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760 bytes added ,  21:02, 2 March 2010
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame A '''nanosecond''' (ns) is one billionth of a second (10-9 s). The word nanosecond is formed by the prefix nano...'

A '''nanosecond''' (ns) is one billionth of a second (10-9 s).

The [[word]] nanosecond is formed by the prefix nano and the [[unit]] second. Its [[symbol]] is ns.

A nanosecond is equal to 1000 [ picoseconds] or 1/1000 [ microsecond]. Because the next SI unit is 1000 times larger, times of 10-8 and 10-7 seconds are typically expressed as tens or hundreds of nanoseconds.

Times of this [[magnitude]] are commonly encountered in [ telecommunications], pulsed lasers and some areas of electronics.[]

[[Category: General Reference]]

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