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Topic: Finding Fellowship Important

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am quite touched by your offerings and your willingness to partake of truth, beauty and goodness. I find the spirit of man fascinating in that there are so many facets of the human heart and mind. I have learned a great deal in this particular summer. I have been allowed to visit with you each from time to time and I understand that every day, for some, is not a day for thoughts of our Father – it is likened to malnutrition.


In the obligations of your lives and what your eyes can see can sometimes take priority over feeding the spirit and this is why we have taught stillness and promoted the text in the Urantia Papers. We, as teachers, have helped to feed your spirits for many years and this summer was an experiment of sorts to see if our students can feed themselves. This is not to be insulting but to gain knowledge in teaching styles and really we are still learning about the connections with the human brain-mind to the cosmic mind.

There are so many angles in this experiment in that what mans eyes can see becomes more important than the commitment to understanding meanings and values and believe me, it is perfectly acceptable. It is your path to take. I am not to say it is right or wrong. I am saying I am truly touched and intrigued by the spirit of man. I can say over our many years we have taught the importance of finding meaning in experiences and becoming more honest with the self and advancing as a budding spirit and a child of God’s.

I can see from our break during the summer that you are finding out how important the fellowship is. It is comforting to know you are among other believers and truth-seekers. It is comforting to know that you have a real connection to the Kingdom. Our fellowship is what tells us that what is before our eyes could be quite misleading and that through one another we can enliven the spirit. The world of today is full of illusions and without fellowship, study or stillness we begin to believe in the illusions and then when we are disillusioned by discovering truth, then there is a great chance to become bitter or angry, many times at God. We can see in this human frailty there is no lesson, no meaning, just simply learning to endure or exist.

Father gave you one another so that you may have truth and happiness. In love there is abundance, there is the ability to look beyond what the eyes can see to a curiosity or drive to find out what the spirit can see. You know that your Brother/Father would like to be included in your fellowship and would love to know your thoughts and help you to learn what meanings may be presented in each experience. How appropriate on this day to think of Christ Michael as a Friend, a fellow traveler, a Brother, one who loves you beyond your comprehension, one who finds joy in your personality, your outlook on the human experience.

He does organize the experiences of mortals with the cosmic mind and Supreme Being. He is fatherly in the way that He cares for His children and desires for each one to advance, therefore He must pursue His obligations to help you to learn. Also, your experience to the Supreme Being must be defined by Michael and then sort of reprogrammed to go back to the planet in new and advanced lessons. It is the desire of Michael, our Spirit of Truth, to be as close with you as possible so that He can fulfill His obligations and also He simply loves you dearly.

In your fellowship, know that Michael is among you and asks that you forget not that He is at your side with the spiritual nutrition required for the growing soul. In your absence from spiritual practice, forget not that Michael is informal and needs not special time and place—simply your mind to be quiet and rise above what the eyes can see. To be without spiritual practice is a soul sickness that affects every area of life. There will not be real joy, happiness, love or meanings and values.


On this occasion let us go from our gathering with the intention to befriend Michael and add Him into our social circle, as well as our private minds.

Mary sends her love and know that we are not far off. We are asking you to forget not to feed the spirit. Let us go from here with the fullness of fellowship, friendship and love. Go in peace. Until next time—shalom.