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(New page: SUBJECT: LIGHTLINE TELECONFERENCE 7-05-07 ADJUSTER SERIES TEACHERS: THE VOICE, MONJORONSON T/R: MARK ROGERS Prayer: Divine Parents, once again we assemble our circle of light. We bring...)
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Prayer: Divine Parents, once again we assemble our circle of light. We bring to this arena our intention to come closer to You and approach You in this hour, we bring our faith. We bring our trust that we are engaged correctly with You in this process. We would lay down our doubts and uncertainties that may inhibit our approach and bring ourselves to You completely exposed and open to what You would bring to us in this hour. Certainly You know all things and therefore You know of our intentions in this process but nevertheless I would state that we have a desire in this hour to reach out for You in ways that are not yet second nature to us, in ways we are learning and experimenting and discovering throughout this process and we trust that this is appropriate, that this even pleases You as we broaden our arena in which we may join together. Thank You for this glorious opportunity to interface with You in this fashion and the opportunity this presents us to be brought closer to You, to be lifted up in this process, to be made more aware and now we will settle into our posture of receptivity, of open-mindedness, of willingness to embrace that which You would bring us. Join us in this effort and help us where our capacities may need increased and be with us throughout to comfort us and guide us. Thank You.

The Voice: To those of you who assemble here in this hour I would respond to your petition to bring you that which you seek, that which you are finding in this very hour. I rise to the occasion; I am this one's voice. I would lead you in an exercise at your request and with your approval; an exercise designed to cultivate your experience of the partnership that you already enjoy with your own individual voices lest you would not be here to hear these words.

It was mentioned in the dialog previous that it may be uncertain or difficult to ascribe words of truth, words of beauty, visions of goodness to your individual thought adjuster, voice, I am, me presence as you would so declare. You are so involved in a groove which may be seen as a rut in your attempting to listen for an outside influence to hear such words through your auditory input and recognize them as distinctly different; perhaps different in tone or inflection or nature but you are seeking to be impressed by an otherness which is so distinct as to be incontrovertible.

But my dear ones you are looking in the wrong place. You are overlooking your everyday interface that you enjoy with your onboard partner. When you are flushed with thoughts that represent high spiritual awareness you are hearing from your voice. When you experience great conviction about your direction of the hour you are in partnership with your thought adjuster. When you are in contemplation of higher ways and divine principles it is then that you are hand in hand with your inner voice because it is not possible for you to do these things or think these things or be inspired by these things or come to such magnificent realizations in the absence of your indwelling voice.

You are not there alone nor have you been since your earliest cognitive memories; in fact your partner is constantly whispering in your ear, leading your soul, inspiring your hearts, offering you direction, fostering your intention, comforting you when you have fallen. Every exchange that goes on inside the citadel of your mind has some flavor of your inner voice, contains some tone of the Father fragments; in fact, contained in your everyday activities are all the answers that you seek, all that you yearn for is in process of being brought to you by your inner voice.

You may look around you for your entire existence and seek to find these things outside of you and you will look right through what you are seeking in order to grasp that which you are so eagerly searching for because you do not believe it to be that close. It must be something grander, it must be something of greater magnitude, something of undeniable characteristics; but I tell you, you function in partnership every day on a regular basis and it is a matter of focus for you to see what you are looking for. Your gaze is addressed too far; you need to be searching your immediate environment that is your own vessel, your own individual self.

It is the two of you that are in partnership and look out upon the rest of the world side by side and you simply need to turn your gaze inward and look at your own crew that is aboard your vessel. And so I bring you an exercise, an experiment if you will. If I can muster the support of my partner in the flesh. I sense he has reservations about any such formal proclamations but as well I know him as well, perhaps even better than he knows himself and I am certain that he has the conviction and the faith necessary to proceed to overcome the shadows of doubt that may pass.

If you would attempt to follow this imagery, picture yourselves around this circle forming this energy circuit. Each one of you is making your contribution to this living energy system that is now circulating around, between, among you as if you were gathered around a campfire. Your desires which are your combined desires, yours and your onboard partners, have brought you to this circle. You may not acknowledge that there was partnership involved in bringing you here but I assure you, you would not be here otherwise and as you have chosen to follow this inspiration, to accept this leading, you are now among us in this constellation of light beings and we are encircuited in this moment through the sheer act of our wills to have it so.

