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Topic: Living in These Changing Times

Group: N. Colorado TeaM


Teacher: Monjoronson, Rayson

TR: Daniel Raphael



MONJORONSON: Good afternoon, this is Monjoronson. (Hearty welcome.) Thank you for your enthusiastic reception; it is appreciated. I am here with your old friend, Rayson. We are changing the format a bit and asking Rayson to bring you lessons when you meet each time, regarding the lessons of life and living in these changing times. The early era of the Teaching Mission and the work of Rayson and many other teachers, brought you lessons of how to live with yourself; how to live with God in your life; how to live with others; how to be at peace for your personal growth, social growth, family growth and community growth. Those were fundamental lessons, which are necessary and elementary for the beginnings of a sustainable civilization on this troubled planet.


Now that the Teaching Mission has come into its fullness, and its lessons have been developed fully—though there is still much work to do on your world, using the Teaching Mission. We have begun in the Magisterial Mission to present you with the possibility, the potential, that you and we can co-creatively bring a sustainable civilization into existence. We have as well, disclosed to you the traumas and difficulties your world will go through until that era, which may be decades away, if not centuries.

You have already entered the Transition Era. You are seeing a very difficult economic time in the world, and this will only become exacerbated in time, before it gets better. You may as well, anticipate there will be ups and downs in the economies of the world, but the difficulties that are inherent in a growing world population are evident and will not go away. I wish you to remember one concept: In all the coming months, years and decades, as [those of] you here, younger people and those who come afterwards, I want you to recognize that a sustainable, global population is an oxymoron. Sustainable growth is an oxymoron, no matter whether it involves the world population, global economies, local economies or social developments, which depend upon growth: Those are all unsustainable. The difficulties that you are seeing and experiencing as a society, a nation and as a world—and individually—during this Transition Era, are due to the lack of sustainable designs in your economies in a growing world population.

Our presentation of Rayson to you and the lessons that he will devise with his teaching team, are meant to assist you during this era. Remember, there are no panaceas; there are no escape clauses; there are no parachutes for you to use to exit this realm, this world. These are difficult times and there is much wisdom to be gained from these times. As well, these difficulties will lead you, as individuals, philosophers, and as authors and idealists, to think and write about sustainability in the social realm.

Now I present you with Teacher Rayson, and after his delivery I would be glad to answer any questions you may have. Further, you may anticipate that each of your sessions will have this format, until we announce change. I will be here at the beginning of the session, Rayson will present a lesson, and I will close the sessions with answering questions and a closing benediction and blessing to you. Do you understand? (Yes.) These questions that we are soliciting may be large or small. We wish you to present them in the format of “others.” It may involve something about yourself, but think in the larger term; there are so many commonalities among you that you truly do not present a unique situation, but one that is common to hundreds, thousands and perhaps millions of other people. Couch your questions in those perspectives and those terms, please. This makes the answers applicable to those larger populations. Thank you.

RAYSON: Good afternoon, this is Rayson. (Welcome back!) I feel a certain zeal within me, as the steel strikes the flint, so to speak, a spark of energy igniting a new dimension to these teachings. I am honored to be here; I am honored to have been selected to present this series of lessons. The tone of these lessons will be much different than those presented heretofore in the Teaching Mission, for your social and spiritual adjustment on this difficult planet. These lessons will be much more practical and much more self-evident, but nonetheless, they need to be stated and presented to you.

You may also find objection to some statements and some advice that we give you. This is going to be a very natural and normal reaction to many of these wisdoms that are shared with you, simply because you are living in difficult times, and these difficult times counter many of the trends and ways of life and living that you have experienced in your lifetimes and that of your parents.

One of the underlying principles of these lessons is that you be in contact through meditation time with your Guardian and with your spiritual advisors and your Thought Adjuster, the God presence within you. It is essential that you exercise these meditation times, for you are living now a life that can be exceptionally co-creative, in developing a sustainable lifestyle, a sustainable living situation, a sustainable family and community. Most of all, these meditation times are to assist you—individually—to become a sustainable, growing soul in a difficult world.

If there are questions for clarity sake, about what I am presenting to you, I ask those present here to raise their questions, and I would be most happy to answer them. You may recall in a younger time, when you had a career—or you may still have a career—and you made financial obligations for your life, for your future, for yourself and for your family, based upon a traditional model. Here in these current economic times that present so many people with difficulties of unemployment, foreclosures on their homes and so on, you begin to wonder about your own life.

There is not much that you can do now about the decisions that you made years ago to purchase a house, which was exceptionally expensive or exceptionally large—perhaps out of proportion to your needs at the time—and now you pray to God to assist you to fulfill those obligations so that you can maintain your homes and your material goods. These are good prayers; these are prayers that you should exercise, and you are advised to exercise the openness to alternatives to your life, for surely some of you who read these words will have those situations come to your life. How do you address these difficult situations? How do you present yourself to the universe when these things happen? If you lose your car for lack of making payments, or your home, you are in a difficult place. How do you engage these situations constructively? Again, maintain your daily meditations of openness, of stillness, to receive information that your God presence has available to you, for truly my friends, there is an abundance of opportunities in your world to excel, to grow, to move on, to make changes positively, constructively that will support your life.

