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Topic: Removing Lines of Separation

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am finding our group to be a source of strength and healing. It is beautiful to see the trust here in this room among you. How wonderful it is that you can have that trust in one another enough to be yourselves, as you are, fellow travelers, Kingdom brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers.


It is becoming better understood that people need one another, maybe not so much as in traditional roles, but more along spiritual means. I am saying that as the world evolves mortals will find their place in the world to be also changing. It is well understood that experience brings us advancement and up until this point, we thought that was through a well-traveled path, meaning to understand parenthood, we must have a child. To understand marriage, you must have had a successful marriage. To understand being a part of the whole, one must learn to forsake self.

As our society sees more broadened horizons, we can begin to accept a variety of non-traditional roles. It has been said that we are learning to remove the lines of separation. Stagnant thinking keeps us from new ideas and growth. Experience with variety will ultimately bring about open mindedness, which will in turn bring about acceptance. Look at the Master and how He viewed the various people He met. They were not rich or poor, free nor bond, male or female.

For this so-called civilization to become acclimated to variety there must indeed be experience. There will be individuals who are strong in spirit and sincere in heart, who will help lead the way toward understanding diversity. As the world’s people begin to glimpse Light and Life there will be more acceptance of individuals being who they are, mortally speaking. You, Mission participants, are forerunners in setting an example of acceptance. I mean not to say that you accept everything, but simply not cast a judgmental light. The only one that knows the mind of God is God. He views His children with the same eyes. He loves His children with the same amount of love.


For the week ahead let us practice the technique of acceptance and how others around us may be of benefit to our willingness to be open. Nothing is as it was--such is life on an experimental planet. Definitely you can count on an ultimate goodness arising out of any circumstance. It is an honor for me to see you here with one another. How real you are is inspiring. We will stop there. As always I am ever increasing with love for each one of you. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.