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Topic: Inspired to Yield the Fruits of Spirit

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown

Session 1


Dear one, in the spirit we work as one. Be it your Master Jesus, or be it Me; whomever you may think is urging you heavenward, it matters not. If mortals show willingness therefore, we all cooperate in the endeavor of leading them into their eternal existence, which is their evolutionary goal.

In matters spiritual there is no competition. Even the angels willingly serve the Father, and with gladness in their hearts. We all labor towards the same goal; that of awakening mortals towards their glorious destiny, and irrespective of what superstition or doctrine keeps them in bondage.

Each mortal runs his or her individual race, and there is never any coercion. A mere piece of paper, or book of dogma, is not meant to hold them to a certain course. Each individual soul will decide for itself and need not allow words that are written by someone else to dictate what is truth.

It might inspire them, but it is not to be accepted as gospel. It might lead for a while, but only until such time when they have sufficiently grown in spirit, so be inspired yourself when you come to Me in the Stillness.

The initial opening of the heart to the Greatness of the Creator is totally personal, and this sometimes happens in times of crisis when a soul turns to Me in its struggles in order to become free.

But often it is a slow dawning realization that there is more to life then meets the eye. It is not to be found in mass hysteria, which can lead to an inevitable letdown if there is no lasting impression.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added unto thee." This is understood to mean that you will gain peace and joy beyond understanding, with increasing peace of mind and joy in your soul, and in wisdom, with an increasing love and understanding towards all others. These are heaven’s values, which are so very different from earth’s values.

You will be inspired to yield the fruits of the spirit, all the while practicing increasing tolerance and a greater understanding, with a loving, forgiving, and patient attitude towards your ‘lesser developed’ brothers and sisters, to serve as an example and be an inspiration to them, for them to also seek that everlasting peace within themselves.

Session 2

Your Faith Richly Rewarded. (A Thought Adjuster Speaks—321—June 10, 2004)


Dear one, it is often through a severe crisis in life that mortals receive a so-called wake-up call. This often makes them realize at the very depths of their being that there is more to life than what meets the material eyes. It is in that moment that they discover that ‘silver-cord,’ or ‘Light Beam,’ which grounds them between heaven and earth, between the seen and the unseen.

These unforgettable experiences are forever etched in those mortals’ souls, and they sense for certain that life goes on after the physical dissolution that is death, and all fear then evaporates. This moment is a moment in eternity, in which such a one is forever freed from earthly bondage and ‘knows in faith’ that a more glorious life awaits all those who believe.

"According to your faith, it shall be done unto you."

The mists of time are temporarily lifted, and that great burden of unbelief is taken from the soul of that human, who experiences Serenity and Peace beyond words. He or she is forever set free from the clamor of the world, which keeps a soul in bondage and unable to ‘fly’. Faith and trust are the wings that lift a soul heavenward. "Believe and it shall be done unto you," is all it takes.

Oh, the freedom that comes to that formerly fear-ridden soul when it seeks for My Presence and finds it! It is the price of great value your Master Jesus alluded to, when He spoke His parables to His disciples, and to all whom had ears to hear.

Not everyone was willing to have an open ear, to in heart discover the deeper meanings. Even the apostles had their own interpretation.

But as long as the eternal truth is grasped in the human heart, such a one is forever set free from bondage and superstition that tries to enslave the heart, soul and mind of yet far too many mortals.

So, please, do take the time every day to turn within and seek Me, and your faith will be richly rewarded by your having conversed with your God within.

Session 3

Assured of a Place in the Kingdom of God. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—322—June 11, 2004.


Dear one, the way is open to follow Me—to follow My prompts from within. Oh, there will always be lessons to learn, little tests, as it were, for you to choose which way you would go, and which at times is the earthly, selfish way, or the unselfish heaven’s way. Actually, it is all so very simple, for all you need to do is live in a greater consciousness of Me.