The main attitude, which you need to support these changes that come into your life, is a positive attitude, one that anticipates change, one that looks forward to making decisions about your life. If you are resistant to change, then when change comes it will break you like a fine crystal glass. You are of little use to your life when you are broken; your example and model for your children is detrimental. It is difficult to give up those things that you have held familiar and dear to yourself for so many years, those material ideals that you have held for success, for accomplishment, for position and status. These are all temporary. You have been most fortunate in this world during the last thirty to fifty years, to have had this growing sense of abundance that would not end. It has given you a sense of security that has been limitless, in some ways. And now, many of you are being given the opportunities to grow through change, that challenge your fundamental, social, and material beliefs about who you are and what you are.

You would not be reading these words if you were not one of God’s children, who is now presently being guided. Many of you have already suffered greatly in your world, and you have sought this guidance to assist you in your world, and many of you have prospered because of it. Now, in these fluid economic and social times, you can co-creatively move forward to engage new opportunities that come into existence. In a static society there is less opportunity and you must seek out those opportunities through organizations, your associations, through your networks, and through your commerce. However, in times of great change as you now are experiencing, we are able to bring to you opportunities that are out of the realm of possibility in a static economic situation. To do this successfully, you need to have a positive outlook: Engage this as an opportunity for change, to be open to opportunities that come to you—and to pray for them. As you have been told, prayer is incredibly effective now. Those who pray without want, without personal need or greed, without self-service, and those who pray powerfully—and, if you are capable to pray without ego, pray for yourself; pray for right and perfect outcomes, for perfect guidance, for opportunities that allow you to grow and embellish your life and to care for your children and your grandchildren.

Do not be fearful! You say, “Well Rayson, that is easy for you to say, for every meal that you receive is provided!” and that is true. But, my friends, I have lived a physical life before, and I know what fear is. I recall that now, and I see fear upon many faces in your world. They help me hearken back to times when I felt the same on my world. Fear is endemic; and so is hope. Choose which one you want to hold dear to your life, to your heart. Choose which one you want to express in your world, in your life, and the lives of your children. Hope, positive expectation, anticipation of change, and eagerness for adventure—these will be given to you. Engage them with a positive heart, and you will be guided well; you will be served well.

Remember, hope and fear can be immediate. Legitimate fears, fear of things that can harm you immediately, are definitely legitimate. When they are past, then it is time to engage your hope, a positive attitude and move forward. Yes, many of you will give up cherished material goods, things that you have wanted and have earned—the symbols of status and position, power and authority and material accomplishment. That will be most painful to many of you. The difficulties of these times are not a test given to you by God—[they are] simply an outworking of your economic times in a world that is out of balance.

That is the essence of my lesson today. The heart of it is maintaining your stillness, your meditation practice, being open to receive guidance from the God presence within you, asking your Guardian Angel to assist you in your life, seeking opportunities in that stillness, being open to receive, and secondly, to maintain a positive attitude during tremendous change in your world. If your life is not physically threatened, please do not be fearful, but hold these times as an era of engagement for opportunity. You surely must know that you are loved; you are cared for and provided for. You are being guided. Be open to that guidance; be receptive to opportunities that come to you and do not be afraid to ask for those opportunities.

And as well, lastly, you can ask for positive outcomes of change, which may come into your life, for even though your situation may seem stable and static and safe, that could change. Anticipate that if the changes do come to your life, that you will need to ask ahead of time for positive outcomes. Be proactive in your faith; be proactive in your relationship with your world’s energy and its opportunities; be proactive in your relationship with your Thought Adjuster, with God, with Christ Michael and with Mother Spirit. Reach out and ask for their assistance, for surely it is there. Who received the crumbs from the table but those that ask for them—and more—when you ask? There is far more abundance on the table, which you have invited to attend.

I thank you for the time that you have allowed me to speak to you. I would be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding this lesson. You may as well, develop questions for our next lesson, next month, and I would be glad to answer them. There is much unfinished business that these lessons entail and we do not want to leave these details unanswered. (Pause.) I will adjourn; I will leave the podium and step aside for Monjoronson.


Student: Thank you for the lesson today.

RAYSON: You are most welcome; I am very pleased to be here once again. It is an honor to work for Christ Michael, for Machiventa, for Monjoronson, for the Most Highs in this effort.

MONJORONSON: This is Monjoronson. I thank you for your attendance today. I would hope that you will be able to attend next month as you schedule the next meeting.

