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Topic: Few and Fewer



Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Vince



Vince: Hello Monjoronson, do you have time for a few words please?

Monjoronson: Yes, I’m pleased to spend some time with you . Vince: Thanks! Please bear with me while I phrase a question to you.

Mojo, the new Ascension plan we spoke about a couple of days ago seems to change a number of things I was expecting, and probably the biggest was with regard to the number of people remaining on Earth after Stasis. It was actually stated as “ground crew” plus a few others.

Now if I’m not mistaken, “ground crew” was given as around the 200,000 persons level, with others in reserve to deal with the massive number of people you were expecting to awaken; and then there were selected close ones to the “ground crew” to assist with their comfort and stability.

Since the message from the Spiritual Hierarchy is that massive numbers of Humanity are not now expected to awaken, are we to understand that a mere 200,000 people plus or minus a few are going to be the sole Human population of Earth after Stasis?


Monjoronson: Well, you got straight to the crux of the matter, didn’t you? In your mind you have a picture of just a few Humans rattling around a planet with almost an island for each of you.

Instead, picture a planet in the best health with unspoilt greenery and forests with the majority of the buildings and roads gone forever, and the Few given the task of creating a new civilisation from scratch. Clearly this is the option many of the Few preferred, because it will be possible to operate without the 51 percenters who would have included amongst their numbers people with morals and scruples well below the level of the Few.

Michael of Nebadon has been proved right, in that it is possible to evolve from a created being like you ones to the level of a Creator God, without having to be created at a godlike level in the first place. But, the experiment has come at a heavy price and that has involved great curtailment of the individual’s personal development, because the majority have been diverted by the outbreak of Darkness on your planet.

It has been said that you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs; but this particular omelette has been achieved with a great deal of wastage and the vast majority of the yolks will have to be reconditioned on other planets until they are fit for purpose. That is the picture I must paint, and it is far from ideal.

As to the actual numbers involved, please understand that it is pointless me giving you an exact number and you publishing it, for once it is given it is no longer accurate due to the flexibility of such matters. There are a group of people who were to be used as reserves who are all of a certain minimum criteria at least who can continue with Earth, and other smallish numbers of viable people both within the close groups of you ones, and in the population at large; but the total when weighed against the present total Earth population, is miniscule indeed, but certainly larger than the often quoted 200,000. But, whether it was 200,000, 2,000,000 or 20,000,000 it would mean a very sparsely populated planet post Stasis.

That being so, then there are merits and demerits associated with having a tiny population; and the chief benefit will be to operate strictly within Divine Law when you start building your new civilisation, without a large chunk of the population being carried forward who continually break the rules. A clean start on a pristine planet is the best way forward when viewed over the long term, but we still have many regrets that so few of you are ready to Ascend and that the bulk of the population will be directed to other planets by a variety of means.


Vince: Even before my telepathic connection was developed with the Spiritual Hierarchy, I knew that the vast population bubble on Earth was going to burst, but not necessarily in my lifetime. There are clues in the global surface geology that major geophysical changes have previously happened with a detrimental effect on the population. Civilisations and species have been wiped out at various times in the global history, so why should our presently dark and corrupt civilisation be any different to what went on before?

Whether in the end I become part of a new civilisation or not, the pure new start option is the best over the long term; and since time doesn’t exist, what difference does it make as to how many and when the bulk of humanity Ascends? Let’s try and get it right from the outset.

Monjoronson: Well, it does matter because there are critical things going on throughout Creation and the Ascension of Earth and her population is a small but vital cog in the machinery. Having a larger and more evolved population enter Galactic society was the preferred option, but unfortunately that has recently been ruled out as you are aware. We will just have to go with what we have got and make the best of it.

To have turned out this way is very disappointing, particularly considering the great efforts we have invested in this programme.

Vince: It doesn’t surprise me one iota that there aren’t sufficient “Awakened Ones” because the Dark Ones have done such a fine job with their rule over the global population. You should have done this business earlier, before the Dark Ones had the sophisticated systems in place which they currently have.