Having created this circuitry, there is in the center of our circle, in the center of our circuit, a combined force, an energy that results because we each individually support and foster this energy. This energy vortex, this merkaba that we form in this moment has the potential to be directed out to any one of us by virtue of the web that we have formed in constructing this living energy circuit. And now I ask that each one of you, internally, provide your permission, perhaps even formulate your request to allow this circuitry to provide you with the enhancement of your capacity to receive.

We are building our capacities throughout this process and today we give our permission, we grant the latitude to be flooded with this combined spiritual presence. If you each one would offer this as a premeditated offer of acceptance then you may be more in the posture to receive. Having plugged ourselves in this way we may access the entire energy unit. It may flow to each of us through the web, to all of us who will make space for such to transpire. Now, speaking as this one's voice but for the combined sentiment of all the inner voices present here I would make petition that you allow for the overlay of the additional circuitry between all of the partners onboard who are here with us in this circle.

All of these Father fragments are encircuited as well and can prove beneficial in strengthening our intended circuits. And so collectively we join together to open up these avenues of connection and simply sit for one moment and receive.............

It is well that you position yourself to receive and to acknowledge with gratitude these connections, perhaps even to take into your prayers and your stillness your petition to receive, to accommodate, to even perceive when this is transpiring. This is another exercise designed to bring you awareness and foster your understanding. Sometimes your reception may be in the form of insights, other times it may be in the form of a calm peace that pervades your space. Other times you may have flashes of wisdom. Most of the time you are so linked with the dialog occurring back and forth that you are unable to distinguish between thoughts originating solely within your mind and the many thoughts that are a combination of patterns in your mind and spirit infusion.

Do not trouble yourselves with the activity of attempting to make such distinction because in your effort to delineate where you leave off and your voice begins you are in the process of bringing restriction into the relationship for as soon as you define what is transpiring you are no longer an active partner but you are an observer; you have removed yourself from the partnership so that you may observe it and therefore the partnership changes and that which you observe has been altered or vanishes. A key component in your ongoing development of this partnership is trust in yourselves.

The Father trusts you, your Divine Parents trust you, the ones who often do not trust you are yourselves. There is significant self doubt that clouds your ability to trust yourselves as you would trust another who you perceive to be more qualified or better connected. Each time this happens you are looking once again outside for what you are truly seeking which is inside. You have declared that it is absent and you are seeking it in your search out there. I invite you to consider that. Make every attempt to have your trust and faith as your guides. This may be a stretch for you to consider that you too can be divine, can manifest these characteristics of divinity but this is the plan that is unfolding before your very eyes and in your very experience.

If you tell yourselves that you have not found it then you will continue in that posture of not having found it. If you convince yourselves that it may take a long time then it most certainly will take a long time. If you have convinced yourself that it may not happen until the mansion worlds then by all means have it your way. You are the ones creating the how, the when, the under what circumstances you will embrace this truth. This is not ordained from on high as to the how, the where, the when and under what circumstances. You are the ones calling the shots and determining whether you are ready, how willing you are, if it is your time, if you may qualify and if you are ready to assume the posture of one who is in partnership with divinity.

The amusing thing from our perspective is that of course, you already are in partnership with divinity and that the many fruits of this are apparent and evident in your lives and yet you still wonder if it is true and doubt that it can be. But your life experiences are bringing you to a place of consideration that this is so and it can be that it is in fact, on a regular basis. This exercise tonight is one more step we take in this process of elevating your awareness. After the part you play, what is your role, how do you function, what does it look like, feel like, sound like; when in fact it looks like exactly what you look like, it sounds exactly how you sound, it feels like what we are experiencing in this very moment.

It is not a far off attainment that we strive for and fall short of. No, we are arriving at our destination at this moment. We are here now, it is only for you to wake up to your new surroundings, to your new composition, to feel your new selves and to identify that your sensations you have experienced throughout your past have all contained these tones, these vibrations, these aspects of your higher self, of your indwelling voice, of your Father fragment.

