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The Material Life Aids In The Eternal Life

MARCH 1, 2004

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I believe your enthusiasm is contagious this evening. I am energized by your presence. I find that life in the flesh these days is always answering questions for those who work for eternal life.

Again, this evening let us rise above occurrences of the day. Put away your concerns as if they are already resolved. Look back over your life and remember how things have always seemed to work out. No matter how much you had worried or made effort, you have always seemed to come through life circumstances a bit wiser. Rise above your mindal concerns, physical ailments, plans for the future, notions of who you are and who you are to become.

Be here with me in this place of serenity. In this place there is simple knowing that Father is here. He is real. He is at hand to guide and comfort. Michael is here. His beautiful combination of magnificence and practicality set a wonderful example. Also in this place Mother is here. Her grace and power is a tangible presence which enables us to become more. We are with our Kingdom Family.

We are with safety and comfort anywhere in the universe. We are with the wisdom of the ages—right here, right within the limitless space of all that is us. Here we master the self. Here we have power and self-control. Here we have the tools to proceed into Light and Life. Here we aid in the growth of the Supreme Being. You of agondonter status are truly blessed. I am anxious with the thoughts of your eternal discoveries. I am indeed honored to be with you on those occasions.

Every day we have opportunities to work for the eternal life. Living in a material life is certainly working toward the eternal. To deal with your fellows on a daily basis successfully is working toward eternal life, opening doors for the adventure ahead. Your experience today is the tool for tomorrow. The heartbreak today is the wisdom of tomorrow.

Many of those who seek a spiritual life find the material life confusing, because it seems not to align for the good. ‘I must work to earn my daily bread,’ you say, ‘and this takes time away from my efforts to expand the Kingdom.’ This working for daily bread is the Kingdom. Those individuals you meet are all opportunities for growth in one way or another.

Your actual physical handling of materials seems to be monotonous, and yet the mere skill keeps the material brain active and this leads to well balanced thinking. Some repetitive exercises are indeed a break in life’s drama. The creative building with the hands opens the door for new thoughts, while giving rest to the mind and the tendency to over dramatize situations.

Again, being a parent or care giver seems to create a great deal of mindal strain, and yet this is the very experience that shows us the personality of God. In working with children we are again taken back to the mind of a child and the simplicity that gives one freedom to explore, express and exert personal effort.

Let us review the personal lessons within this very group that has taken us to new arenas of understanding mind, personality and soul. Imagine the eternal career ahead and the varying personalities, possible conflicts and growth possibilities. These small challenges of today equip you with skills that will aid you in the eternal adventure ahead.

Agondonter status is an honor and to be enjoyed and celebrated. It is to live fully within each experiential moment, not to long for better or seek escape. Your life today is very important. Every single moment is a pearl to add to the strand of eternal existence. Enjoy.

For the week ahead ponder how the material life of today aids in the eternal life ahead. Have not worry. Remember to often rise above the daily drama to confer with your Kingdom Family. That is all. Know that my affection grows for you each daily. Go in peace. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.