I know you don’t have Black Rot where you are, but if you leave one bad apple in a box of good ones, eventually the whole box full will become rotten. As I said to you, I’ve had to fight hard to get where my level of understanding is today and am regarded as abnormal and outside of the “box” of human conformity in this dimension. There are other Light Ones who are having a far worse time than I am, and it is no thanks to the Spiritual Hierarchy that they haven’t caved in; just sheer determination to be of the Light and not of the Dark.

And now we are in a position where “soon”, things are going to change with Stasis and Ascension. Well, forgive me if I say to you, “bloody well hurry up” because the control mechanisms the Dark Ones have currently and are still putting in place this very day, may mean you don’t even end up with the 200,000 people mentioned a while back.

You have no idea what it’s like here, and how your “Dear Ones” have a very hard time going against the flow of global life and if you don’t get Stasis in being within a couple of weeks and no longer, you will undoubtedly get to clear away the Darkness, but there won’t be much resident life here to work with.

You may ask me why I say that to you today and my reply would be that I have noted recently in messages which you ones are speaking of “Few are awakening” and “Judgement Day”; you use the word “soon”. I will make a prediction to you which is that if this “soon” of yours turns out to be later than 31st December 2010 as measured here on Earth, then don’t expect anything like even 200,000 awakened ones being available; and the longer you leave it the fewer there will be.

Some time ago I told you that as a percentage of the global population, almost nobody knows Christ Michael Aton is their God and almost nobody cares either. The majority are too busy working to earn money to get and keep a roof over their heads and feed themselves and their families, and that’s when they can get work. When they are not working, they are enjoying diversions and pastimes; even if they believe there is a God and many don’t, He is the God of whatever religion they buy into and which you know very well is nothing like the truth.

Drug taking and drinking alcohol to excess is rife, and so are many disgusting activities which are contrary to Divine Law; and the longer you leave us here without the onset of Stasis, the more likely that many of your good apples are going to be contaminated by the Black Rot.

Monjoronson: You don’t pull your punches, do you?

Vince: I believe it is my duty to tell you how it actually is here, and not let you ones be diverted by your own rosy glow of Love and Light.

This place is absolute SHIT; help us get out NOW, please?


Monjoronson: Well, once more I thank you for your full and frank explanation of how you view things and at this stage I am not in a position to comment on them, other than to say that I appreciate you taking the trouble to spell it out for me so bluntly. Now I must take my leave of you.

I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with Vince. 16th September 2010


Monjoronson: This is the official response from the Spiritual Hierarchy collective through me to the comments made in the piece Few & Fewer.

We listened to what was said and we fully understand your position and that of so many of the Few where you are really in all kinds of difficulties thanks to the Dark Ones. It is our intention to drive them out from your planet and make it pristine once more. It is not a daunting task, but a very big one and throughout the procedure there will be difficulties requiring solutions to work around the problems.

There is a deadline by when this may happen, but it cannot be expressed in terms of your clock and calendar, which leads us to use the word “soon” which many of you find somewhat irritating, as it is often used by parents trying to encourage a child to hurry up. Having said that, Stasis will be very soon, but I cannot give you a linear date and time; it happens when it happens, within the deadline given to us.

We do not wish to lose even one member of the Few, or their immediate group where they are viable for Ascension, but we do understand that there will inevitably be losses and we will do all we can to bring forward adequate replacements. Please stay with us, don’t give up and support us through this process; for together we shall expel the darkness from the beautiful blue planet and we will co-create a new civilisation worthy of her.

Please be patient through the changes, for the process is happening now and is ongoing. We haven’t got to the roughest part yet but it won’t be long before everyone will experience a real “shock & awe” period, followed by Stasis and the great cleansing time.

We thank you for your ongoing support and assure you of our support for you.

I AM Monjoronson speaking for the Spiritual Hierarchy and bringing you this statement through Vince my Scribe and dear friend. 17th September 2010