I am grateful for this opportunity to foster your understanding and awareness one more step further down this road. I realize that these concepts and this level of awareness represent significant effort on your part to try and understand, try and be and so I honor your efforts. I recognize the fruits of your spirits that have brought you here and I cherish the opportunity to tend such a magnificent garden of fruitful vines. I would step down from this podium and allow others the use of such a magnificent arena as you provide through your willful intention and desire else it would not be so. Thank you and we will meet again in this place of spirit to take more steps in this process. Thank you.

Monjoronson: I would access this forum. I am Monjoronson and I would remind you of something you well know, that we are an experimental planet and as such we are ever trying new avenues offering experiments where we may test the waters and determine fruitful courses of action in our attempts to develop spiritual awareness. Such an exercise as was presented this evening represents another example of our cocreative partnership; that is we may design all the experiments that we like but without participants who are eager to take our challenges we would have no opportunity to conduct such exercises and present such experimental processes.

As participants in this process, you are equal contributors with us. We look to you to see the effectiveness of our attempts, our different approaches and you provide us the necessary feedback to then foster a given approach or perhaps redesign and try again. There are many who consider that elements of spirit are certainly beyond their control, beyond their capacity to impact or affect, that they are reacting to what happens in the spiritual dimension without having any effect. But this as you are coming to learn is not how it works. Spirit never forces, divine wisdom never dominates; rather it must be chosen, it must be followed.

It may lead, but without followers it is as nothing. So I invite you each to consider for a moment the role that you have in relationship to this Magisterial Mission where I come to you in this hour and petition your assistance. You are necessary components of the team and it is required that we work together in this process in order to manifest these new potential ideals. When we experience success, when we find something that works we will foster and pursue those avenues and your participation here tonight represents the success that we have both fostered of this very format we are engaged in this moment.

It takes all aspects for such a process as this to come to fruition. There is divine will, there is mandate from on high, there is a level of instructors even such as myself who follow such divine mandate, there are preparations made, there are lessons developed and then there is you, part of our team. All that we do hinges on completing the circuit of partnership. We could make all the lesson plans we desired and if there were no one calling in to hear them then we would not meet with success in our attempt to bring all these universal ideals, these mandates, these lessons all the way down to the material realm.

They must be taken by you, they must be embraced by you, our earthly partners in order to be made real, they are nothing but potential otherwise. It is when you take up the charge, when you embrace the cause, when you act in faith that then we have scored, we have made a goal, we have experienced success. Likewise is it with your continued efforts to grow closer to your indwelling fragments. All the preparations can be made, all the suggestions can be offered, all the divine inspiration may be brought to bear but with no one to choose, no one to accept, no one to bring to life these choices and options, then they remain suspended as potentials.

So I ask you to consider in these next weeks until we meet again, the roles that you play in this process. You are our grounding rods to materialism. It is through you that the spirit charge will surge; likewise you are the material complement to your inner voices. It is through your own thoughts and actions and lives that your indwelling voice will be made real, will be made present in the material realm. So if you see yourselves as already encircuited in partnership, already functioning in this capacity, then perhaps you will grant yourself the liberty and the freedom to assume the posture of ones who are in partnership with divinity, individually in partnership with divinity and as well volunteers in this Magisterial Mission offering your services in partnership with divine will as I am.

Thank you my dear ones for your creating this space where we may exchange in this way. We are creating other avenues of exchange as we go along and we will foster and promote these and you will even in your lives perceive that new avenues are made available to you, that new approaches are opened up as your willingness will allow. Thank you my partners, your inner voice thanks you for your partnership even in your relative unawareness nevertheless you function in partnership. Even in this Magisterial Mission and in relative unawareness nevertheless you function in partnership already, even now, and I thank you each one for the contribution you make. It is vital, it is required. I would end my lesson for the day and would make room for any comments or questions that may be present in your hearts and minds at this time.

I will then assume that you are engaged in your thought patterns and perhaps chewing on concepts and I will honor your process. Once again I leave you with my affection for your efforts that have brought you to this place and offer you my assurance that you are on the right track. You have made great strides in your desire to find spirit, to be spirit and I foster these efforts and promote these undertakings even to the point of making myself available for these cherished meetings and as well offering my services to you individually to be approached. There are avenues of expression we may develop between each one of us wherein our partnership may be strengthened and our working relationship may be grown.

I would release you from this classroom. Perhaps there would be some discussion between yourselves if there is no discussion between us at this time. I honor your process and will respect your approach. Thank you and farewell.