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Marin TeaM

Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.

Teacher: Michael


June 25, 2007

  • Being enslaved to the past
  • Evaluation VS. being judgmental
  • Being present and decisive
  • The continuing creation

Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, We really appreciate your lessons on spirit, both our own human type and that of our extra-human family. Once we begin to realize the nature of this living quality of value and see how it permeates every aspect of our lives--from the moment we get up in the morning and evaluate how we feel this day, then how our breakfast is, how our car’s behaving, how all the other folks around us appear, how we’re doing at work--the more we realize this is a reality beyond a mere mental/physical manifestation. We are literally using our spirit incessantly throughout the day. Now we understand what you mean by us being complex creatures, we can marvel all the more that our personalities are able to unify all these separate aspects into a single, unified and comprehensive experience. We thank you for your insights which change the nature of our day to day lives. Amen.

MICHAEL: Good evening, my children, this is your spirit father, Michael. This is great! You’re beginning to feel now what we mean by spirit. You’re beginning to experience what your human spirit does for you, and indeed how it does penetrate and give not only meaning but also value to everything you do, everything you perceive.

  • Being enslaved to the past

One of the main goals of our teaching, and the Teaching Mission itself, is to give our human children the experience of the effects of that part of their own natures which is not directly perceptible to them in its pure state, any more than is your personality—your singular essence in all creation. Your personality is like a continuous point of departure that you can never turn around and catch sight of because it turns with you. Timewise it is a point of origin that is always precipitating you into the present moment. And yet you do try with all your mental powers to see yourselves, which is why so many folks keep coming out of the past and only who they were--as a matter of orientation—and then become thoroughly determined by the past in their present moments. What we call a habit, or habituation, is a kind of slave-driver insofar as you become enslaved to this one way of living. It’s very much a cultural thing, something you learned in your earliest years from your family and all those around you. In this sense it represents a general stage of evolution that human society has reached, still a very early stage in which the majority of folks are unconsciously coming out of their past, and being inordinately determined by it, because they know no other way of relating to an ever changing, dynamic reality.

This is so much so, some of your more modern, existential philosophers have described contact with the living present as causing a kind of nausea, almost a seasickness, they were so habituated to the illusion of something fixed and permanent, desperately, if unknowingly, clinging to memories to achieve the reassurance that things were not going to change, they could find some security in life. Yet, my children, out here in this time and space realm, there is nothing fixed except personality. Everything your personality experiences is dynamic. You’ve only recently evolved the concept of historicity in which every single moment of time is unique and, as we’ve said before, aside from the gross cycles of day and night, seasons changing and so forth, reality is not repeating itself. Look to what lengths some of you go to deny the fact your bodies are irrevocably changing in the process of growing older. This can generate so much fear and apprehension you loose sight of not only growing older, but simply growing—mentally and spiritually: growing an immortal soul.

  • Evaluation VS. being judgmental

Let me present you an interesting seeming-paradox to ponder. We agree you are necessarily involved in evaluating your moment to moment existence. In your opening prayer this evening you showed some awareness of that, of how much you are constantly evaluating everything from the way your eggs were scrambled in the morning, to how your car felt as you drove it to work, to your work itself, whether you were checking a computer program, baking a cake, or cutting a board in half: constant evaluation. This is your spirit at work in your human reality.

Notice how this necessary, spirit-based evaluation is, paradoxically, so contra-distinct from what it is often erroneously allied with--being judgmental, either toward yourself or toward others, or even complex situations. This is your material mind becoming unbalanced and extrapolating madly like a runaway computer, blowing things out of proportion. While you have to evaluate your moment to moment relationships with each of your fellows, being judgmental is taking some simple perception—shall we say, someone is telling you a little fib or exaggeration—blowing it way out of proportion, and pretending to be able to judge their entire personality: perhaps inwardly pronouncing them a total liar. An evaluation is a spiritual, qualitative assessment related to a fresh and present perception, conditional and limited. Being judgmental is merely a lazy, reactive, habitual, material-mind only self indulgence, usually used to prop up a shaky ego stuck in the past. You are witnessing right now, as Urantia struggles to become unified in a modern, technological sense, the gross outworking of pre-judging, or prejudice, as it applies to races and cultures. Just imagine what we of your spiritual family feel with our overview of the planetary situation. We directly experience how much suffering is being caused by this prejudice, by the lack of spiritual discrimination and evaluation. Keep in mind the nature of spirit, as the origin of mind and physical reality, is in itself spontaneous, creative, not bound by the past. So we are enthusiastic when you can perceive how much spirit--spontaneous, creative evaluation—is involved in your daily life. For this needs to be conscious. You need to be aware of how you are doing this incessantly so you can take responsibility—and be able to respond—by recognizing what are your own, personal, and highly subjective assessments.

