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Topic: Allow Those To Serve Who Wish To Serve

Group: Unknown


Teacher: Michael

TR: Marshall



Good evening, my son and brother. This is the Master here to greet you as you request answers to questions you are desirous of obtaining.


Understand, my son, that there are many who supremely desire to be of higher service within the unfolding Magisterial Mission. As their intentions become increasingly pure and their level of commitment grows, new realities become possible. As new truth is received it allows for error to be displaced, further actualizing potentials, that in co-creation with spirit can surely become manifest. Life is change, my brother, and those who desire to come into the limelight and allow themselves to become transformed into shining beacons of light, rest assured they will not be turned away. You yourself are not the same person you were just a short time ago, and such applies to many who sincerely desire to reach out and become all they can be, and be about feeding my sheep.

As you well surmised earlier today, those who are not against us are indeed with us. I will turn none away who desire to work with me to become mighty mortal ambassadors representing me and those that rule upon this planet in my name. Great mobilization of forces is now occurring that will become activated with great power never before implemented upon the planet. This activation demands a working partnership between spirit and those mortals of spiritual vision and cosmic insight who will be whole-heartedly dedicated to allowing themselves to be guided and directed into whole new arenas of service previously unimaginable. These bold and fearless leaders who become active liaisons, stepping into the limelight, will allow others to follow, as the lines of communication between those working in this capacity in various areas of specialization are further co-ordinated into powerful associations, in concert with spirit, to usher in sweeping changes and reorganization of the entire planet.

Living, growing faith and total trust will be required of all who desire to assume great new responsibilities. Yes, we are in the process of a winnowing that will reveal only those rugged spirit-led men and women of destiny who will become the transformed shepherds of light to lead my fold into the new times we are indeed on the brink of. All are chosen; let those who heed my call be about our Father's business. Great plans have I for those shining beacons of light who will take my hand and follow me.


Rejoice, my son, as thrilling adventure is upon us. Be at peace and know that my love for you is ever-abiding. I hope this has been helpful. Carry on.