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Topic: A Lesson on Fear

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown

Session 1

August 21, 2008


Today’s lesson is on fear, which runs rampant on this planet. It is the legacy of the Lucifer rebellion, which happened eons ago. The after-effects are still being felt today. The reason and cause of all fear started on your system headquarters world, where the then ruler, Lucifer, went against the unseen God and His Creator-Son Michael, better known to most as Jesus, Ruler of the local universe, in which your system is located. I need to tell you this, so you better understand where fear comes from. Fear has settled in your genes throughout the ages as mankind was told the great lie; to fear this unseen God. To fear the Father is an abomination to the unconditionally loving heart of the Creator, who is perfect in all His ways, and whom you will ultimately meet, when you have perfected yourself in your faith and trust of His ever-present loving over-care.

Furthermore, the priests and rulers of old have ascribed to God many human emotions, just to keep the masses under control. This great error has crept into your olden records, and it has been accepted as the infallible word of God that He is an angry, wrathful and vengeful God, who could only be appeased by the sacrifice of His innocent Son, and by seeing Him bleed on a cross for the sins of humankind.

Please let Me make this clear in your mind, that this is completely erroneous. Your Ruler, Michael, better known as Jesus, came on a twofold mission: Firstly to complete His own training as a Master Son, and secondly to tell humankind that God is a God of Love and to show mortals how to live the better way, and to be ever obedient to the Will of God. Always His exhortation was: ‘Fear not,’ and ‘Be of good cheer.’ This needs to take a hold in the hearts of mortals everywhere. They need to wake up to the realization that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

The supreme commandment that Jesus left behind was, ‘to love God with all your heart and soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’ The question arises: Do you love yourself, so you can show love and respect to your neighbor? The next question you ask, ‘who is my neighbor?’ Your neighbors are humankind itself, the people you come into contact with, the people on the other side of the planet. Each and everyone are your neighbors and kin. In true fact, they are all your brothers and sisters, never mind race, creed or color. All are trying to find God on their way Home, albeit they may take different paths to ‘get there.’

God is no respecter of persons. He looks into the hearts and souls of mortals and sees their intent and motivation to act or not act on their intent. We will deal with the subject of fear some more at another time. For now this is enough to ponder.

Session 2

August 22, 2008


At times it is very difficult to face the unknown, due to fear caused by uncertainty. Only after one is totally rooted in faith and trust in a Higher Power, will fear be eradicated. Fear is an inborn characteristic in the human race, and as long as fear remains, this animalistic tendency remains. It is a legacy of the ages-long evolutionary struggle for survival. In the earliest days, when human will first appeared in the mind of your forebears, every shadow represented something to be feared and nights were especially frightening. Decisions needed to be made, and courage was needed to investigate the supposed fear as the awakening mortal mind had an insatiable drive to investigate, and therewith choices and decision-making presented themselves.

Even now, human infants are insatiably curious about the world that surrounds them, and so the investigation begins. This ought never to be constrained, although safety precautions remain a factor. By putting the infant or toddler in front of electronic equipment at too-early a time impedes the natural development of the brain, and stops the necessary connections from being made, so ‘some doors must stay closed,’ so to speak, for more wholesome learning, and for the child to entertain itself, rather than being entertained, whereby a laziness of mind occurs. Be always on the alert if they ‘must’ watch, what they watch, for not everything is suitable for tiny impressionable minds, and this can instill fear as way too many programs tend to do, and this is definitely not recommended.

Rather help young ones along by explaining to them that when, for example the weather gets ‘out of control’ in the form of thunderstorms, hurricanes and the like, that this is just nature and not an act of an offended and angry God as is still believed by too many people. The time has come to throw off these shackles of this puerile and superstitious belief. Mankind has to stop with assigning human emotions to the eternal Creator, who is far above this sort of infantile thinking.

Time has come for the mortals on this planet to wake up to the fact that all are sons and daughters of this self-same Creator, who really does not care what He/She/It is called, as long as they call on Him. God is above gender description, but is often portrayed as a Father to make easier for human understanding the infinite unconditional Love God has for His evolving mortal children. You are all only just starting out on this faith adventure of becoming perfect. Therefore, fight fear with all your might, as it is a spirit-poison in the mind, threatening at times to overtake you, and then a paralysis sets in, which is almost impossible to overcome except by staying in close contact with the Divine Indweller, who is the Remover of all fear.