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Nebadonia—January 30, 2006
Marin TM Group—Mill Valley—U. S. A.
      (All Spirit Is Personal)
      (The Courage to Question Ones Concepts)
      (Archetypes and Individuality)
      (Solar System Dynamics and Earth Stability)
      (Does Heaven Already Exist Somehow on Earth?)
      (Staying out of Trouble, or Not)
===Topic: '''''Deja vu, Archetypes, Solar Dynamics'''''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teachers: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR's: [[JL]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Mother, we greatly enjoyed Your last lesson on the spiritual nature of truth, for it reminded us that only spirit is all inclusive. You brought us closer to the greater truth: that truth itself, while it can never be our possession, can be our orientation and our goal. It can be our eternity-quest. And so it is at one and the same time the real, present bedrock of our life, and the eternal encompassing that we seek both within and without--the presence of God. Amen.
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Mother, we greatly enjoyed Your last lesson on the spiritual nature of truth, for it reminded us that only spirit is all inclusive. You brought us closer to the greater truth: that truth itself, while it can never be our possession, can be our orientation and our goal. It can be our eternity-quest. And so it is at one and the same time the real, present bedrock of our life, and the eternal encompassing that we seek both within and without--the presence of God. Amen.
NEBADONIA: Good evening, My children, this is your Mother, Nebadonia, and I accept your greetings with a warm heart. If you will only let Me, I will return your love many-fold. Congratulations are in order too, for you are taking My lessons to heart and gleaning the truth within them.
NEBADONIA: Good evening, My children, this is your Mother, Nebadonia, and I accept your greetings with a warm heart. If you will only let Me, I will return your love many-fold. Congratulations are in order too, for you are taking My lessons to heart and gleaning the truth within them.
(All spirit is personal)
This is so closely tied in with Our lessons on humility, and what a spiritual blessing it is to be able to perceive that the context of your lives is truly enormous. This is true not only in the physical dimensions of time and space--those millions of galaxies out there, some of them billions of light-years from your little blue sphere, but also in the unfathomable meaning of so many thousands of different kinds of spiritual beings who form a family of which you too are a member. This was Michael’s prime lesson last week, that all spirit is personal. It is a kind of radiance from a personal being, and the primal, original source is God himself.
This is so closely tied in with Our lessons on humility, and what a spiritual blessing it is to be able to perceive that the context of your lives is truly enormous. This is true not only in the physical dimensions of time and space--those millions of galaxies out there, some of them billions of light-years from your little blue sphere, but also in the unfathomable meaning of so many thousands of different kinds of spiritual beings who form a family of which you too are a member. This was Michael’s prime lesson last week, that all spirit is personal. It is a kind of radiance from a personal being, and the primal, original source is God himself.
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Faith is that quality within human reality that lets you realize the fundamental reality--your unique personality--that you are. This is that God-creation that realizes, makes real, all the different facets of your being: your sense perceptions, your mind organization giving meaning to these physical facts, then your spirit too, of which you are all continually surprised, is part Me. I am actually part of your thinking, part of your knowing, part of your mind. Yet it is your personality which makes everything real to yourself. So with your intrinsic powers of spirit you can realize, through faith, that which you cannot know by any other means. This, if you will, is the function of faith.
Faith is that quality within human reality that lets you realize the fundamental reality--your unique personality--that you are. This is that God-creation that realizes, makes real, all the different facets of your being: your sense perceptions, your mind organization giving meaning to these physical facts, then your spirit too, of which you are all continually surprised, is part Me. I am actually part of your thinking, part of your knowing, part of your mind. Yet it is your personality which makes everything real to yourself. So with your intrinsic powers of spirit you can realize, through faith, that which you cannot know by any other means. This, if you will, is the function of faith.
(The courage to question ones concepts)
Your personality--you, originating from God, can have a quality of recognition so that when your faith informs you of something, this quality of recognition lets you realize it. But this is not absolutely infallible, My children. Here is where it takes the courage of the character you have built up from experience, to question everything that your mind can grasp as a concept and articulate to you. This is why your faith is ever out in front of you like a pathfinder, always reaching for more that what you have already fully comprehended. Your faith is always struggling to find truth, to find spirit, to find God. And here most of you have experienced sometimes, if only momentarily, the ineffable, ungraspable, inexpressible pure substance of the Divine.
Your personality--you, originating from God, can have a quality of recognition so that when your faith informs you of something, this quality of recognition lets you realize it. But this is not absolutely infallible, My children. Here is where it takes the courage of the character you have built up from experience, to question everything that your mind can grasp as a concept and articulate to you. This is why your faith is ever out in front of you like a pathfinder, always reaching for more that what you have already fully comprehended. Your faith is always struggling to find truth, to find spirit, to find God. And here most of you have experienced sometimes, if only momentarily, the ineffable, ungraspable, inexpressible pure substance of the Divine.
