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JULY 12, 2004


I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Being with you is like a warm embrace. I could never tire of that. I enjoy meeting with you to re-center our focus, to unify in fellowship and to bring us back to the hope and faith from which all life springs forth.

This week I am led to remember the Master in the Temple when He was driven to clear out the money changers from the supposed house of the Lord. I am inspired by His passion. While He would appear emotional to some, to most of us He appeared empowered, driven to listen to Father’s voice from within to go forth and do His work.

It would seem in your society today many individuals lean toward what would make them acceptable in the eyes of their peers. So many mortals seek approval and acceptance that they are driven to live a life defining that ideal. Many individuals catch onto the energy-wave of the day. It is as if drama snowballs, gathering those who wish to be noticed or to feel accepted in some area of life.

There are those who fear the negative repercussions of other people, everyday life occurrences and at times are practically afraid to be themselves and live out who they really are. You have people-pleasers, those who need much attention, those who want to stand out as superior, those who cannot help but feel inferior, those that want to experience the mortal life and those that want to escape it. What seems to be an awkward formula, if you add a personal relationship with God, it does bring about balance and settling, but also does it empower.

The Master’s goal—what was the Master’s goal here on earth? What were His deepest desires? While some feel Jesus was a meek and solitary individual, we see Jesus as a force of one, that one containing many facets of the spirit. He was empowered to have spiritual strength that brought forth His desired results. Jesus simply wanted what the Father wanted and nothing would stand in His way. No popular opinion would sway Him from the course. He was Himself—like it or not. He was without fear. He lived a free life because of the spirit. Many mortals do not live such freedom, for they are bound to temporary desires, be they material or emotional things.

When you have developed your life in the spirit, your personal relationship with Father, your maturity level in the spirit, then are you allowing the circuits to make a real connection with you, then are you empowered, then are you driven by the spirit. What one can do alone is nothing compared to what one can do when they encompass all facets of deity.

Think about the Master’s passion, how the Master was immovable by those fellows that whispered in His ear. Think about the Master’s strength, how He cared not if He was left alone by every individual on the earth as long as He had His Father in Heaven. He was strengthened to live out the Father’s will. This is the power of living a life in the spirit. You can do good. You can make good happen. You can live on the energy of the spirit and be not bound by the world around you.

This week journal you utmost desires. What is it that you are truly seeking? What spiritual goals might Father help you to achieve? What egotistical goals might Father show you that you hold to? No questions. Know that my thoughts are always with you each on your paths of differing growth. I love you. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.