sleeping places that you are not aware of. You may even find yourself looking in the refrigerator with a smile on your face, and if you see that it needs cleaning, you won't even think about it; you will pick up the cloth and start wiping up, and perhaps break into tune.

"Whistle while you work!" will be the new state of affairs and work will be plentiful but also meaningful. Everyone you know will benefit from the changes in you. This group will resonate, vibrate and jazzercize because it is Spring and the juices are up.

I must tell you, whether you have to journey or whether you are in a cell of drudgery, the light and the play that is naturally yours is going to come forth, and it is going to be "recess" right in the presence of duty.

I have come to be as true to my form as possible. I am a four star encourager. I have chosen my young lady here because this is what gives her great pleasure; she is a tune of encouragement. It is a part of her work and she knows the price of resistance. She knows when she eyeballs something humanly as drudgery and labor, that it weakens her and destroys the music in her soul, so if you have any reluctance to go forth and whistle, come back. Come back into the silence. Call me. I will be there, and I will breathe this holy breath of mine upon your soul, and it will be invigorated. I want you not to dawdle, but perhaps if you wander off to smell the flowers, that will be a plus. This report card is going to be entirely different. This is indeed "Whistle while you work!" and it gives me great pleasure to bring you this message from this station here. Thank you very much.

TOMAS: Thank you, Merium, for the concertina. Inasmuch as all of you are light-hearted this afternoon, we are then in a pliant position and would entertain your questions or your commentary.

ELYSSIA: I hope you don't mind, but I was going to ask you. Did you see Jesus when he was coming down from Bethany and going down into Jerusalem? Were you able to see him on the planet then, Tomas, or did you see the movie about him that was really real?

TOMAS: I was not here, Elyssia. I have not been resident on Urantia. I don't come from Urantia, but I will certainly never forget it! I am assigned here now of a certainty and yet inasmuch as Michael is the Master Son and, as a child of his universe, I, as well as everyone, have taken a keen interest in his life here. When it was determined that I would be selected to this assignment, I was given many picturizations, pageantries if you will, depicting the evolution of your world and included was a re-enactment of the life of Jesus of Nazareth as well as his morontia ascent, and so I was not here at the moment, no, but as you were present in your being when you read the words and as you review it at times in your church services, I was certainly there when the stones themselves sang out to greet the Son. I felt the same feelings you felt, and so yes, I can say "I have seen."

ELYSSIA: Okay. When you talked with him, have you talked with him about it?

TOMAS: No, Elyssia, I have not. I suspect others have, but I have not utilized my time with Michael to discuss his personal bestowal here, outside of how it influences my work with you.

ELYSSIA: Did you ever ask him anything about his bestowal here that you could possibly relay to us?

TOMAS: Again, I have not conversed with The Master as to his personal life. I have limited my dealings with him -- or more correctly -- he has limited his dealings with me in terms of my assignment.

ELYSSIA: Thank you very much.

MERIUM: I would like to speak because I heard the words from Angus that have tweeked my friend here, so I have accepted this as an opportunity to speak and, of course, it's going to be in the realm of my specialty. He said to Evangel, "I feel well." He said "I feel" and in the terms of your socialization, to say that "I am fine" and "I feel well" can represent or be mistaken for just a social answer, but he said, "I feel" and there was an intelligent acceptance about who he was.

And when you carry forth this understanding of who you are, why you are and how you are, this developing reality, you are truly able to see it from, "I'm fine; how are you?" and not only will you say, "How are you?" you can know in your heart that they are much better than they think they are but it has not resonated to that part of their development to tell them, "It is time to celebrate!"

I want you to also think about something else, because this holiday is a mixed bag. It is of agony and ecstacy, an agony of misunderstanding and the ecstacy of the truth of one's being. The agony. There is scripture that states: "You visited me when I was in prison." How? How could we know if we were visiting you? How did we visit you when you were in prison?" Let me tell you, and let me have you all be very alert because I don't ever want you to forget this, everyone is in Christ. The fact that they are masked in garb and in intelligence and in health will constantly be nailing another bar into the truth of their being. Who else is going to be able to burst the prison doors if it is not you sitting at this table?

