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Topic: Reality of WAVE

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Algimantas



Algimantas: My beloved Father, I do desire to know more about your creation and our mission therein that each of us begins it now and here on Urantia of our own will bestowed by you. I have been following the discussions centering the creation of a new order of a personality on Urantia initiated by four humans, our brethren.

Some of us seem to be disagreeing with such a possibility, and even probability, since they claim that all the orders of personalities on Urantia have been completed. Meanwhile the other camp are firmly convinced that all this did happen with your, our beloved Father, participation.

And those who read these discussions do not have any substantial evidence that would outweigh the situation to either of the two sides. Maybe there might spring up some partial opinions.

And, yet, would you mind giving me some clue to this issue if it is in my interests and in accordance with your design?

Thought Adjuster: My beloved son, what you are asking about is a new thing to even long-term readers of The Urantia Book. And the response might blind, for a while, some of you.

Yes, this new order of being has been created and soon all of you shall have a wonderful opportunity to witness their presence amongst you.

You well know that your planet is an experimental planet thus you must allow us some liberties to improve life so that it would be possible for my other sons to design even better patterns for other planets that have not yet been inhabited. As you well know that even your universe is not yet given a full quota of inhabited planets. But it is even more significant that your planet has been under the quarantine regime for two hundred thousand years and this lag in its spiritual development is currently being remedied by your Michael by all the means possible. Even by such means that far transcend the message presented in the Urantia Papers. You also well know that those of you who shall turn their eternal potential into their actual and stand in front of me on Paradise and shall be mustered into the Paradise Corp of Finality of Mortals shall be given an opportunity to create a new and high ranking spirit. This co-creative act with your partner from Havona gives evidence to you, each of you, of your divine-creatorship potential. And your revelation is giving you the statement that this type of a creative act is given to an ascended mortal only once. But this shall be disclosed to you much later than in your present status of humans that under certain circumstance this act shall be repeated and not once.

And the mortals that have participated in the creation of a new being have not created the personality that has been created by Me but only some of the best aspects of the characters of the four personalities of the humans involved in this process of co-creation with Me have been used by Me to finalize the life manifestation in the form of a super mortal order that shall be used for the benefit of humanity on Urantia.

You must stop looking into the dawning-new morning from yesterday-night’s perspective.

You well know that Jesus was telling you more than two thousand years ago that we would be doing together great things even greater than Jesus, while in the flesh, was doing on Urantia. Why cannot you accept this act of co-creation of a new order as such a magnificent evidence of the righteousness of Jesus's words.

I love you all. You are my children and you must be happy about such creative acts developing on this unique planet since it is a home planet of your Father-Brother Michael. And each of you are given a mission on this planet and on all the other planets. Not all of you desire to be scientists, teachers, preachers, soldiers, drivers, or any other professional people. Some of you desire to create, at least subconsciously. And it is natural that each of you is required a certain devotion to master a certain step of one's standing and development. Some of you, even though you are all equally loved by Me, are being trained for performing one sort of a mission while others for another sort of a mission. You must not be occupied just with one and the same mission for all your life on Urantia. But for each of your missions on Urantia I am training each of you thru my spirit, your Thought Adjuster, and the mode of this training is slightly varies to each different person.

Thus, accept the fact that those who participated in the creation of a new personality order on Urantia have been performing their mission for which they have been trained from within even without sensing the process of that training consciously.

And a similar training process is going on in the minds of each you both subconsciously and superconsciously.

And there are many missions in the offing for each of you that this scope is beyond your understanding. Thus you must stay vibrationally open to my spirit within each of you so that your Thought Adjuster might reach your mind with as little interference as possible. And once your training is completed you shall be given a real chance to do your part in enlightening all the creation.

The creation of a new order of a personality is not the most important part of My activity. It is much more testing is the inter-association of these created beings in the creation for in this lasting process a free will of a benevolent character might manifest itself or might not.

I commend you all for your desire to also participate in such a creative activity.

And now you must realize how much disillusionment occupies your mind or the mind of any other creature once a certain task has been performed by somebody else and not by you, by you, or by you. You well know that even on the higher plane there are many different missions to be performed by volunteers. And the number of these volunteers are far greater than required. And all those who are not chosen experience some sadness but this passes rather quickly since the number of missions is really unlimited, but they all must be worked out and prepared well.


Thank you Father for your answer. I love you.

Peace be upon you. With brotherly love, Algimantas