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If you have any questions or comments this evening, we can do little do-se-do.
If you have any questions or comments this evening, we can do little do-se-do.
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I have what might be called a general information question. I’ve been experiencing what we call deja-vu, ever since I can remember it, mainly from high school on. I’m just wondering
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I have what might be called a general information question. I’ve been experiencing what we call deja-vu, ever since I can remember it, mainly from high school on. I’m just wondering
what it is and why do I experience it?
what it is and why do I experience it?
NEBADONIA: Yes, C, the term generally means momentarily experiencing a kind of double consciousness. Part of you knows very securely that the situation you are in is happening for the first time, however similar it may be to even dozens and dozens of other times; still you know this has never happened before. At the same time you are getting some inklings or some other consciousness--for however long, sometimes only a few seconds--feeling that this exact situation did happen before, and you are repeating it.
NEBADONIA: Yes, C, the term generally means momentarily experiencing a kind of double consciousness. Part of you knows very securely that the situation you are in is happening for the first time, however similar it may be to even dozens and dozens of other times; still you know this has never
happened before. At the same time you are getting some inklings or some other consciousness--for however long, sometimes only a few seconds--feeling that this exact situation did happen before, and you are repeating it.
I hope I’m not disappointing any notions of profound psychic intuition here, but this is generally only a psychological phenomena where your mind is momentarily distracted and functioning on two relatively autonomous channels at the same time. For most people the consciousness that this is happening brings it to an abrupt stop. This is very similar to peripheral hallucinations or visual distortions that vanish as soon as your consciousness turns toward them to get a hold on them, and finds they simply disappear.
I hope I’m not disappointing any notions of profound psychic intuition here, but this is generally only a psychological phenomena where your mind is momentarily distracted and functioning on two relatively autonomous channels at the same time. For most people the consciousness that this is happening brings it to an abrupt stop. This is very similar to peripheral hallucinations or visual distortions that vanish as soon as your consciousness turns toward them to get a hold on them, and finds they simply disappear.
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Student: Mother Nebadonia, I have a question for You to answer, if You would please. I’ve noticed for the few years that I began the discovery, of knowing that I’m going through a recycling or re-birthing of some things that happened to me twenty years ago. One of these started last year in the form of an archetype of a person that--I really don’t understand or know why I’ve encountered, or experienced, or have met this person. He has some traits that are like my former husband, and it’s just been a big puzzle. I don’t know what to do with the information other than, just have…found contact--that has gone on with it--a compliment, so extreme in some places; and yet no true connectivity results. What is happening?
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I have a question for You to answer, if You would please. I’ve noticed for the few years that I began the discovery, of knowing that I’m going through a recycling or re-birthing of some things that happened to me twenty years ago. One of these started last year in the form of an archetype of a person that--I really don’t understand or know why I’ve encountered, or experienced, or have met this person. He has some traits that are like my former husband, and it’s just been a big puzzle. I don’t know what to do with the information other than, just have…found contact--that has gone on with it--a compliment, so extreme in some places; and yet no true connectivity results. What is happening?
(Archetypes and individuality)
NEBADONIA: Yes, My daughter, it seems this is another case of experiencing two facets of a single reality simultaneously and not knowing where exactly the balance is. The word archetype generally refers, as the name implies, to something typical, a type-aspect of a human being that many individuals share. You have your classical archetypes of mother, father, son, and daughter, sister and brother.
NEBADONIA: Yes, My daughter, it seems this is another case of experiencing two facets of a single reality simultaneously and not knowing where exactly the balance is. The word archetype generally refers, as the name implies, to something typical, a type-aspect of a human being that many individuals share. You have your classical archetypes of mother, father, son, and daughter, sister and brother.
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And secondly, whatever may be the cause of the weather instability, can human consciousness and prayer affect the changes in the weather and the earth? Directly or indirectly? So it’s a two part question: whatever You can say about the causes of this bizarre weather, and other changes on the earth; and also, can human consciousness affect that, and alter the course of that?
And secondly, whatever may be the cause of the weather instability, can human consciousness and prayer affect the changes in the weather and the earth? Directly or indirectly? So it’s a two part question: whatever You can say about the causes of this bizarre weather, and other changes on the earth; and also, can human consciousness affect that, and alter the course of that?
(Solar system dynamics and earth stability)
NEBADONIA: Yes, My son, as to the causes of some of your recent upheavals, I would say they are still very much within the parameters of what the earth itself and its ecosystems--irrespective of human kind--are capable of manifesting. Some of the longer or more broad cycles, as you know, have led to, on one extreme, extensive ice ages, and on the other extreme, extensive de-forestation and desert-like conditions. (Yes) Yet within these great cycles which are totally natural, human influenced global warming is a fact, a very minor one by comparison, but still there. You cannot dump trillions of calories of heat into the atmosphere and not have some effect.
