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Even in society each and every individual still has to make their own choices. There is no society card, which you can throw  in when things are scary. - Ohh I'm just following. Ohh, I'm just doing what everybody else is. Ohh, I'm not special, I can't  step ahead, I would expose myself for critique.  
Even in society each and every individual still has to make their own choices. There is no society card, which you can throw  in when things are scary. - Ohh I'm just following. Ohh, I'm just doing what everybody else is. Ohh, I'm not special, I can't  step ahead, I would expose myself for critique.  
Yes, expose yourselves for critique. It still is criticizing, facing the critique. You already are on your way. What is the  critique, if you do, as long as you do within the divine plan.  
Yes, expose yourselves for critique. It still is criticizing, facing the critique. You already are on your way. What is the  critique, if you do, as long as you do within the divine plan.  
You guys go beyond society's consense. We thank you for this, for this is what has to be done. Lean on it to recharge, if  you need to, it might help. We rather recommend to lean on the Father and to receive his motherly love. Thank you.  
You guys go beyond society's consense. We thank you for this, for this is what has to be done. Lean on it to recharge, if  you need to, it might help. We rather recommend to lean on the Father and to receive his motherly love. Thank you.  
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Thank you again, for the opportunities you made available for me and my mission, which includes the teaching mission and  the correcting times for our brother and Father Michael.  
Thank you again, for the opportunities you made available for me and my mission, which includes the teaching mission and  the correcting times for our brother and Father Michael.  
Today, you talked about terminology and consense, and I wish to finish these questions with an answer which is formed in  heavenly consense and aware words: Thank You.  
Today, you talked about terminology and consense, and I wish to finish these questions with an answer which is formed in  heavenly consense and aware words: Thank You.
Peter: Thank you Michael, thank you Father, Monjoronson, Ham and B, for this moment in time. Thank you for the  insights and the words, which are balm for our souls, which nurture us throughout the day. Thank you for showing us a  path which is bigger than us, and still, you show us also the way, how we can walk it in grace and relative ease.  
Peter: Thank you Michael, thank you Father, Monjoronson, Ham and B, for this moment in time. Thank you for the  insights and the words, which are balm for our souls, which nurture us throughout the day. Thank you for showing us a  path which is bigger than us, and still, you show us also the way, how we can walk it in grace and relative ease.  

Revision as of 18:20, 15 April 2010

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination


Topic: Consense

Group: Aldorf TeaM


Teacher: Ham, Michael, Monjoronson

TR: Peter N., Michelle



Prayer: (Michelle) Father, Mother, Friends, we offer thanks to you on this Easter Sunday, and ask to be in spirit and grow in spirit with you and grow closer into communion with you and with the Father's will. We invite and ask anyone who would like to come and speak through either of us to do so and to help us with the connection to put ourselves aside and hear you as clear as possible, thank you.


Question #1: In our last mystics circle, Ham had come through me and called us "my children", and then when I read the transcript I wasn't quite sure if I had jumped in there, or if that is normal for a teacher to call us "my children". I didn't really know what that was or if I had influenced that in any way. I would like to ask for some insight or guidance, to also be clearer in myself when and if somebody comes through me to be able to differentiate further between myself and the entities?

B: (Peter) This is B, waiting to join you. You kept our scheduled appointment, and so did I. I am glad to come back to this circle of mystics in Alfdorf. We come here in a mission, a mission to teach you all you need to know for a successful ascension. We want you to ascend towards the Father. We need you to ascend and yes, we will do whatever it takes, and I mean whatever. This is something all good teachers have in common, that they do whatever it takes to bring their students where they are supposed to be. You ask about voices, using familiar terms in unfamiliar situations. See, celestial circuitry is not a one way communication device. It is an open mic, an open channel, for everybody to use in which direction ever. These circuits are installed because you showed the ability of being able to make contact to us and the other way around.

You are beginners in this field of transmitting and receiving. You will make mistakes, and this is good so, for that includes growth and learning. To detect, who is on the other line, you need to strengthen your clairvoyance, strengthen your inner response to the energy signature of the one calling, or simply ask for it to identify itself.

