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Topic: The Gathering, Meeting 1

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Monjoronson, WAVE, Nebadonia, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers, Warren Smith



Rejoice! dear co-creators of new "LIGHT",
My faithful sons and daughters shining bright-
Accept my praise as I salute your souls,
As mortals on my staff, assume your roles.
Tonight your super-mortal child appears,
Upon our Master's birth date on this sphere,
The second of her race in Nebadon
Of co-created newborn teacher sons-
An order destined to fulfill the role
Of super-human leaders to behold,
In time to reproduce and multiply
As liaisons ordained to serve On High.
Embrace these sons, accept their spirit fruit,
Allow your blending minds to grasp new truth-
On you and them our destiny depends,
I touch your hearts with joy, my cherished friends.


Meeting begins with "The Voice" of Mark Rogers suggesting that we express our intentions for beginning this new session of weekly meetings known as The Gathering. Warren Smith II then goes on to state his intentions most comprehensively. (This part of the meeting was not recorded.)


Monjoronson: I am Monjoronson. I accept your bid to be here at this time and offer you my endorsement for orchestrating these meetings designed at gaining greater understanding, deeper meanings and higher values.


I perceive an issue I would address. It is a necessary aspect to possess conviction and determination, even to foster inspiration, and all these aspects are very good and useful driving forces in this or any other pursuit or process, and right there we run into our first potential obstacle. We may tap and harness the energy of enthusiasm to be a driving force, but there is a necessary aspect of coming to this process free of preconceptions or ideas which may act as a construct for understanding but an obstruct to interpreting.

This process will require that you come into certain arenas as a child would observe and take in both what he is experiencing for the first time free of conceptions of what has been there, would be there, should be there or could be there. In this way, using this approach, you allow for yourself to behold that which is unknown to you. If you approach your experience with too many expectations or preconceived patterns, those become your limitations to embracing the reality that you are attempting to experience.

So, let us attempt to harness the positive aspects of our enthusiasm, our commitment, our drive for the process, and then as we propel ourselves, let us release our preconceptions, our partial understandings, our incomplete assessments so that we may truly perceive that which is. This will be a good and useful exercise as we proceed, and proceed we will.

Warren: Yes, my friend, very useful. I am grateful for your words. I do recognize the importance of coming to this table without the baggage we know not even that we carry. Any and all exercises, suggestions, recommendations I shall embrace, for I so desire to be the most diligent student of these teachings that will be presented. I have no idea where we are going, but I’m onboard, my friend.

Monjoronson: Then that is a good place to start, and I respect your desires to ask for more. These petitions from you call into play forces of the universe which are awaiting such a petition as you have arranged between you.

And so it shall be that we shall form this new arena, and we have at our disposal many who will desire to come and play with us, and that is what we should try to maintain in our attitude. We are at play and certainly we are sober in our commitment, but we are joyful as well. All that is meant to be will transpire regardless of how seriously we take this project. All that is meant to be will be, and we can benefit greatly from having this experience be one of awareness and joy in the process. Truly they will know us by our fruits. We will be fragrant because we are full of spirit and joy.

So, as committed and intentional as this process may be and may become, it should also be joyful and childlike in our openness to be taught and our receptivity to learn.


Warren: Yes, Monjoronson.

Mark: Do you sense that WAVE is here?

Warren: Oh yes, WAVE is here, my friend; so is LIGHT and Serena, but I feel WAVE’s presence. Maybe he has something to say. Welcome WAVE, my dear friend and co-worker. Gosh, I so desire to become more consciously aware of your presence and I know I will, and I so look forward to working with you more and more effectively… you and LIGHT, and others of your order who will be co-created.

I am most thrilled that you have come into this new arena, this new family here in Northern Idaho (NOID Group), and developed such a strong connection with our brother Mark, here. This is very useful, valuable. Yes, we have much to do, my friend, and I so desire to become increasingly integrated with you and LIGHT, for we have great and thrilling times together. This is just the beginning of beginnings.