Student: I have a question, Monjoronson. (Certainly!) I am in a position to lead a Christian Adult Study Group and I have been thinking about how… we are in a position to make sort of a new turn and I’m wondering how it would be most effective for people who are not aware of either the Urantia teachings or the Teaching Mission, to help them perhaps in effective meditation. And I haven’t… well, do you have any suggestions?

MONJORONSON: Most certainly. First of all, dear woman, you have a mind that has absorbed so many years of the wisdoms that have come through the Teachers and through the Urantia Book. We fully know that you will present many of these perspectives and concepts to those students, who can sift through the differences of their own religious upbringing and what you present. As well, do not be afraid to be more presentful of the wisdoms that you have learned about meditation and prayer. Many devout believers of established religions truly feel that God is “there,” rather than “here,” “outside,” rather than “inside,” that their prayers are like writing a letter and leaving them in the post box, that there is a lack of heart (compassionate connection) in this relationship. We would ask you to present that energy of the heart through meditations and through the prayer activities.

It is essential that people truly feel the presence of Spirit in them and around them, that when they pray, they “feel” the presence of God with them, for my brother, Christ Michael is “here,” as you pray. His presence is personal and immediate. You can relate this to those people through presentation of the Spirit of Truth, the companion of Jesus, who came after Epiphany. You will feel this; they will feel it and know it. Please allow them the experience to feel the presence. Lead them into knowing God personally. Lead them into a personal relationship that is immediate and intimate. When you do this, you will have a positive response and we know now that you will be successful. (Thank you.) You are most welcome.

Student: Monjoronson, I have a relative that is going through a very difficult and trying time, but it is something that other people are going through as well. He has lost his job that he had for many years and he is so anxiety ridden that he is not able to accept employment that means change for him. Other than prayer, how can I help him or others that have lost their jobs?

MONJORONSON: Certainly. This is a good example and one that is in the extreme, but is also fairly typical of those who have had long-term employment. I would ask you to be with this person personally, if you are able to, to sit with him and speak with him and to open his heart to this situation. His rational mind has left him with few options to view the future. It is essential that this individual release that anxiety, that anxiety is a form of fear, and that it is ultimately very, very corrosive and destructive for his mental health, emotional health, his social health, and to his physical health. He will eventually—using the logical mind—have to make a decision, though we have seen instances where people in extreme anxiety, simply freeze up and make no decisions, and the decisions are made for them by others around them, to whom they owe “something.”

The recitations of personal experiences during times of anxiety are very, very useful. You have had many yourself, and when you were about to give up—or you did give up and release to God—then the answers came through. This fellow has made an energetic block around himself, so that he is unavailable to opportunities. His anxiety is like a static field around him, where he cannot receive messages from Spirit, or his telephone or the television set. The “static” is a metaphor, of course, but his energy is causing him great dissonance with opportunities that are available to him. The immediate necessity is to realize, to appreciate and to resolve that that was yesterday; this is today, and today, “I must make decisions.”

Many of these advisements are hollow to a mind that is closed, but they can be touched through your heart energy and through the energy of their Guardian and your Guardian. When you go visit this person, prepare the space ahead of time, by asking your Guardian to be in contact with this person’s Guardian, and with their Thought Adjuster, to become more open to receive your lessons, your experiences, your wisdom and your love. Does this help? (Yes, very much, thank you.) Certainly.

Student: I have another question based on your lesson last month. I understand that people on this world need to go through a period of growth and evolution to reach some of these changes, but are there any nations on our world that have listened and applied the suggestions of the Most Highs that we could use as examples of where we need to go, when talking to people that aren’t open to spiritual information?

MONJORONSON: Nations as a whole, no, there are none. That is why the Co-Creative Design Team process has begun to examine social models that are now existent, whether it is models of childrearing, education or healthcare within societies. These models and examples can be found throughout the world, and they truly do exist. These need to be found, pointed to, published and shared. As a whole nation, no, there are none that exemplify these. There are nations which have outstanding standards of living, but which have faltered financially, which have great difficulties. The necessities of sustainable societies in a nation are complex and multi-faceted, but all are interrelated. The metaphor of a diamond offers itself very clearly, that what you seek is a sustainable social entity, and you must look through each facet to see how it applies itself to that sustainability. Then once you have enough facets that you’ve seen through, you will realize that a sustainable society needs many—all—social facets operable at the sustainable level to sustain a nation and a world. I know this answer may have gone afar from your question, but does it answer your question basically? (Yes, some good information. Thank you.) You are welcome.


The work that we are doing in the Magisterial Mission is totally interrelated with Christ Michael’s Correction Plan and the activities of the Most High, for many centuries, that the outcome will be a sustainable world. You are seeing the first very initial steps of moving in that direction, and these are not faltering, but careful, cautious and timely, and they will be presented when the developments support their continuation. I wish you well this week, this day, this month, this year and this decade. Blessings to you! Remember to be attuned to God within; know that you are loved, and know that when you are open to receive, what you need will be presented to you. Good day. (Group gives thanks.)