This, my children, is a supreme act of spiritual generosity: to literally contain yourselves, and not let your mental prejudices be unconsciously projected all over the place, seeing everything negatively just to give you a small ego boost. There is no more immediate and necessary cure for arrogance and hubris than to start living the full life you are capable of--the spontaneous, creative life of spirit.

  • Being present and decisive

So even though mind and spirit—meaning and value—are inextricably bound together, tonight I am pulling them apart a bit so you can see the different functions each has, and feel the deep distinction between evaluation and prejudice. Ironically, the greatest benefit is not to others--your fellow brothers and sisters of God’s family whom you will cease to punish with your behavior toward them--but within yourself. You will have an increased means for achieving the present, which your wise men have correctly called the fulcrum, the pivot-point of the future. Mother Spirit and I have recently called this becoming free, free within yourself, free of your own self-judgmental attitudes. This is how your life becomes lively and interesting.

Another benefit is one of decisiveness. By being open—non-judgmental--to see all aspects, all dimensions of any particular situation, using your spirit-wisdom and -insight to do so, you gain the ability to decide. This way you stay present. You do not become buried under layers of procrastination—all those things you’ve already accepted within yourself you need to do. One of the glories of becoming present is to take these postponed necessities one at a time and get them done. I know for those of you who are feeling buried in guilt for all the things you’ve needed to do, and haven’t, this can seem an insurmountable challenge. The very messiness of your life can be a kind of horror for it is true: as within, so without. That part of your surroundings you can determine is a valid indication of what’s inside you. Mother Spirit and I are offering you a way to break these vicious circles and start anew: be still—stop running from them and let them catch up; then regard them anew with creative curiosity.

Here you may feel a pinch from your ego, which can have some very invalid and arrogant notions of what you’ve achieved. You wonder: how can I begin again? It seems like such a loss of status to be a beginner. Yet this attitude can pull you down like clinging to an anchor, at sea. You have to let go. Let go all the notions of who you were in order to discover who you are. All these notions come out of the past, and they are always much less than what you are. We call you a little walking infinity because your true nature cannot be defined nor exhaustively encompassed. You are really beyond all that. You yourself have spirit. However unconsciously or habit-ridden, you are using your spirit throughout the day. It’s just that the values by which you are measuring things may be outworn and outdated—those lingering, clinging aspects of tradition that no longer apply. How is the world going to keep refreshing itself; how are you going to keep refreshing yourself? The means are at hand. They were created as part of you by God himself. You yourself have spirit.

Last week Mother Spirit gave a long discourse on the gifts of curiosity and wonder. These are some of her main gifts to all the higher animals, but especially human beings. Think of them as the birthright you have from her Holy Spirit. Use them as beacons of light to illuminate your way forward. Look to the future with curiosity as a replacement for fear. In your meditation, all those fearful things that arise?—shine your light of curiosity and wonder at them. How did they happen? What are they intrinsically in themselves? No matter what the fear—of heights, or snakes, or embarrassment, your job, some one person—whatever it is; what was its origin and what is this thing in itself? Who is this person?

Allow yourselves to be swept away with the sheer wonder of the creation. Don’t worry that you are but a tiny speck in the middle of it all. It was created for you as well as for anyone else. This is the positive aspect of God being no respecter of persons: the creation is for you. You will spend an eternity never exhausting it.

  • The continuing creation

So I welcome these feelings you have now, these experiences of what your spirit is engaged in all throughout your days, and how you necessarily have to evaluate things moment by moment to feel your way along, to discover the truth in a whole maze of illusions--cultural conditionings, family and racial prejudices, personal fears and apprehensions. This is the great game. This is the adventure you are inextricably bound up in. See if you can have some fun with it. Fear not. The essential nature of God’s creation is, after all, like him, loving and playful. Every moment is an end in itself—complete. And yet, look! Here comes another now that has never been before. Enjoy it well, my children. It was made for you.

If you have any questions or comments this evening, bring them forth from your own spirits. 36:21 (Questions and answers: to be continued)