WAVE: I am WAVE. I acknowledge with joy this gathering. I will take my place among all of the honored guests who will arrive to be with us around what is forming as a new light anchor to be used.

It is with great joy that I accept your invitations to be a part of this undertaking. You who are of the greatest desire in this experience are who are actually led to come to this place, even to create this gathering. This is our arena of understanding and we shall take the many blessings and the varied understandings that we have brought to this arena, and we shall refine… refine the process… and focus with intention. In this way we shall grow closer together.

Warren: Yes, my friend, yes indeed, I so desire.

Mark: As do I only trust in the certainty that this represents the will of he who has created us… our Father.

Warren: I have no doubt of this, WAVE, and I am so thrilled to be upon this new journey.

WAVE: Truly, this will be the thrill of a lifetime and we are launching our vessel and preparing to make a journey across territory we have not covered, but we are a strong crew and we have conviction and determination. We are willing to invest the effort and we have expert guides, therefore is this journey exceedingly promising. I encourage that in this arena you maintain a cloistered attitude which will allow you the space to create a learning environment.

Warren: Cloistered attitude?

WAVE: That is, creating a safe arena, a place where you can feel free to experiment and try, and even fail outside of the judgment of others. Allow yourselves a season of privacy to truly engage yourself with this process for your own edification.

Warren: Understood. Completely understood, my friend.

WAVE: And then, after having mastered some technique, after having been educated as to some principles, then will be the season to spread the word and teach what you have learned. First, we must allow ourselves to build intimacy between us… and trust. I welcome this season of intimacy between us.

Warren: And we will remember it all the way from Paradise, I venture to speculate. Yes, I so appreciate this opportunity, my dear friend co-worker and son. What a joyous time to behold and be a part of.

WAVE: The joy ripples out beyond your comprehension, out into the universe where it is augmented, and I share this with you. (Mark burps)

Warren: Was that you WAVE, or was it the T/R? (laughter)

WAVE: For future reference, I will announce myself, but I will also entertain any and all influence in this process. We must not shun who we are at any time, in favor of who we would compare ourselves to. The key is to just be, and in being then you may become. I am greatly thankful and appreciative for the human element that you both in this room have contributed to things you do not even conceive of. You have no real conception of that which you even done, and for this human element I will remain eternally grateful.

Warren: Such revealing statements as this, WAVE, will certainly allow me, anyway, to pause when attempting to shun myself when looking at another, at which I am feeling dwarfed in comparison. This old pattern need not be continued and I appreciate what you have just shared and revealed. This is helpful. And, no, I have no clue, but I believe you.

WAVE: And I believe in you. The Father believes in us. We have always to fall back on that certainty. We are trusted, even loved, even cherished.

We will be about the process, then, of establishing this new classroom. We will act with intention. We will proceed with purpose. We will construct this arena around us, and we will grow into it and expand… perhaps even beyond it. But in this time we will place one foot in front of the other, taking the necessary steps to build this safe place of learning, this place of understanding, this place of growth, this arena of awareness, and we are eager to roll up our sleeves and get to work, are we not?

Warren: I’m rolling them up right now, WAVE. You betcha.

This is the most exciting experience thus far in my life, and all that has transpired has led us to this time here and now. Yep, count me in. I’m ready to go… and there is nothing that will play second fiddle to this classroom, my friend, for I know it is Father’s will.

