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New page: Daynal Institute Topic: An Expanding Concert Teachers: Ham, Monjoronson, MIchael July 10, 2007 Ham (Tiahuan TR) : Greetings my dear friends! This is Ham. I am glad to be here with yo...
Daynal Institute

Topic: An Expanding Concert

Teachers: Ham, Monjoronson, MIchael

July 10, 2007

Ham (Tiahuan TR) : Greetings my dear friends! This is Ham. I am glad
to be here with you as ever.

This is a stretch for this one to offer his service in the context of
those he does not know so well. Bear with him, and we will explore
together that which we know is the gift of our opportunity to enjoin
one another in this moment of communion with our Source,
communicating with one another by means that you are growing more
familiar with each day.

You have wondered how it is that we could disband, seemingly, and yet
you know I am present along with my fellow teachers working with you
in this process of reclamation. You are the ones who are doing the
work on the ground. I would encourage you along with my fellows, but
remember that nothing is more precious than the work of the world in
which you live in this moment. In all of your aspirations to
understand and advance in your orientation in this cosmos that is
becoming more vivid in your awareness, remember how precious is the
moment of your present struggle. This is the moment we have been
waiting for; this present time that you have carried with you and
will carry forward in the course of your ascension.

Many have desires well placed, seemingly, goals, objectives, agendas,
and tasks to perform. The tension you experience in your desire for
achievement and rest in the composure of communion is an ever-present
creative tension designed for the purpose of creating the sound of
love. All of you in various ways are making this music. Many of you
know this in the course of your trade as it were, your art. Let me
assure you that you have many helpers well attuned to each of your
specific life plans. Do not hesitate to cultivate a greater
familiarity with these personalities that are discretely devoted to
your ascension knowing that your personal path is indivisibly woven
in the tapestry of the larger group whether it be your family, your
city, your country, your world, or the Universe of universes.

You are at home here, and when you forget in the course of your
labor, when you lose your balance, and your tune is dissonant, simply
return to where you know you are fully present, that you are fully
aware of how much you are loved, and what a privilege it is to extend
this love that you share.

May I hear from you? What thoughts would you share, what hopes would
you bare and allow them to be bathed in this light we are?

If you are ease and would rest still, there is another who would
extend his blessing.

Monjoronson: Greetings my friends! This is one you know as
Monjoronson. You have heard much and perhaps wondered more where we
are, what we are doing, and where we are going. Many of you have
listened with sincere questions, concerns about your world, your
loved ones, friends, extended acquaintances. I would address these
knowing that you represent many others who lovingly share these

Your world is being reborn. You are witnessing around you much of the
mess that attends any birth, and those who have borne children, who
have witnessed the apparent peril of this passage know that joy
eclipses fear upon seeing the face of your beloved child. In this
child that you are birthing together, you are making love present.
This child, an evolving expression of Supremacy, a particular
expression on a planetary scale, and yet one shared in the many
worlds formerly isolated by rebellion; this child we behold, and like
parents who are in awe of the beauty of this moment, we stand in
reverence of the glory of our Father living in and through us, but
you in particular in this moment. You cannot see this child with the
eyes of flesh, but you can and do feel the tenderness of his
presence. Her beauty is one that softens every heart. It is the
beauty of a people who have grown to see themselves in this same
child, a child of spirit destiny co-created by yourselves working
with us.

We would function more as midwives than managers of a planet. Your
labor exemplifies the courage of Agondonters, and when you grow
troubled by the pain that suddenly streaks across your body upon this
world, remember your beloved stands close at hand, holding your hand,
caressing your face, if you will, massaging every limb to assist you
in delivering this child of destiny.

There are many here that come with me and are present, and who are
entering more deeply your consciousness, and as we do, our
materialization becomes increasingly evident in your lives. There are
those in the Teaching Mission that you know and have grown to know so
well who are perhaps troubled by an apparent change of focus. Let me
clarify that the focus is upon the transformation of each soul and
yet simultaneously your soul is linked to this child that you all
share, that I would, as your Magisterial Son, bring forth from within
your womb. You together carry this precious being. Each of you is a
parental contributor to this culture of planetary ascension.

There is no division among those who discern the same curriculum, the
same purpose of manifesting our Father’s love, but you in this world
have lacked the skills and capacity to gather yourselves in this
liberating solidarity to yield the glory of the shared life that is
the soul, the life that is the offspring of mind and spirit in each
and all. Each of us have our roles to play, but everyone who remains
focused upon this manifestation, showing forth our Father’s light,
contributes to this growing culture.

Be prepared to receive additional teachers, influences of which you
have not dreamed. Michael in his lavish love has prepared for you a
feast. Each of you brings something essential to this table of
communion. No one will be refused who desires to live in the love and
light we are.

Would any of you have in this moment questions of how my work shared
with so many who come with me functions together with those you have
known as members of this Teacher Corps?

Student 1: Monjoronson, are you suggesting perhaps a new teacher is
waiting for this group.

Monjoronson: There are those present now who are eager to join hands
with you. Yes.

Student 1: Would one of the Teachers want to address us?

Monjoronson: Let me say, that, yes these are eager. There are
restrictions inherent in all those we would utilize to reach you, but
these are being overcome. There is a tension in this one upon which
we must wait. Be patient.

Student 1: How can we facilitate communication?

Monjoronson: You are, by offering yourself, giving this one an
opportunity to practice growing in confidence.

Student 2: Monjoronson, is it correct to assume that your burgeoning
presence symbolizes or that this marks a new dispensation, and if so,
do we find ourselves right on the cusp of a new dispensation, and is
our role here to assuage the passage of one to the next?

Monjoronson: Yes, you are well invested in advancing in this new era
of open communication between yourselves and those who guide you.
Between your world and those who embrace it, and who hold it, with
whom you share this universe path of ascension. My presence betokens
one part of a gift prepared for you. There is more. You have received
much already. Be confident that you are proceeding well. You hear
better than you may know.

Michael: Dear children, this is your friend with whom you have
journeyed far. I await the opportunity to greet you in a manner that
will thrill your heart. I have walked upon your world. You know me as
your Creator; I am your friend, your brother, your father. My
Associate Son joins me along those of the Daynal Order who await
opportunities to teach you in concert with the gift of your
Magisterial Son.

Much awaits your discovery; much awaits the willingness of each to
open their hearts to the simplicity of our Father’s love poured out
upon you through every personality in every order of universe
assignment. You yourselves are part of this family. This is a mortal
sphere, and it will be you, seemingly the least of all my children,
who show the wisdom and glory of our Father’s faith living in and
through you.

Go in peace confident in your role, confident in love. See my Spirit
in the one with whom you stand, with whom you sit, with whom you
work. Allow yourself to see me increasingly dwelling in this precious
space you have opened this night, a present to give to all the world.
Thank you!

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