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===Topic: ''A Trickle-down Effect''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Bzutu]], [[Samuel]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
Bzutu: “With all the experiences of more than 30.000 years behind me, I’m looking back on four main highlights – our time in Adamson’s village at lake Van, our discussions with Machiventa Melchizedek once known as the priest-king of Salem, our time with the Master, and this, the all-important Correcting Time, inaugurated to change the world we live in. I am handing you over to your Teacher now.
Samuel: “This is Samuel. Imagine for a moment that one could have a choice as to where and when a person could be born. Then, I, if I had not as yet lived my mortal life, would want to be born on your planet at this most vital time.

“It is difficult for you to, over the short term, see a great deal of progress in your world. For us in higher realms, and for centuries aware of the fact that the adjudication of the system-wide rebellion was on count-down, the picture is clearer, although in part because of our wider view of the entire scene. You mortals involved in the grass-roots side, the groundswell of the Mortal-Celestial alliance, of clear understanding that society must change to progress, even counter a potential end to human habitation of the planet, are important, although you are only a part of the panorama we view.

“It is your modern day extensive involvement, your Human-Celestial interaction and cooperation that promotes the knowledge of Spirit’s existence in human lives, and it is in the arenas of the many groupings such as yours, in the channeling of messages, exchange of information, and distant healings done all over the globe that such open and most direct effort has come to the attention of many. Hidden from your awareness is what could be seen as the trickle down aspects of the Correcting Time’s involvements.

“Many times have we reminded you in these lessons that the presence of a Paradise Citizen on your world, yes, his mere presence, will change the ‘spiritual economy’ of your realm. We are apprising you of another aspect now; that of messages from above, prayer from above, if you like, changing, mellowing, yes, softening the harsh and hardened mindsets of myriad of your kind that have awakened to their spiritual reality even to the slightest degree.

“Next to the grass-roots changes individuals and varied mortal groups instigate, bring about, there is the trickle-down effect of countless Teachers focusing on countless individuals to effect the needed changes. Be assured that as you go through the birth pangs of major changes to your society, worldwide, you are not alone. All ‘in heaven’ are backing you.
This is Samuel. Good night.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Bzutu]]
[[Category: Samuel]]
[[Category: Influence]]
[[Category: Correcting Time]]
[[Category: Timing]]
[[Category: 2010]]
[[Category: May]]

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