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Topic: Introduction to the Panel & Its Use

Group: York TeaM


Teacher: Monjoronson




We have been asked to come before you today to enlighten you. To help you maybe with some of the questions that you have. Maybe to seek out the sincerity of you. Because we have been asked to come, it is quite a big panel. We will just identify ourselves as panelist one two and three and maybe not identify ourselves at all because sometimes we have found that you humans will get hung up and caught up in who’s speaking, who’s talking, why are they saying that and what are they saying and that is not the point. The point is for you to be here now in the moment to hear, to listen, to receive, to be able to take what is being said. If you need it, use it, if you don’t need it, don’t use it. Do not get caught up in the small of it all. But take from it what you need. What you don’t need, discard.


Panelist #1

It also does not matter where we are from what our past experiences were or what our lives were like on our planet. Some of you also got hung up on that. We will open this up as a discussion. Some of you are interested in finding out about Monjoronson’s coming. We have asked that you not get bogged down in the exact moment of the coming, but to stretch your minds and your thoughts into thinking what can you do to make the coming easier or what can you do to help to ease the torment that some of the Christian believers are going to have problems with. They are going to have problems accepting Monjoronson. They are going to have problems within their belief system as to what they have been taught. You will be there to lighten, to alleviate the torment they will be feeling because you will know the truth because you are seekers of the truth.

You all have been given the abilities to think on your own. But, with even thinking on your own, you need to have some spiritual guidance. You have been seeking that guidance for many years and you have received that guidance. Use it wisely. Also, do not get bogged down into the way things may be simplified. When I say things being simplified. it is not always necessary or good to use a $12 word when you can use a $1 word and get the same meaning. For if you are too wide and too expansive in your speaking and your thinking you will lose the simple man that understands the one dollar word. Do not try to be way more than you should be. Do not try to be all to all, but pick and choose those people that are willing and are needy for the information that you have. Choose the person that you can communicate with best. You will know who you can communicate with. They may even seek you. If you are sought after by a person that needs your help, be able to recognize that this is a person that was sent to you for your assistance.

Panelist #2

We thank you for inviting us into your surrounds. We thank you for letting us become a part. For we have sat on the edges of your group on many occasions just listening to you enjoy yourselves and communicating with each other and more or less spreading the joy between you. To be invited into your group is really a momentous occasion for us. For we feel very welcome and we hope we are able to do for you that which you need in order to continue to be as strong as you are, to be as open as you are, to be willing to be a part of the development after Monjoronson has arrived.

Panelist #3

We feel emotions from you. We feel your thinking. We have walked kind of your path on our planet or planets for we are all not from the same jurisdiction. We were brought together to assist. We are not here to take away from you. We are not here to do anything other than to assist. We are basically, at the moment, just introducing ourselves to you so that you will know that we are available to you.. We have a very shy member on our panel. Comment by TR: the next panelist is very shy and is so overshadowed by such strong personalities of the other panelists.

Panelist #4

I am not as loud or as strong as the others.

Welcome! Welcome, and I am hoping you can hear me and hoping that our paths are going to continue to cross and we will be able to establish good bonds between one another and cheer each other on. Give each other enough food for thought and sustenance too as we start on this spiritual journey. Many have been on this journey for quite awhile and others are still stumbling as they find their way. So welcome. I feel welcome in this place and at this time here with you. And there is joy here too. Some concerns. There are some health concerns. We can hear a lot of questioning and want to put positive energy in those thoughts so that some healing can take place here through this gathering. The cooling of energy in here is very balanced and this is a refreshing moment for those who have been walking with just a little bit of a burden for this past few weeks maybe. Welcome! Welcome all who are gathered. Those who are seen and unseen.