You should always use your common sense, even when T/Ring. If there is anything uncomfortable, weird or strange, hold on and ask your indwelling Father fragment before you even let the words out. Ask and you shall receive. This also happens with identification. Ask and you shall receive.

On the other hand, it only matters to you, who is speaking, because in the end, our goal as well as yours, as you well know, is to be and to speak in one body and one voice. There is no difference to any other prayer. Are you wondering each time you hear an inner voice outside of an formal meditation meeting like this one, are you questioning, who is guiding you, and to where?

Now, if not, you should, because there is still fragments of the dark, able to disguise for those who don't know. But they all, like every spirit, are bound to respond to any questions about the who and why they are. Don't you concern yourself, my child. See, I am using this, even though you are not my child. But I am one with your Father, so technically you are my child, as well as my sibling, as well as my daughter, as well as my mother.

This is what you learned under the term "long body". It means you are who you are in what time you are, what age and which role you occupied in either of these times. You still are you and I still am me and Ham still is Ham, whatever words he choose. These are just the words he can tickle out of you.

So, if you feel strongly like being the child in that situation, these might very well be the words, somebody talking through you might choose, because they were available in that very moment. Available less because they were easy to formulate for you, but available, because they were easy to understand. Again, don't kill the messenger, serve the message.

How many times do we soften our voice, when we talk to younger ones, to the ones not as educated, no matter what age they are in. How do we soften our voice, when we want to show others a path they don't have seen yet with their own eyes. We soften our voice for a reason, because a softer voice opens up many more options to reach an understanding of your visa vis, where a loud and strong voice might have rather closed the doors to the amount of what is stand-able for the one receiving your words.

We don't come with force, since force would be counterproductive. The only forceful thing in the universe is your free will. We don't come with force and we learned, that gently spoken words and calm actions have the potential for deeper reaching the inner core of other people's soul.

Oh my child, my brother, my friend and sister, all these words can reach you so deep, much deeper as if I would use your name. And it makes you thinking. Also, we celestials are not necessarily using our left half of the brain when we communicate with you. Some of us might not even posses a left half of a brain, others again might have more than two parts.

But our main usage of terms during transmission, comes right from the plane of intuition and heart. And yes, sometimes there is a mix between our energy and your own. What's bad about that, we are all one. What I tell you, you already know, how could it be different.

This is B, making space for others to comment on this topic. I thank you for your attention and I thank you for this opportunity. I might come back today, if there is anything else to comment on, but for now, I bid you fair-well.

Question #2: This next question is about consense and how to deal with it. We all feel the spiritual pressure by now, but also there seems to be an equal pressure coming from society these days, where we observe a gain in momentum of their effective but rather uncomfortable presents in our lives. Uncomfortable because nothing of that society pressure seems to be necessary to sustain life, while a huge amount of energy is needed to keep the beast alive. How can we best deal best with a situation like this, concerning humanity's obsession to do what everybody else is doing? Thank you.

Ham: (Peter) Hello, my friends, this is Ham here. Ahh, consense. Mankind loves consense and it is understandable, since in reality you live in a matrix. Consense is to be seen twofold. One results from a necessity, this is when you live in a moor area, and the only thing to get you above the water is a straw, sticking out, you will grab it. This is one form of consense. You see a survival tool, take it.

The second part or second way of interpretation is a rather negative one, where people, instead of growing into their best, rather connect to themselves and make themselves believe that this is it. This is the more common form of consense. Millions on your world live in this self made conditions, and they don't dare to scratch or to question, to even look behind, because they are well aware, that this would take away this very option of hiding.

Life on this world is not easy and people take the tools they can reach. Some of them are from God, some of them come from the dark ones, and some of them each one [of you] made up for themselves. But nevertheless, we utilize what we can get a hold off and if nobody moves ahead, why would we?

Consense is a curse and a benefit, because it shows where mankind is in these times of change. Mankind is hurdled together, like cattle, like frightened game. This is a surviving tactics of human beings, of most creatures which appear in masses and are though weak in the individual, so, they pretend to be lost in the mass of the artificial created body. They are hiding and strengthening the whole body at the same time.

