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Topic: You Are Essential

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: I AM, Gabriel

TR: Sunday Rain

Session 1


.I Am: "Step inside My Love, breathe in the blessings of life and savor the silence between your beating heart and Mine.

"Let Me ‘disclose My life-softening secrets’ across the canvass of your heart, for you to know that I Am who I say I Am.

"Blessed are those who continue to carry on in reverent search of Me, for you will find Me, and you will at last have that one true taste of milk and honey.

"Forget not child who you are, and what you mean to me. You are essential! You are as essential to Me as is the rain falling down to grace the land with new life! You are as essential to Me as is that sweet invisible touch upon the sleeping child’s cheek, for you play a part in bringing in the morning sun. You are the heavens and the earth, for you bear witness to Me in each and every movement of your soul.

"Believe. Quiet your mind, and allow Me to run free. I Am right here waiting to disclose all that I Am. Walk as a baby does, taking its first steps towards an incredible new journey!

"Listen to your Spirit Guides, as they so lovingly help show you the way. They are as essential as are you, and worthy of being classed to be of extraordinary merit, for these beautiful gifted beings are ever watchful and ever mindful as they keep you ‘in studious guard’ over the fragile ways of love."

Session 2

Washington State, US of A, April 11, 2006.


I Am: "With every given thought comes also a prompt initiated in the heart. The heart draws nigh to become closer to the moment as it expands in awareness of Love. Through holding on and listening, one’s strength; energy and ability, grow.

"If you were to forgive, and open your heart to all at this point of revived energy, you would indeed become more than you were. There is so much more to this relationship between the Father and you than you can possibly imagine. Try opening your locked heart. Without Love there is no key, and without the key, life will pass you by in a harried instant.

"Blessings arrive with the morning Sun. Each bird chirps tearfully tender towards the dawning of this new day. Listen, as mankind steps into his busy shoes to enter once again his hectic and demanding existence. This world filled with manmade ideas is an illusion. If it were left up to man’s ideas of existence, there would hardly be a moment left in which to catch your breath. Yet, your very own breath is the place where you have communion with Me, and ever since those very first moments of your birth.

"Can Time stand still and turn the tide, revealing the true intention of My glorious, bountiful splendor? Yes! Amidst the heartache and the cold, the confusion and the emptiness, the discouragement and the hopelessness, still My Song sings louder and stronger and sweeter, than all the rest! For I Am who I say I Am. Love, sweet children, Love!

"I Am the Power, which sees through all things, giving them succor, hope and delight.

"This is why the children are ever singing. They are still so very close to Me, enjoying the morning Sun full of Life. The way Life is meant to be. Lived!

"Be like the children and show your fellow kind just how fantastic life really is. Smile and laugh, giving understanding and reassurance to everyone you see. And meanwhile you will be living, truly living."

Session 3

Washington State, US of A, April 25, 2006. Subject: "True Integrity."


I Am: "Love is a peculiar phenomenon. It can only be realized within, and with much care and reverie, and practice. For Love Is Truth. You will know it is real, because you will feel it, unmistakably so. Only I have such tender wisdom, and only I carry the secret which unravels the damages done in the past, as well as reforming of its new beginnings. Your job is to open your heart, and let My Truth enter your heart.

"Whenever you play the part of Love, you ought to stop and think twice, three times, and four times one hundred. Whatever it takes to reach a place of true knowing, is what it takes to reach the softening power of what will make, or break the situation.

"All has been designed around a profound revelation, and yet so simple it all really is. The truth is always here, and has always been here, and will always Be.

"Open your eyes, open your heart, open your mind! I Am what I Am, and I Am Love. I Am Truth. I Am your eyes. I Am your heart. I Am your mind. You cannot capture Truth, twist it, or mold it. You can only quiet your inner soul, and accept My incoming prognosis, and then you will feel the rushing in of true integrity.


"Bless you children as you strive, I Am ever with you."

Session 4

Washington State, US of A, May 2, 2006. Subject: "Be Ye Brave."


I Am: "Be ye ever brave in the face of all negativity. Hold my cup to your heart, then drink of it.

"I Am an endless trumpeting sound of Love. I Am encircling your every move with a tender, intimate invitation. I Am always inquiring upon you. I Am you, the real you; the you that bides within the Father, and the Mother of Love. You are the child of Love.

"All your worries are Mine to tend to, so fear not and let go. Yes! I will care for you, always, and tend to your every real and true need, to secure your fulfillment with Me. Like a warm heavenly ocean, I flood the universes with such Truth and Brilliance, even the gnat and the firefly know My Name. All you need do is to learn how to come and taste of My cup, that I only wish to share with you. If you would but continue in your search of Me, you would be filled to overflowing.

"Be ye brave in the face of so-called failure. Here is merely your chance to see new truth and to find Me again. And that is all it is. There is no judgment, nor is it deemed necessary to barter over self-improvement. You are loved!

"Your Guides are ever so near, My children. Heed them, and their true hearts of love, as they love you -- truly and dearly love you."

Session 5

Washington State, US of A, May 14, 2006. Subject: "The Real ‘Me’ In You."


I Am: "I Am here."

Gabriel: "I am Gabriel. I tell you this; all is abidance in a beautiful garden."

I Am: "There is no real ‘me’ in you, in the sense of a ‘me’ who thinks of himself as limited to the gamblings in man’s game. The real ‘me’ in you, is not limited to any of the physical or mental trappings of self-importance. But rather the real ‘me’, when remembering his/her original target, would most probably choose to work onerously to claim an actual pathway to feel the Creator’s love.

"The real ‘me’ in you on double-take, may wish to tend to the correcting of whatever small changes are needed to appropriately increase the true beauty in real value. For only the real ‘me’ in you is free to touch upon the Creator’s Love, and sense his tolerant balance.

"Remember, in your humblest, truest heart of hearts, what it is that you set out to do? Mark it down on the front page of your soul. Recreate that inner environment into a habitat fit to truly live in. Start, if you wish, by becoming aware of, and realizing, just what it is that is taking up all of you’re at-tension, and transform it into what is your intention. Forecast your own results, becoming ever coherently alive to the incoming calls of your very Master’s heart.

"And here’s your complimentary kicker: You are totally and completely loved, no matter what you do. It all is truly and freely up to you! So remember to thank the Creator every day for the giving of the kind of freedom that cannot ever be taken away."