WAVE: My friend, that statement resonates to the very core of my being. That could have been expressed by myself. (laughter)

Mark: Divine Parents, accept my petition as my intentions. I desire to be closer to you throughout this process. I desire to come to you with the open mind of a child. I know you hear my petition. The Parents recognize the call of the child. That I am here because I recognize your call as my Parents. I present myself before you. I request that you hold my hand. I sense I am close to the brink, perhaps, of entering an unknown arena and I request your assistance. I will do all I am capable of in this effort, but I am in uncertainty as to exactly what that is I commit to. I petition the assistance of all those who you would dispatch on my behalf engaged in this project. I welcome them into this arena and ask, through their help. I am certain I am here answering your call, therefore what is it you would have me do? Show me and I will do that. Guide me and I will follow. These are my intentions and I believe these to be your will as well. Where they are not, help me to make them so. Where they fall short, help me to expand. I believe these represent combined intention of myself and even of "my Voice". I present us to be in this service. Accept my petition, my dear Parents.

Mother Spirit: My dear precious son, this is your Universe Mother Spirit. Not only are your intentions acknowledged, they are indeed the echo of our intentions, our desire for you to grow into all that you are. You have spoken as one, my dear one, with your indwelling "Voice", as you call this great gift from our Paradise Father.

Rest assured that both myself and Michael walk with you, hand in hand. I am your essence. All that you are, my son, I am a part of…. you are me. It is with great joy that we, as your Universe Parents behold such living growing faith in a child from a planet such as The World of the Cross.

We have great plans for you, dear one, and we desire to take you into the great temple within and introduce you to treasures that you have yet to discover. Indeed, seeds of potential planted by our Paradise Father, for you to bring into living manifestation… to actualize with growing power and presence.

Sit in my lap, young one, and let me surround you with all that I desire to imbue. Know that my presence never fades. Also know that I send you many of my spirit daughter helpers to bring you closer to me… to make new adjustments and attunements that you are reaching for.

I, tonight, ask you to accept from me a gift that you will come to know, for it will permeate every ultimaton within your being. It will radiate through your entire energetic being and presence. This gift, my son, will be interpreted to you increasingly as you ask and seek, for all is herein. This gift you shall know as "Universal Heart". Universal Heart, my son, is what you will come to bestow in my behalf upon those you come into contact with. I ask you to ponder deeply within your soul your desire to receive this gift that is very new upon this planet. Thus, my gift to you, my son… indeed a bright shining beacon of light who will grow to feed my sheep with great expertise.

I now give you to the Master, Michael… my partner.

Michael: Greetings, dear son, brother, co-worker and friend. Yes, we shall walk hand in hand as we be about our Father’s business. You remind me… (chuckle) …much of my young friend, John Mark, who would not take his hand off the basket as I was heading for the hills. Yes, he even offered to carry the basket. I would have gladly taken all twelve of my apostles that day, but his (John Mark’s) sheer desire and intention to go with me made it so. My son, so be it. We now walk together, and you are indeed becoming each day a brighter beacon of light, and undoubtedly a great ambassador of mine. We shall go about this new phase with whole new power and glory, as we glorify our Paradise Father.

Release all doubts, uncertainties, and know that indeed you do have all that it takes. You lack nothing. I salute you, my brother, and assure you that this journey shall be a total success. There are few upon this planet at this time with your conviction and faith. I accept your commitment, your dedication and acknowledge your intentions.

At this time, I too, would like to present you with a gift. This gift, my son, is one that will allow you to act in my behalf with your brethren in the flesh. This is new to the planet, and only a few have accepted such, but I hereby at this time bestow upon you, and instill into your entire being "the rootstock of Fatherly forgiveness".

You may recall, as I was on the Cross, my words, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." This is the highest love one can experience, live, take ownership of and possess, and this is what I offer to you. Take this within to the great "Voice" that indwells you, dear son, and all will be revealed.

I have great faith and trust in you, and you have well followed the great pilot within. You are proving yourself to be a most trustworthy loyal captain. Let us set out upon this new journey with new empowerment, my friend… new confidence and growing grace. I am honored to be walking hand in hand with you, and look forward to the great times that lie just ahead.


I take my leave, but not before I touch your heart with my peace and love… for you know, my son, my brother, my ambassador that my love for you is ever-abiding. Now, let us be about our Father’s business with good cheer. Shalom.