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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpg ==Origin== Late Latin praecognition-, praecognitio, from Latin praecognoscere to know beforehand, from prae- + cognoscere to know *[http://en.w...'

Late Latin praecognition-, praecognitio, from [[Latin]] praecognoscere to know beforehand, from prae- + cognoscere to [[know]]
*[ 1611]
Middle French precognition foreknowledge (1488 or earlier; French précognition) or its etymon post-classical Latin praecognition-, praecognitio previous [[knowledge]] (4th cent.) < classical [[Latin]] praecognit-, past participial stem of praecognōscere to know beforehand
* clairvoyance relating to an [[event]] or [[state]] not yet [[experience]]d
In [[parapsychology]], '''precognition''' (from the [[Latin]] præ-, “before,” + cognitio, “acquiring [[knowledge]]”), also called [[future]] [[sight]], is a [[type]] of [ extrasensory perception] that would involve the acquisition or [[effect]] of [[future]] information that cannot be [[deduce]]d from presently available and normally acquired sense-based [[information]] or [[laws]] of [[physics]] and/or [[nature]]. A premonition (from the [[Latin]] praemonēre) and a presentiment are [[information]] about [[future]] [[events]] that is [[perceived]] as [[emotion]].

As with other forms of [ extrasensory perception], the [[existence]] of precognition is not [[accepted]], as other than a [[purely]] [[psychological]] [[process]], by the [[mainstream]] [[scientific]] [[community]] because no replicable [[demonstration]] has ever been achieved. Scientific investigation of [ extrasensory perception] (ESP) is complicated by the definition which implies that the [[phenomena]] go against [[established]] [[principles]] of [[science]]. Specifically, precognition would violate the principle that an [[effect]] cannot occur before its [[cause]]. However, there are established biases, affecting [[human]] [[memory]] and [[judgment]] of [[probability]], that create convincing but [[false]] impressions of precognition.
Many of the "psychic experiences" that are volunteered to [[parapsychologists]] by the general [[population]] involve apparent precognition. In one review of a U.S. case collection, submitted to [ Duke University]'s Parapsychology Laboratory, 75% of 1777 [[dream]]-based [[experiences]] were of an ostensibly precognitive type, as were 60% of 1513 [[wake]]ful [[experiences]]. A similar [[pattern]] was identified for a separate collection of 157 cases experienced by [[children]]; here, the largest category of [[experiences]] was again of precognitive dreams (52%), followed by precognitive [[intuitions]] (52%).[8] A German case [[collection]] produced a similar figure: 52% of 1,000 cases were of the apparently precognitive type. A British study of 300 volunteered cases showed 34% to be apparently precognitive.
==In dreams==
Louisa Rhine at the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University compiled the best-known and largest body of [[dream]] [[evidence]]. Dr. Rhine collected over 7000 accounts of ESP [[experiences]]. The [[majority]] of these accounts were [[dream]] related and were seemingly precognitive in [[nature]]. The [[material]] for this work was collected by advertisements in various well-known [[popular]] [[media]].

David Ryback, a psychologist in Atlanta, used a questionnaire survey approach to [[investigate]] precognitive [[dreaming]] in [[college]] students. His survey of over 433 participants showed that 290 or 66.9 percent reported some form of paranormal [[dream]]. He [[rejected]] many of these claims and reached a conclusion that 8.8 percent of the [[population]] was having actual precognitive [[dreams]].

An early [[inquiry]] into this phenomenon was done by Aristotle in his [ ''On Divination in Sleep'']. His [[criticism]] of these claims [[appeals]] to the fact that "the sender of such dreams should be [[God]]", and "the [[fact]] that those to whom he sends them are not the best and wisest, but merely commonplace persons." Thus: "Most [so-called [[prophetic]]] [[dreams]] are, however, to be classed as mere [[coincidences]]...", here "coincidence" being defined by Aristotle as that which does not take "place according to a [[universal]] or general rule" and referring to things which are not of themselves by [[necessity]] causally connected, his example being taking a walk during an [[eclipse]], neither the walk nor the eclipse being apparently causally [[connected]] and so only by "[[coincidence]]" do they occur [[simultaneously]].

Other [[researchers]] in this area are more guarded in their reports on the [[value]] or use of [[dreams]]. In his [[book]] [ ''The Interpretation of Dreams'', first published at the end of the [ 19th century], [[Sigmund Freud]] argued that the [[foundation]] of all [[dream]] [[content]] is the fulfillment of [[wishes]], [[conscious]] or not and devoid of psychic content. In his discussions with [ Carl Jung], he referred to [[parapsychology]] and precognition as “nonsensical.”

[[Category: Psychology]]

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