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Topic: Step Forward & Act

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers, Jonathan



Machiventa (Mark TR):...in this manner, in this fashion of our development. I am Machiventa, and I welcome this opportunity to commune with you regarding the affairs of the spirit kingdom so soon to be at hand.


The time draws near when we will be granted many opportunities that will be presented to us wherein we might step forward and act. We have engaged in these long periods of sharing and learning universal truths and principles, and now that we have become familiar with them it will be asked of us that we share that which we know with others. This privilege afforded us is one that is a joy to bear the burden. This process before us will bring us the satisfaction of returning some of the great gifts that have been given to us in the awareness we have come to learn of the spirit realm.

When I reflect on the processes we have developed in being able to communicate even in this hour, I am encouraged that this next phase of co-creativity will be equally as successful as the benefits we have enjoyed from our efforts so far. Our future progress in this mission now will come to be more clearly defined by yourselves, as we will await your cue to initiate our spirit response. Rely on your intuitive sense of how to proceed then put yourself in motion, and at that point we may function more closely together as we direct your movement.

I offer these words of encouragement today that you simply engage in movement and trust in faith that your actions will be guided as a response to your willing desire, and let nature take its course. The entire plan of progression is not left up to you, but the very beginning of this grand plan is yours to play out. We are not enabled in our mandate to cause the initial phases, as it must be reflective of a desire of those who are engaged to begin.

It pleases me so greatly to observe the diligence with which you, my eager students, report for duty. You know not what is before you, yet you eagerly offer the assistance we require. It is this faith in allowing this process that enables us to manifest these realities. Therefore we begin with you and your action. We work from that point outward and upward. Together in partnership we may lead and follow and follow and lead.

Thank you for hearing my words today. I look forward to your participation in whatever capacity we may find in the hour we are together.


Jonathan: Could you comment on waiting for our cues that then you would come to service? Any hints on specific cues? Are we generating them as we rally to do something? Stillness and prayer, are these cues for you?

Machiventa: Our cues are determined by your orientation of mind toward spirit relationship, and this is determined in part by your practices of prayer or stillness or focus or calmness. These factors help to bring about this condition of mind-spirit orientation. But it is not a matter that need happen in the instance of action, but rather an enduring attitude of willingness to cooperate in spiritual affairs and acceptance of acting in the presence of spiritual unawareness. These are the characteristics required to enable us to access your willingness at the appropriate time.

It is well known, of course, to your Thought Adjuster your condition of being, your state of mind, your preparedness of soul. These are qualities that are not misinterpreted and therefore provide us with all we need to know as to your overall willingness. It is as well helpful to maintain a constant vigilance of preparedness for spirit infusion. This spirit infusion can only be provided upon the condition of the active and willing participation for this exchange to occur in that hour. Therefore, you can effectively derive some immediate benefit from your prayer to connect with spirit and as well develop your long-term attitude toward spirit contact as well. Is this informative?

Jonathan: Yes, thank you very much. I am encouraged by your saying to be on the lookout for not only situations that are spiritual but things that are unspiritual as well. I tend to let slide situations that aren't right rather than rise to the occasion. You and our other ministering friends will help us out.

Machiventa: One more perspective I would provide, and that is that upon final analysis there are no situations imaginable which can not be infused with spiritual content. In your observations and through your growth as developing spiritual beings you now look out upon your world and can judge which circumstances can contain more or less spirit content, because you have all become familiar with the arena of spirit. I say to you today, the next challenge before us is to bring spirit content into where it is needed. Having the ability to assess the spirit content involved in any situation carries with it the inherent opportunity to be the corridor for the infusion of spirit content into the area in question. I grant that each one of you is becoming masterful at this determination of where spirit is and where it is not present. Therefore lie your opportunities when you see the lack of spirit content presented before you, perhaps your challenge for today, perhaps your challenge in this life's existence.


Michael (Jonathan): I am here among you, I am Michael. I hold you in my arms, you my children. It is a great joy to have you so familiar with my presence, so accepting of my assistance, so welcoming of my other children who cross through your lives who seek the light that you know; the nourishment I have to give to them you offer. Machiventa has spoken today of your role in our mission. You are authorized by me to function associated with my melchizedek helpers and all other spirit beings who have enlisted in this service to Urantia. It is my authority that empowers each participant. I sanction all that occurs that is progressive in uplifting Urantia, in infusing this wonderful world with a greater sensitivity of our Father and a closer harmony in relationship and function with Father through His spirit presence in each of you. Count yourself among us on the staff of this mission. You have only one important credential, and that is that you are my child and that I have accepted you. That is the only qualification you need. All else is bestowed by grace through training, and I am certain of the qualities, character, and abilities of all teachers sent to you for assistants. May the warm love we feel gathered in conscious awareness of each other be spread abroad to all everywhere through each touch, through every smile. I love you all.