Panelist #5

I come before you not as an authoritative figure even though I may sound very authoritative. I am really not. The group(other panelists) think that I rule. I rule with a very light hand if I rule. But someone has to step to the forefront and I have been chosen to step. I take it well. I enjoy it actually. If it sounds as if I am bragging, I am !. Don’t be really offended by that because I a merely teasing with you because sometimes you need to have things a little bit lighter or not so heavy so that you feel that you are so heavily burdened and so down laden with life. And with what you are going to have to deal with, you are going to need to have happiness yourselves, personally. You are going to need to be able to cope because there is going to be a lot to be coped with. So you are going to need to have very good coping skills in order to handle what is going to be thrown at you. You will be hit right and left. You will be bombarded with it. There will almost be a gnashing of teeth or crying in streets more or less. If you can visualize that, then you can understand that it may not be literally, but it may be figuratively. So I am the strong voice. Forgive me if you think I am being dominant but we all have individual personalities. Even though we are teachers and even though we are here to help you, you have to understand that we had personalities on our planet. Those personalities are going to come out in some shape or form in any or whatever you do just as you each have individual personalities and you respond with those personalities when you are speaking with people or you’re just being yourselves. We have personalities also. And again mine is very strong!

If there is anyone else here that would like to speak for one of the panelist you are more than welcome to. We invite any and all input through your voices.


This is Monjoronson, I have brought this message to you on many occasions or practically every occasion I have brought this message to you. For when I walk among you, I have continued to ask you to walk the high path, not the low path. You all have seemed to understand quite well what I have asked of you. For I have asked you to hold the hands of those who are not going to even believe that I exist. I have asked you to more or less to be my right hand. For that is very much going to be needed. When the questioned are asked I want you to be prepared to answer. I want you to be ready to answer and I want you to be confident in your answers because you are going to be my helpers. You are going to be the ones who are going to be able to pull your brothers to you or your sisters to you or anyone to you. You are going to be the one that say yes! This is true. This is what is happening and this is what should happen. Do not lose your confidence. A lot is going on at this time. A lot will go on for the occurrence. But trust in your hearts that you will know exactly to the moment when you need to know. You will know exactly to the moment when I will be among you. There have been many questions asked as to what my appearance will be. There have been many misconceptions. There have been many that were very close, too. I ask you at this time not to worry about it. I ask you not to concern yourselves with it. For you will know.

I thank you as always for giving me the opportunity to be with you to speak to you. I hope that you will, right now, right here extend your hands to each other and to think of yourselves as one family under one love and feel the warm loving energies that are flowing between each of you at this time. I ask you to take a quiet moment and just feel the love and the energies that are flowing………………..

New friends are joining us all the time. We have to be prepared to receive them and to lend a hand if they start to uncover what some of you have already been studying for some time. And be prepared to deal with the questions they raise and in an open and loving way remembering that the background that most people come from in a nation like this one which is more Christian in origin is in controversy with what they are reading so be prepared to open your heart and to lend some spiritual leading and baby steps in sort of an a-b-c way. As these new comers join forces with you, use your ability to reason primarily for yourself as well as to try and introduce new ways of thinking to others by the matching of their ability to understand.

We would like to also welcome old friends (late comer entering room) and new friends and we ask that if you would like, you can have a place on the panel/with the panel and that each time that the panel is available, our messages will get clearer and stronger for all of you. You may hear these messages individually. You may hear these messages as a group. But you will all receive messages. We appreciate you letting us be a part. We have thoroughly enjoyed being here and now we will recede to the background and let you continue with your meal.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you.


I was personally present when the Celestial Panel inaugurated their experiment and found their collective energy to produce a wonderful light energy in our selves (6 present) which in turn produced a participatory spirit I was not so used to. The teacher panelists ping-ponged between two T/R's, with one panelist letting us know that she felt overwhelmed with her other associates and who spoke in a soft voice to let us know what was on her mind.

The Panel has indicated they will not divulge names but will be known collectively to counsel the human gathering as the approach of the Magisterial Mission comes closer and closer.

Consequently, as you read the transcript you will find no teacher names with the exception of the Avonal Son, Monjoronson, who identified himself immediately.

Questions and responses from us were not transcribed only because it would make the transcript even more complex for the transcriber than it already is. Perhaps they will be included in later transcripts. I also doubt there will be a whole lot of transcripts since the plan is to meet only once a month at this time.

The meeting was the first for this process, first for recording, and it represented their introduction to us- sort of laying down the ground rules. There were no preliminaries; the session opened as soon as the T/R sat down and it was right down to business, even dispensing with the opening prayer. What they have in mind in subsequent meetings is not yet known, but we are greatly motivated to find out. ]