This is indeed, not a responsibility of yours, but a natural expression of warmth that will create a melt-down as never before. You are going to connect -- whether it be by eyes or mouth -- and you are going to be able to allow yourself to do the Father's work. "Knowest thou Me." I am moving that statement into a New Age statement. "Who do people say I am?" A politician? A teacher? A laborer? A school drop-out? A naughty child? Who am I? Who is anyone here who is throwing balm at each other? Who lives here at the rightful, divine, inherited Prince of Peace's among you all? You are as the great one who came to you and lived a life of agony and ecstacy. He did not have journals or artisans to leave you; he did not leave his words on every little piece of paper or have his picture taken so that you would never forget the look on his face. It is up to you to find the face looking out at you from the bars. This sounds very theatrical, but in essence, it is possible, it is true and it is appropriate because you are living between two worlds -- the agony and the ecstacy. How do you feel? Ah, who is going to answer that question? "Oh, I had a terrible night. I didn't get any sleep." How do you feel? An opportunity to reply, "I am fine, thank you. It's going to be a good day" and if you've done your homework, if you have prepared, filled your cup with resilience, you will be able to go forth and have a better day for everyone, because you will carry the living truth in you -- your look, your smile, your very gesture, the movement of your hands. Everyday will have magic in it, whether you have a mundane job or whether you have the potential of being distracted beyond belief, you will catch the moment of refreshment. Thank you. Thank you Angus, thank you Hunnah for paying attention, thank you Evangel for questioning. Thank you, all of you, for being open and receptive and willing. Do not be distracted. Keep your priority. It is of utmost importance. It is the Father's will that you celebrate the ecstacy. Thank you.

CELESTE: There is a song in the church. "There is a joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart." Really, I think that no matter what happens to you, you have that joy.

EYSSIA: Tomas, you told us last week about new beginnings and so I was going to tell that to my little class but they were disbursed today so I thought I would save that until next week, but I was thinking about that for my own sake, that you can face new beginnings, so I guess I'll be talking about that as the months go on. I was ready for that, thanks to you. You don't have to fear plunging ahead into new things when you have the kind of grounding that you have given us.

TOMAS: I am heartened. Indeed this is true. And you do well to take these lessons that you will teach your children and wear them for yourself, for in wearing them and in experiencing them, in realizing the value of them, then you are sharing your value with your students. You come across more as a companion and a friend than an instructor, and they will respond more fully to the truth of your being than they will to mere academic words.

The new beginnings are, of course, in honor of spring, a season you have long awaited, but these fresh days also depict newness within in your faith path, in your housecleaning, in your ministry, in your adventures, in your celebrating, in your meditations and in your efforts. Each day is a new beginning if you keep it fresh. Specifically, however, this spring has been a long time coming and it promises to be a most fascinating year, so indeed, throw off your jackets and throw open the windows and let the fresh air pour in, into your hearts, into your minds, into your souls, even into your very beings, that new seeds may be planted, new growth may come into existence, that will help feed you through next winter and its incredible celebration.

ELYSSIA: [Indistinguishable] and certainly with faith we can do that.

TOMAS: With faith, you dare not do otherwise, for you will become stagnant, crystallize, and die.

ELYSSIA: But our culture doesn't each us how to struggle on in confidence or to have the faith to do it.

TOMAS: This upsurgence of faith is just now getting under way. Your religions of tradition have long held fast to what was. They have not been forerunners like we are seeing these days. For many generations your evolved religions plodded on, maintaining a civilization that enabled these times to come into being.

CELESTE: That was good, wasn't it?

TOMAS: It was appropriate, yes. Your scriptures would indicate something to the effect of that there is a time for this and a time for that. There is a time to be still and a time to shoot forward. The quiet dormancy of winter is a way of letting everything know that when conditions are ripe, the change is appropriate, and so now we see Merium's daffodil and we see the dawn of the new age, because we have known the long, dark winter. It is time to emerge from this long germination. You are going to be taking a giant step forward in evolution. It is going to make the traditionalists very nervous.

CELESTE: But it will happen anyway.

TOMAS: Like a child, it cannot help but grow. You cannot keep a child an infant; it will soon be crawling, walking and running, needing new shoes every time you turn around, eating voraciously. The same is true of this new era. Your toddler status is well upon us, and you are having a great deal of fun in the sandbox, playing with your toys and amusing each other, making friends.

ELYSSIA: [Indistinguishable] . .. struggle, spiritual struggle, according to the accounts.

TOMAS: I assume you are talking about the Garden of Gethsemane.

ELYSSIA: Yes, it is a normal wrestle when you consider giving up that which you have known, and in particular when you know it's going to be agonizing. No one likes pain. The human spirit does not want to die. And so even though he was, of course, aware that his time here was brief and that he needed to move on to attain sovereignty of his universe and all the wonderful things that were due him as a result of his accomplishments, even so, it is not easy to lay down your life.