The question should rather be: why are people so scared to step into the unknown, that they need to buddy up with those, pulling them back. What are you so scared of. It is God, reaching towards you. Buddy up with him and you shall be saved from all evil approaching. Buddy up with us and you will be never alone anymore, and buddy up with yourself to find your inner guide in the stillness, rather than you are exposing yourself to any outer guidance.

Consense is not necessarily a bad thing, it just shows, like everything else in these days, it's ugly faces coming to show, that humanity again, is able to reevaluate society itself. Society also will always exist. It is just a question of how much weight we let it have in our personal individual decision making.

Even in society each and every individual still has to make their own choices. There is no society card, which you can throw in when things are scary. - Ohh I'm just following. Ohh, I'm just doing what everybody else is. Ohh, I'm not special, I can't step ahead, I would expose myself for critique. Yes, expose yourselves for critique. It still is criticizing, facing the critique. You already are on your way. What is the critique, if you do, as long as you do within the divine plan.

You guys go beyond society's consense. We thank you for this, for this is what has to be done. Lean on it to recharge, if you need to, it might help. We rather recommend to lean on the Father and to receive his motherly love. Thank you.

Michael: (Michelle) Grüss Gott, my children, this is your Father, Michael. This one understands "Grüss Gott" as meaning, I greet the God within you. That kind of consensus is a welcome overdo one, though it has been used in germany for [a] long time.

I say to you one, this day of resurrection: render those things unto Caesar which are Caesar's, and render, my children, RENDER those things onto God, the Father, that which are the Father's. And dear ones, Caesar may not know it, but all things are the Father's. All originate from his being and all are sustained by his will and grace.

Align with God, with the Father's will, the Father's being, the Father's love. Trust, trust in the divine plan. Trust, that all you need, all you have, all you are, is provided by the Father and made manifest by the mother. Trust, that you have all you need.

And yes, this one is questioning my words, that all is made manifest by the mother. The mother and Father are one, so yes, this is correct. We are all one, we are one with everything, with each other, every being, every atom, molecular component. We are all one, find that, know that.

So yes, consensus is a part of one, the people become one mind. We must ask and look: is this in truth, in spirit this consensus, is this in spirit and truth that we are one with the Father, or is this for other purposes?

I wish you well on this day, spring is here, go on. I AM.

Monjoronson: (Peter) This is Monjoronson, wishing to add one more comment of a rather formal manner. Yes, it is decided, that your group shall soon expand. Your work, as well as your inner development is already expanding and reaching out to others. We wish to give the teaching mission as well as the upcoming magisterial mission a broader outreach to those who wish this information, and we are pleased with the developments on your side.

We will expand your group by all means. We will guide new members to you. It is our desire to add the german mother- tongue to our work. We thank you for this enormous opportunity you give to us, for expanding these missions.

Your work will be known in many millennia from now. Not necessarily your names and your personalities, but through you and your diligent work, we got access to a new platform of communication and communion with you mortals of Urantia.

There is quite some people, using that old language and the finer matter sends out waves around your world, encouraging others to help and assist in their areas of origin. We will, however, soon accept questions, not asked by the two of you, for inquiry, and we will evaluate as they come, to answer them for your readership.

Don't worry, it will be gentle, and you don't have to jump the cold water more than you would be able to, more than you already did. We thank you for your work, you contributed a lot and you will be rewarded when the time comes.

Thank you again, for the opportunities you made available for me and my mission, which includes the teaching mission and the correcting times for our brother and Father Michael.

Today, you talked about terminology and consense, and I wish to finish these questions with an answer which is formed in heavenly consense and aware words: Thank You.


Peter: Thank you Michael, thank you Father, Monjoronson, Ham and B, for this moment in time. Thank you for the insights and the words, which are balm for our souls, which nurture us throughout the day. Thank you for showing us a path which is bigger than us, and still, you show us also the way, how we can walk it in grace and relative ease.

If there is anybody else who wants to comment on today’s session, please speak now, otherwise this could conclude our session for today. Thank you Father.