NEBADONIA: Yes, My son, as to the causes of some of your recent upheavals, I would say they are still very much within the parameters of what the earth itself and its ecosystems--irrespective of human kind--are capable of manifesting. Some of the longer or more broad cycles, as you know, have led to, on one extreme, extensive ice ages, and on the other extreme, extensive de-forestation and desert-like conditions. (Yes) Yet within these great cycles which are totally natural, human influenced global warming is a fact, a very minor one by comparison, but still there. You cannot dump trillions of calories of heat into the atmosphere and not have some effect.
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But the control of the weather on Urantia is still, for quite a few millennia to come, a matter of physical control and not susceptible to direct spiritual responses. (Yes) This is another one of those humbling facts, and you can do your best by looking for physical causes--your own human uses of energy that impact upon global warming. Does this begin to answer your question, My son?
But the control of the weather on Urantia is still, for quite a few millennia to come, a matter of physical control and not susceptible to direct spiritual responses. (Yes) This is another one of those humbling facts, and you can do your best by looking for physical causes--your own human uses of energy that impact upon global warming. Does this begin to answer your question, My son?
Student: It sure does. Most of the pieces have been addressed. I’ll just kind-of restate one part again. You know, from time to time, we see these
Student: It sure does. Most of the pieces have been addressed. I’ll just kind-of restate one part again. You know, from time to time, we see these predictions of the earth changes, and the current one that’s come across to some of us is an indication that there’s a change in the solar system--that it’s solar system wide. It is caused by perturbations brought about by the tenth planet crossing closer to the solar system, which is one of the key features causing changes on the earth through, if I understand right, the heating up of the sun and perturbations in the sun’s energy. This is causing not only weather change here, but actual earth motion of the tectonic plates. Here again I understand that there may be things that should not be revealed. But if there is anything You can say on that, it would be helpful for me to, You know, to work through this current issue.
predictions of the earth changes, and the current one that’s come across to some of us is an indication that there’s a change in the solar system--that it’s solar system wide. It is caused by perturbations brought about by the tenth planet crossing closer to the solar system, which is one of the key features causing changes on the earth through, if I understand right, the heating up of the sun and perturbations in the sun’s energy. This is causing not only weather change here, but actual earth motion of the tectonic plates. Here again I understand that there may be things that should not be revealed. But if there is anything You can say on that, it would be helpful for me to, You know, to work through this current issue.
NEBADONIA: I believe what will help your understanding of these purely physical phenomena is the appreciation of the masses and distances involved. (Yes) The planets have very little effect on the sun. (Yes) A single solar flare, even a minor one, could easily engulf all the planets, swallow them without a trace. Even the so-called effects of planetary alignment are mostly astrological, and not truly astronomical. (Wow)
NEBADONIA: I believe what will help your understanding of these purely physical phenomena is the appreciation of the masses and distances involved. (Yes) The planets have very little effect on the sun. (Yes) A single solar flare, even a minor one, could easily engulf all the planets, swallow them without a trace. Even the so-called effects of planetary alignment are mostly astrological, and not truly astronomical. (Wow)
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Student: Yes, Mother, there’s hundreds of things going through my mind right now, in what I heard tonight. But one thing you just said to B about human consciousness not affecting what’s going on, on this planet: are we not creating an imbalance because we lack consciousness--that we have more of these phenomena, earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes, because we are lacking consciousness, that we give our power away without understanding, away to greed and the desire to have power over nature? If mankind is able to raise the consciousness to that of what was intended, wouldn’t this kind-of be a whole different form in the placement of living?
Student: Yes, Mother, there’s hundreds of things going through my mind right now, in what I heard tonight. But one thing you just said to B about human consciousness not affecting what’s going on, on this planet: are we not creating an imbalance because we lack consciousness--that we have more of these phenomena, earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes, because we are lacking consciousness, that we give our power away without understanding, away to greed and the desire to have power over nature? If mankind is able to raise the consciousness to that of what was intended, wouldn’t this kind-of be a whole different form in the placement of living?
(Solar system dynamics and earth stability)
NEBADONIA: My son, keep in mind that mankind mainly effects mankind, not the planet. The major effect of mankind’s gradual enlightenment and cultural maturity has a direct effect upon other people. A reduction in warfare and crime has the most profound effect on the net happiness of the human race. But these are still largely economic issues, and so a more equitable distribution of wealth and the access to energy, a greater conservation and wise utilization in the preservation of natural resources; these would enormously benefit all mankind, but have little effect on the physical planet itself in terms of earthquakes and huge weather phenomena. This is what I meant in answer to B’s question, that mankind is slowly creating a small effect in global warming, it is true. It does exist. But it’s still very small, and so mankind’s enlightenment would most immediately and profoundly effect other people, but have only a minor effect on the planet itself. Does this help you separate these two realms?