I have a sense that he was not so much lured by the glory of the resurrection at that point as he was in clinging to Our Father for comfort and strength to withstand the moment at hand. One of the things about the toddler in the sandbox is that it doesn't think about pain, and you young souls don't like to think about pain either, but often pain is a part of the growing. Many times it requires affliction to learn wisdom. It is a mark of wisdom when you have attained a level of operation that allows you to experience difficult, painful, irksome and worrisome situations without becoming debilitated or depleted.

Much like Merium said, if you can learn to take them in stride -- not to deny that they happen! -- but to approach them with such an attitude that you know you will get through it, you will learn something from it. You will have accomplished something by it. When Jesus in the garden grappled with this question of death, of dying, when he allowed himself to accept the cup, he was made to feel that peace which passes all understanding. He had committed himself. Once he had made the decision, he was at peace, and he had all the strength of all the superuniverses to see him through. It is therefore that moment where you face the difficulty in fear that is the hardest part, for once you accept that it will be difficult, it becomes easy. Well, not easy, but do-able, because you don't have to do it alone. The decision you have to make alone, but the action provides accompaniment. Agony and ecstacy, indeed!

ELYSSIA: When he took on, I guess it was Satan, early in his career -- he knew that he was going to have to do that, and -- I guess he prepared for that by being alone with the Father in the mountains before he took that particular task on; is that correct?

TOMAS: More or less. Jesus was in constant contact with the Father. In fact, he had been blessed by the Father, by his decisions and his actions in accepting his divinity status. He was even at that point fully authorized to deal with Lucifer, which he did, and in part reserved judgment to others, for even in this situation the Master Son, who created Lucifer, could not condemn him to death, could not judge him, but gave him to the Father for the Father's judgment. I point that out as a footnote to our recent lessons on mercy.

ELYSSIA: Well the way the Book portrays it, it was a tremendous struggle. I've always been interested in that. I wish you could talk to us about what kind of a struggle it was because I really didn't quite understand that part of the Book.

TOMAS: I will tell you what. Let's have a real assignment. I would like for you all to do a comparative analysis, a scholarly approach. Very vital material. Read from the Bible the biblical account, or accounts, of the scene and read also from the Urantia Book of the scene wherein Jesus allegedly says, "Get thee behind me" when Satan allegedly offers all of the kingdoms of earth if Jesus will bow down before him. I want you to study this.

ELYSSIA: Didn't I remember that the Urantia Book said that was an erroneous description of that? But there's another account where Lucifer comes and they struggle.

TOMAS: That's why I want you to do a study, so that we can all intelligently understand our resources. The Teaching Mission is a wonderful vehicle and the relationship that you have in the spirit with the Father and with his agents, indeed with each other as brothers and sisters in this living kingdom is a very fine accomplishment and on-going endeavor, and we are extremely pleased by its contagion and progressability, but I don't want you to overlook your academics.

If you are going to be engaging intelligently with people in conversation about belief systems, about theology, about philosophy, then you need to have your wits about you. You need to have both sides of your brain engaged. You need to be able to stand up to the scrutiny of your detractors by being well-versed in what you believe to be true.

We will begin our new season, then, with this assignment. It's a good one.

HESTER: Tomas, can I ask something?

TOMAS: Yes, Hester.

HESTER: For the last few weeks, I've been noticing the curves of the branches of bare trees, and it is amazing how smoothe they are against the sky. Here it's very pronounced, but at my place, as I drive along the roads I see it, and I'm wondering - is the wind the real artist in this carving?

TOMAS: The wind is not the only artist in this carving, Hester. The trees themselves are taught to grow. They know how high to reach.

HESTER: They are so graceful.

TOMAS: Indeed.

Dear ones, I am going to sign off. Merium, would you like to round out our day?

HUNNAH: I'm off the air.

TOMAS: Very well. Be mindful of your flock when you go out to meet with them this week, this Holy Week. Remember all of the influence that is coming into the minds eye of humanity -- all of the aesthetic influences of the Easter season. Please try to pole vault over the Easter bunny and remember the true meaning behind this holiday: the resurrection, the eternal life that can be had and will be known by sons and daughters of Our Father. Rejoice in the life. Amen and farewell.

GROUP: Thank you,

Tomas. Farewell.

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