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Experiments with Control

Up in the office, I completed a report and automatically turned to sign up for my next assignment. Pen in hand, I suddenly remembered my hospital appointment. "Say AI, I won't be in, Monday. Taking some sick leave for minor surgery. Call you when I get released. It won't take long, a few days or so," Al replied, "No sweat. I'll cover you." Greeting Betsy out in the chill darkness of the parking lot, I climbed in and warmed up her engine. Listening to the subtle changes in idle speed as the Weber carburetors warmed, I began to think about the upcoming surgery. "Sure will be nice to get rid of the aches and pains," I thought. "Wish I could think of some way to imagine the pain away. . ." Once again we deftly slid into the night traffic, heading homeward. As one part of my mind drove a safe distance behind the traffic, another pondered the problem of how to utilize imagination to overcome pain. What I needed was some form of control, some type of mental control. Rather than a fixed image, I instinctively searched fur a dynamic or moving image, something I had learned to control. Remembering my fiying, I recalled the sound of the engines when the throttles were pulled back. If pain con- 39 40 The Amnesia Factor trol could be represented by tbose throttles, perhaps I could diminish real pain by using my imagination to pull them back to idle. My plans had been carefully laid for admittance to the hospital Monday afternoon. Telling no one, preferring not to trouhle my fumily, I had reserved a private room without television, so as to read and work on my pain experiment in privacy. Then I pushed all such thoughts 'over the dam' and worked up my notes for Monday (July 17, 1971), an early morning session with Lenora. Arriving promptly at nine, I noticed the medical emblem on the sedan parked in Lenora's driveway. My heart skipped a beat as I wondered if anything had happened to Lenora. "God," I silently prayed, "Don't let this priceless opportunity slip from our grasp now! We've waited so long." Just as I reached the porch area, the front door opened and an armful of tape recording equipment followed by a smiling gentleman exited. I smiled in return, realizing (with relief) that the doctor had been visiting Lenora for the same reason that I was! Lenora's eyes were sparkling a big friendly welcome in the doorway as I gallantly handed her the bouquet of huge pink carnations. When she returned to the living room with the floral arrange- rdavis 00:15, 6 December 2009 (UTC) ~ ment;wegotrightdowntobusiness,~lTeada prepared thesis which had been designed to elicit answers. It attempted to portray man as a "robot"-a1beit constructed by an intelligence transcendent to man's-a man-robot which would provide growth-data for 'higher research.' My question was, "What is the fate of the man-robot when the research is completed?" (The answer seemed quite serious.) You are placing robots here without the soul-image that is necessary for them to have, to experience the beauty of that creation which has come forth from them. They must have a "soul" before they become a living being or other than of a lower plane • . . even the animals have a soul. You have given a beautiful simile to things that would seem to reflect a life around you. However, you are well aware that man is not a robot, and though he is made in some likenesses toward the image of his Father-Creator, Experiments with Control 41 he is also a separate individual distinct and apart from that particular being. Know also that even as a metal robot could not begin to evolve and think . .. that this is a Godgiven "gift" or something which comes from an outside source-such as from Father to son, as God to soul or being-this is an essential part of man upon the earth. Know that man can become a co-creator with his FatherGod, that he can also reach out to other areas of space and yet be a functional human being. Know that even as he grows and expands in his conscious awareness of those gifts that have already been given him, he must continue to become one with the "All" and see all sides to each particular issue that comes up. I had no idea what the "All" was. Hoping to receive the answer to man's eternal question, I asked, "What am I?" (Very slowly came this answer.) You are a part . . of the soul . . that was a part . . of the Creator. You are not • • Total Creator . • but you are an essence . . or droplet . . of that which IS. You are given .. certain rays, or abilities. . to work with. . . certain added gifts and functions . .. and yet these are not a part of your total being . . but they enhance its growth. They are then removed from you . . and you work with other areas. These are not subtracted from . .. but the middle part is removed I still wasn't satisfied. I could not fathom the phrase, "An essence or droplet of that which IS." What I really wanted to know was whether or not the self-identity of a mortal person could be recovered intact after the death of the physical body. I rephrased the question: "Is that which is recoverable after the death of the physical body, in any other state, in any other dimension, would it be recognizable by me as me P" Yes. It has a sense of your feeling, of your worth of your abilities. It is more than just memory, but also emotion. . . _ (there was a pause). 42 The Amnesia Factor This is the process of growth that has come with you through the many, many aeons. Know that you have a Spark of the Divine that is there. This is with you, whether you recognize it or not. This is not the information that is implanted within you. This is something that you need to seek out, to develop, to realize it is there, before it is yours to use. I suddenly caught the clue, asking, "Is this Divine Spark the same thing as described in Eastern literature as the 'monad: or is it perhaps what is called the Divine Thought Adjuster?" The Divine Thought Adjuster. 00:15, 6 December 2009 (UTC) Lenora listened intently as I explained the connection. This God-Spark had been described as a living Spark of the Absolute. The ancient Eastern teachings symbolized God Absolute as the Sacred Flame, from which springs countless Divine Sparks of the Same Absolute Energy. It is said that no purer energy exists in all Creation. This Divine Spark has been described as totally impersonal, yet Its yearning love for Its mortal child seems beyond the comprehension of even higher beings. From the Greek Agape it is learned that this is a Divine Love that can wait through the long aeons of time, silently awaiting the moment when Its child turns within and discovers Its loving presence. Agape, translated literally, describes a love so pure that, "It forever expects nothing, yet eternally hopes for everything." The Bible describes It as " ... that true Light that lights every man that COmes into the world." The Bhagavad Gita portrays It as ". . . smaller than the smallest and greater than the greatest," which hints at Its transcendance of the relative time-space dimensions. The Absolute is primal Source, thus Its parent status has caused It to be called the "Father," "Father Spark," or "Father Spirit." I asked, "Where is this Divine Spark to be found?" Three inches behind your eyes . •. in the center of your mind.