Difficult, you say? Well, not really as long as you train yourself to become more mindful of Me. How do you do this? Simple, come more often into the silence of your heart, and by seeking Me you shall find Me. I desire your thoughts to be so entrenched with thoughts of love, of truth, beauty and goodness, that there simply will be no room for unkind thoughts towards others, or any indulgence in negativity.

You are daily building your house of faith and trust in Me, brick by tiny brick, and by your daily duties done. By becoming more steadfast by doing good from the inside out, with pure intentions, and without any hidden agenda, you are becoming good—a pure light of heaven shining in a darkened world.

The purer and cleaner your heart and mind become, the better the soil for the soul to grow in. A stalwart and steadfast character is being molded under My Guidance. Do not forget that I Am an equal part in what you are becoming. We are in this together. You are never alone and the sooner you realize this, the better off the world will be, because together we are an inspiration of God’s Love made manifest on this planet.

Surely now, can you think of a better way to spent your life here on earth? Being already assured of a place in the Kingdom of God, because you are already living it?

Session 4

Learn to Trust Me More. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—323—June 12, 2004.


Dear one, life consists of continuous lessons. It is a learning experience of finding out how you are being guided throughout your life. If you would only be willing to listen to My Still Small Voice within you, then life would flow and unfold so much easier.

Truly, My beloved, you have as yet no idea how much easier you can make your life. If you would only take more time to listen, the practice will sharpen your inner ears to such a degree that in time you will recognize My Voice above the din of the world.

It will be a truly God-led life—a human in constant communion with the Indweller from Heaven. Negative thoughts will flee from you, even negative and grievous memories will be erased from your mind, and your restless heart will become filled with peace. Anxiety will find the entrance to your mind barred by Me.

Truly, such a life can be yours even now. The only thing I ask of you is that you become more conscious of My Presence. Practice this thought daily, hourly, minute-by-minute, for it is the practicing of your consciousness of My Presence that brings Me more and more into your conscious awareness.

Ask and you shall receive. No greater truth has ever been spoken, and only your faith and trust in Me is lacking.

I demand total dedication on your part. Mind you, I will wait patiently until you are ready to give Me your total faith and trust. And, dear one, remember that I shall never ever leave you. It is only your conscious awareness of Me that needs to be corrected and improved upon.

So learn to trust Me more. I am waiting.

Session 5

Spirit Can Thus Move Forward. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—324—June 13, 2004.


Dear one, your heart and mind will grow more in the understanding of Me, and the better you understand Me, the more you will come to love Me. This also means you will have more love for yourself, as a child of the Most High God will. You will also begin to better understand that I am becoming a greater part of your higher consciousness.

The more you yearn for Me, the more room you make for Me to be in the ‘all of you’, in the ‘everywhere of you.’ My Spirit needs a clear channel to flow in, and whenever you feel out of sorts, you are blocking Me. Oh, I know all the struggles, you as a human go through! However, you could make your life so much easier, if you would come more often to Me and include Me in your daily comings and goings, and not wait until trouble looms, or another hurdle needs to be overcome.

Truly, dear one, the more time you spend with Me in the earth-life, the greater benefits you will reap in the life hereafter. Be at peace, dear heart, and be not so troubled by your physical aches and pains, but recognize that they are there for a reason, that perhaps the mental and emotional energy fields in the meridians need clearing. In these, all your thoughts, emotions and experiences are stored.

I AM more then willing for you to come and confide in Me, as I AM your most willing Listener and I AM never in a hurry. Of course I know all about your hidden sorrows and grief, but it is excellent for your peace of mind to unburden your soul, to free yourself up, and to lighten the load that you carry, as you feel My comforting touch and loving Presence.

It is also a good idea to get some hands-on therapy to move things along, as long as it is with an understanding person, who has some life-experience to be of true assistance. One can only help others, where one is willing to go into the human psyche, which is everywhere in the physical system, as no system exists separate from another.

A simple loving touch can evoke blocked and hidden memories of long ago, which can then be looked at and let go of, so tears of release and relief can flow.

This is a freeing, which enormously benefits the mental and emotional realms. Long held pains will dissipate, and Spirit can thus move forward to do the rest of the healing.