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52:1.4 In the [[light]] of subsequent [[civilization]], this era of [[primitive]] man is a long, dark, and [[Violent|bloody]] chapter. The [[ethics]] of the jungle and the [[morals]] of the primeval forests are not in keeping with the [[standards]] of later [[dispensations]] of [[revealed]] [[religion]] and higher [[spiritual]] [[development]]. On [[normal]] and nonexperimental worlds this [[epoch]] is very [[different]] from the prolonged and extraordinarily [[Barbarism|brutal]] [[struggles]] which characterized this [[age]] on [[Urantia]]. When you have [[emerged]] from your first world [[experience]], you will begin to see why this long and [[painful]] [[struggle]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]] occurs, and as you go forward in the [[Paradise]] path, you will increasingly [[understand]] the [[wisdom]] of these [[apparently]] strange [[doings]]. But notwithstanding all the [[vicissitudes]] of the early [[ages]] of [[human]] [[emergence]], the [[performances]] of [[primitive]] man [[represent]] a splendid, even a [[heroic]], chapter in the annals of an [[evolutionary world]] of [[time and space]].
52:1.4 In the [[light]] of subsequent [[civilization]], this era of [[primitive]] man is a long, dark, and [[Violent|bloody]] chapter. The [[ethics]] of the jungle and the [[morals]] of the primeval forests are not in keeping with the [[standards]] of later [[dispensations]] of [[revealed]] [[religion]] and higher [[spiritual]] [[development]]. On [[normal]] and nonexperimental worlds this [[epoch]] is very [[different]] from the prolonged and extraordinarily [[Barbarism|brutal]] [[struggles]] which characterized this [[age]] on [[Urantia]]. When you have [[emerged]] from your first world [[experience]], you will begin to see why this long and [[painful]] [[struggle]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]] occurs, and as you go forward in the [[Paradise]] path, you will increasingly [[understand]] the [[wisdom]] of these [[apparently]] strange [[doings]]. But notwithstanding all the [[vicissitudes]] of the early [[ages]] of [[human]] [[emergence]], the [[performances]] of [[primitive]] man [[represent]] a splendid, even a [[heroic]], chapter in the annals of an [[evolutionary world]] of [[time and space]].
52:1.5 Early [[evolutionary]] man is not a [[colorful]] [[creature]]. In general, these [[primitive]] [[mortals]] are [[cave]] dwellers or [[cliff]] residents. They also build crude [[huts]] in the large trees. Before they acquire a high order of [[intelligence]], the [[planets]] are sometimes overrun with the larger [[types]] of [[animals]]. But early in this [[era]] [[mortals]] learn to kindle and [[maintain]] [[fire]], and with the increase of [[inventive]] [[imagination]] and the improvement in [[tools]], evolving man soon vanquishes the larger and more unwieldy [[animals]]. The [ early races] also make extensive use of the larger flying animals. These enormous [[birds]] are able to carry one or two [[average]]-sized men for a nonstop flight of over five hundred miles. On some [[planets]] these birds are of great [[service]] since they [[possess]] a high order of [[intelligence]], often being able to speak many [[words]] of the [[languages]] of the realm. These birds are most [[intelligent]], very [[obedient]], and unbelievably [[affectionate]]. Such passenger birds have been long extinct on [[Urantia]], but your early [[ancestors]] enjoyed their [[services]].
52:1.5 Early [[evolutionary]] man is not a [[colorful]] [[creature]]. In general, these [[primitive]] [[mortals]] are [[cave]] dwellers or cliff residents. They also build crude huts in the large trees. Before they acquire a high order of [[intelligence]], the [[planets]] are sometimes overrun with the larger [[types]] of [[animals]]. But early in this [[era]] [[mortals]] learn to kindle and [[maintain]] fire, and with the increase of [[inventive]] [[imagination]] and the improvement in [[tools]], evolving man soon vanquishes the larger and more unwieldy [[animals]]. The [ early races] also make extensive use of the larger flying animals. These enormous [ birds] are able to carry one or two [[average]]-sized men for a nonstop flight of over five hundred miles. On some [[planets]] these birds are of great [[service]] since they [[possess]] a high order of [[intelligence]], often being able to speak many [[words]] of the [[languages]] of the realm. These birds are most [[intelligent]], very [[obedient]], and unbelievably [[affectionate]]. Such passenger birds have been long extinct on [[Urantia]], but your early [[ancestors]] enjoyed their [[services]].
52:1.6 Man's acquirement of [[ethical]] [[judgment]], [[moral]] [[Free will|will]], is usually [[coincident]] with the [[appearance]] of early [[language]]. Upon [[attaining]] the [[human]] [[level]], after this [[emergence]] of [[mortal]] [[Free will|will]], these [[beings]] become [[receptive]] to the temporary indwelling of the [[divine]] [[Adjusters]], and upon [[death]] many are duly [[elected]] as [[survivors]] and sealed[] by the [[archangels]] for subsequent [[resurrection]] and [ Spirit fusion]. The [[archangels]] always accompany the [[Planetary Princes]], and a [[dispensational]] [[adjudication]] of the realm is [[simultaneous]] with the prince's arrival.
52:1.6 Man's acquirement of [[ethical]] [[judgment]], [[moral]] [[Free will|will]], is usually [[coincident]] with the [[appearance]] of early [[language]]. Upon [[attaining]] the [[human]] [[level]], after this [[emergence]] of [[mortal]] [[Free will|will]], these [[beings]] become [[receptive]] to the temporary indwelling of the [[divine]] [[Adjusters]], and upon [[death]] many are duly [[elected]] as [[survivors]] and sealed[] by the [[archangels]] for subsequent [[resurrection]] and [ Spirit fusion]. The [[archangels]] always accompany the [[Planetary Princes]], and a [[dispensational]] [[adjudication]] of the realm is [[simultaneous]] with the prince's arrival.

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