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[ Middle English], from Anglo-French, from [[Latin]] commission-, commissio [[act]] of bringing [[together]], from committere
*[ 14th Century]
*1a : a [[formal]] [[written]] warrant granting the [[power]] to [[perform]] various [[acts]] or [[duties]]
:b : a certificate conferring [[military]] rank and [[authority]]; also : the rank and authority so conferred
*2: an authorization or command to [[act]] in a prescribed [[manner]] or to [[perform]] prescribed [[acts]] : charge
*3a : [[authority]] to [[act]] for, in behalf of, or in place of another
:b : a task or matter entrusted to one as an [[agent]] for another
*4a : a [[group]] of [[persons]] directed to [[perform]] some [[duty]]
:b : a [[government]] agency having [[administrative]], [[legislative]], or [[judicial]] powers
:c : a [[city]] [[council]] having [[legislative]] and [[executive]] [[functions]]
*5: an [[act]] of committing something <commission of a [[crime]]>
*6: a fee paid to an [[agent]] or employee for transacting a piece of [[business]] or performing a service; especially : a percentage of the [[money]] received from a total paid to the agent responsible for the business
*7: an [[act]] of entrusting or giving [[authority]]
An officer is a member of an armed force or uniformed service who holds a position of [[authority]]. '''Commissioned''' officers derive authority directly from a [[sovereign]] [[power]] and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the [[duties]] and [[responsibilities]] of a specific office or position. Commissioned officers are typically the only [[persons]], in a [[military]] environment, able to act as the commanding officer (according to the most technical [[definition]] of the [[word]]) of a [[military]] [[unit]].

[ Non-commissioned officers] (NCOs) in positions of [[authority]] can be said to have [[control]] or charge rather than command per se, although the use of the word "command" to describe any use of authority is widespread and often [[official]].

Having officers is one requirement for [ combatant] status under the [ laws of war], though these officers need not have obtained an official commission or warrant. In such case, those persons holding offices of [[responsibility]] within the [[organization]] are deemed to be the officers, and the [[presence]] of these officers connotes a level of organization sufficient to designate a group as being combatant.[]

[[Category: General Reference]]

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