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Topic: Back on the Ground of Human Reality

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Elaine, Donna D'Ingillo


Lesson 1

Mother Spirit: "Reach out to Me, dear child. In your darkest moments I am with you, and in your lightest moments I am with you, too, for I love you beyond any measure of human understanding. I reach for you and My grip is sure, so you will not slip and fall into forgetfulness, of which you are so afraid.

"It will take an effort on your part, for these things that you desire are like bricks. One by one they are carefully laid, one upon the other, until a strong, sturdy structure ensues. You are creating your sacred building (eternal future) brick by spiritual brick.

"As you tarry for a time, the unseen help that you so crave, even at this moment, rallies around you, loving you, surrounding you, and lifting you when you are too tired to carry on.

"I am here with you now, as I was here with you yesterday, and will be with you tomorrow. Feel My arms lifting you over yet another hurdle, and when you are again ready to begin, I will gently place your feet back on the ground of human reality, and watch your progress as human parents watch their babies’ first wobbly steps. Like such a little baby, you, too, will become more sure-footed and less fearful.

"Feel My great love for you now and rest securely in My arms. Your pleas have been heard."

Lesson 2

"Rest easy in My love, for My long arms can reach you, can find you, even though you try to hide like a wayward child, afraid of punishment. There will be no punishment. I lift you high, toward the light of a million suns. We twirl and spin. You laugh and the weight of this world drops from your shoulders. Higher we spin, to the place where understanding abounds. Peace at last. Rest easy, My beloved child, in the arms of the parent who loves you beyond measure."

Midwayer comments: We applaud the publication of personal messages, for others may find their strength in them, and we applaud your courage to ‘so let others into your lives’. In the realms beyond your mortal lives such is the rule, not the exception.

Lesson 3

Oakland, California, US of A, December 11, 2005. Divine Mother (Nebadonia). Subject: "Step Forward In Faith." Received by Donna D’Ingillo.

Divine Mother: "My child, come into My arms. As I pour comfort over this world, partake freely of My soothing love. Drink deeply of My Mother’s nature for I am the one who brings all good and beautiful things to you. I fill you up with them!

"Sometimes your lives will not seem to make much sense to you. Allow your mind to rest in Me. Try less and less to figure out the things that you do not seem to understand. Instead, turn to Me so I may open your mind to an expansive energy that will help you to think with more clarity and insight. My love will instill within you more peace and security. Remember that you are a growing child of Spirit. It is in your nature to feel tension between what you think you know and what you have yet to learn! By coming to Me and asking Me to fill you I can give you what your mind needs to expand your sense of self and awareness of life.

"My gifts to you are the offerings of a blessed and bountiful life. Growing into them means letting go of the workings of your mind that foster fear, doubt, and confusion. Give them to Me, My child, and I will replace those old habits with far more productive and healthful ones. Each time you align your negative thoughts and feelings with Me the more you will receive the blessings of love upon your mind and body. Thusly, the new habits take root and supplant those that are no longer welcome.

"This is your time to become fully alive in SPIRIT, My child! Step forward in faith. Come into your Divine Mother’s holy presence, and receive My blessings. I will pour My Spirit into you and make you new. This is My promise to you! Now it is up to you to receive, and receive in faith what you need to live abundantly."