NEBADONIA: My son, keep in mind that mankind mainly effects mankind, not the planet. The major effect of mankind’s gradual enlightenment and cultural maturity has a direct effect upon other people. A reduction in warfare and crime has the most profound effect on the net happiness of the human race. But these are still largely economic issues, and so a more equitable distribution of wealth and the access to energy, a greater conservation and wise utilization in the preservation of natural resources; these would enormously benefit all mankind, but have little effect on the physical planet itself in terms of earthquakes and huge weather phenomena. This is what I meant in answer to B’s question, that mankind is slowly creating a small effect in global warming, it is true. It does exist. But it’s still very small, and so mankind’s enlightenment would most immediately and profoundly effect other people, but have only a minor effect on the planet itself. Does this help you separate these two realms?
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Student: I just remembered, because I have it on my wall, something James understood about Jesus. James was thrilled to understand that He just wanted us to live on this planet as if it were Heaven. I think that’s the most profound thing one can take in, that heaven already exists here beyond this veil of sorrow and grief and oppression.
Student: I just remembered, because I have it on my wall, something James understood about Jesus. James was thrilled to understand that He just wanted us to live on this planet as if it were Heaven. I think that’s the most profound thing one can take in, that heaven already exists here beyond this veil of sorrow and grief and oppression.
(Does heaven already exist somehow on earth?)
NEBADONIA: Well, not for nothing are these planets called the nurseries of time and space, the origin of potentially eternal beings. If I’m not mistaken this is what I invited you to realize this evening--the next phase of your lives, which I promise you will find far exceeds your most heavenly notions. This exists, in part, right within your very own souls, created by the presence of God within you.
NEBADONIA: Well, not for nothing are these planets called the nurseries of time and space, the origin of potentially eternal beings. If I’m not mistaken this is what I invited you to realize this evening--the next phase of your lives, which I promise you will find far exceeds your most heavenly
notions. This exists, in part, right within your very own souls, created by the presence of God within you.
Truly, from Our point of view, with the full view of your souls, My son, We see the enormity and can appreciate the vastness of what you are, that you can only get little glimmerings of. But Heaven is not here yet. The soul wealth is here. We’ve also given these perhaps strange-seeming lessons on how, while you are yet only beginning to start, and taking the very first step on the road to perfection, you are nevertheless, moment by moment, complete--whether you can realize it or not. You may just have to take My word for it. (long pause)
Truly, from Our point of view, with the full view of your souls, My son, We see the enormity and can appreciate the vastness of what you are, that you can only get little glimmerings of. But Heaven is not here yet. The soul wealth is here. We’ve also given these perhaps strange-seeming lessons on how, while you are yet only beginning to start, and taking the very first step on the road to perfection, you are nevertheless, moment by moment, complete--whether you can realize it or not. You may just have to take My word for it. (long pause)
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Student: This would be on what I wanted to talk about tonight, or ask about. I guess this one thing that I was thinking about was my own self respect, and how I come to understand, in my relationship with others--certain intimate relationships, how sometimes I get challenged and I accommodate the other persons values, overriding my own to my own detriment. Then I go through, in a sense, a crisis within myself, that I’m not being true to myself, and so I desire to stop doing that. I desire to honor who I am and not lose myself anymore. That’s the lesson I learned this week.
Student: This would be on what I wanted to talk about tonight, or ask about. I guess this one thing that I was thinking about was my own self respect, and how I come to understand, in my relationship with others--certain intimate relationships, how sometimes I get challenged and I accommodate the other persons values, overriding my own to my own detriment. Then I go through, in a sense, a crisis within myself, that I’m not being true to myself, and so I desire to stop doing that. I desire to honor who I am and not lose myself anymore. That’s the lesson I learned this week.
(Staying out of trouble, or not)
NEBADONIA: Good! (group laughter) You have a very good grasp of the situation, after it’s happened. Now the trick is to see it coming.
NEBADONIA: Good! (group laughter) You have a very good grasp of the situation, after it’s happened. Now the trick is to see it coming.
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Student: And also leaving the baggage behind, that I do not want anymore. And take the next step.
Student: And also leaving the baggage behind, that I do not want anymore. And take the next step.
NEBADONIA: Let’s say amen to that! (Group: amen!) And Be in My love.
NEBADONIA: Let’s say amen to that! (Group: amen!) And Be in My love.
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Group: Good evening; Thank You, Mother.
Group: Good evening; Thank You, Mother.
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