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Topic: Practice Enables Fulfillment

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is such a pleasure for me to see your beautiful faces. I am honored to be with such individuals who are with integrity and good intentions. From my position I can know you without really speaking to you. I can feel, so to speak, the person that you really are. I can see how you each have tried to help in some way to make someone else’s life better. I believe that is key to our Correcting Time. You each have desire to be of service and set the examples that you have learned over your years of believing.


I have found in my own experience that teaching others has helped me to become a better person, a better teacher. I have always opportunity to use these skills I have learned over my years of faith and I am able to maintain these skills because I put them to practice. I know that many times the mortal spirit can feel like a wanting child and the child can look in many places for fulfillment. I know that the individual willing to put forth effort to teach or use their spiritual skills are with fulfillment.

During times of stillness or spiritual study, it is an excellent time to look up to the Father and allow your spirit to be nourished by His love and wisdom. Then there is a time when we are in social circles and need to practice the spiritual skills that we have learned or set the example that Christ has taught us. As I take in spiritual study or nourishment, I am with desire to help my fellows. I have supreme joy in spreading the good news and fellowshipping with the many individuals, seen and unseen.

We cannot take our spiritual education seriously if we hold it within and not allow ourselves to be known. There are circumstances every day where we can use what we have learned to help others draw closer to the Spirit within. We can take the example of Nalda and Jesus at the well. As we picture the Master, we can see He did not put on airs, nor did He wear a different personality – Jesus was Jesus. When we picture Nalda, she was not her true self but a creature looking to meet some sort of needs. She was acting upon her more animal-like skills than spiritual skills.

As the Master confronted her with truth she was able to drop her façade and draw closer to the Spirit within. How simple is this story and yet so profound. It took not a lot of effort on the part of the Master. He was simply being Himself and having been full of the love of the Father, He wanted to reach out. Deep down most individuals would desire a gentle truth and we know that Jesus was skilled at providing a gentle truth, allowing others to figure out issues for themselves. He trusted in His fellows to have some intelligence. He was encouraging and always showed Himself to be with individuals—not against them, sort of like a coach, meaning that we are all playing for the same team.

I know each one of you are spiritually skilled and sometimes have hesitation to use what you have learned. I would encourage you to be like the Master at the well. No façade, filled with the love of God and the desire to do His bidding and good works. I believe you would find great joy in passing along what you have learned. This generates meanings and values and a closeness with the Father.


That is all for this evening. Mary sends her regards and will be with us next time. Talk amongst yourselves if there is a desire for questions and we can handle that situation when we meet again. Know that our love is always growing for each one of you. Carry on. Until next time, Shalom.