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170:3.1 [[Jesus]] was always trying to impress upon his [[apostles]] and [[disciples]] that they must acquire, by [[faith]], a [[righteousness]] which would exceed the righteousness of slavish [[works]] which some of the [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] [[parade]]d so [[vaingloriously]] before the world.

170:3.2 Though [[Jesus]] taught that [[faith]], [[simple]] childlike [[belief]], is the key to the door of the kingdom, he also taught that, having entered the door, there are the [[progressive]] steps of [[righteousness]] which every believing child must [[ascend]] in order to [[grow]] up to the full stature of the [[robust]] [ sons of God].

170:3.3 It is in the [[consideration]] of the [[technique]] of [[receiving]] [[God]]'s [[forgiveness]] that the [[attainment]] of the [[righteousness]] of the kingdom is [[revealed]]. [[Faith]] is the price you pay for entrance into the [[family]] of [[God]]; but [[forgiveness]] is the [[act]] of [[God]] which [[accepts]] your [[faith]] as the price of admission. And the [[reception]] of the [[forgiveness]] of [[God]] by a kingdom [[believer]] involves a definite and [[actual]] [[experience]] and consists in the following four steps, the kingdom steps of inner [[righteousness]]:

*1. 170:3.4 [[God]]'s [[forgiveness]] is made actually available and is [[personally]] [[experienced]] by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.
*2. 170:3.5 Man will not truly [[forgive]] his fellows unless he [[loves]] them as himself.
*3. 170:3.6 To thus [[love]] your [[neighbor]] as yourself is the highest [[ethics]].
*4. 170:3.7 [[Moral]] [[conduct]], true [[righteousness]], becomes, then, the [[natural]] result of such [[love]].

170:3.8 It therefore is [[evident]] that the true and [[Inner Life|inner]] [[religion]] of the kingdom unfailingly and increasingly tends to [[manifest]] itself in [[practical]] avenues of [[social]] [[service]]. [[Jesus]] taught a living [[religion]] that impelled its believers to [[engage]] in the doing of loving [[service]]. But [[Jesus]] did not put [[ethics]] in the place of [[religion]]. He taught [[religion]] as a [[cause]] and [[ethics]] as a [[result]].

170:3.9 The [[righteousness]] of any [[act]] must be [[measured]] by the [[motive]]; the highest forms of [[good]] are therefore [[unconscious]]. [[Jesus]] was never concerned with [[morals]] or [[ethics]] as such. He was wholly concerned with that inward and [[spiritual]] [[Relationship|fellowship]] with [[God]] [[the Father]] which so [[certainly]] and directly [[manifests]] itself as outward and loving [[service]] for man. He taught that the [[religion]] of the kingdom is a genuine [[personal]] [[experience]] which no man can contain within himself; that the [[consciousness]] of being a member of the [[family]] of believers leads [[inevitably]] to the [[practice]] of the precepts of the [[family]] [[conduct]], the [[service]] of one's brothers and sisters in the [[effort]] to enhance and enlarge the [[brotherhood]].

170:3.10 The [[religion]] of the kingdom is [[personal]], [[individual]]; the fruits, the results, are familial, [[social]]. [[Jesus]] never [[failed]] to exalt the [[sacredness]] of the [[individual]] as [[contrasted]] with the [[community]]. But he also [[recognized]] that man [[develops]] his [[character]] by [[unselfish]] [[service]]; that he unfolds his [[moral]] [[nature]] in loving [[relations]] with his fellows.

170:3.11 By teaching that the kingdom is [[Inner Life|within]], by exalting the [[individual]], [[Jesus]] struck the deathblow of the old [[society]] in that he ushered in the new [[dispensation]] of true [[social]] [[righteousness]]. This new order of [[society]] the world has little known because it has refused to [[practice]] the [[principles]] of the [[gospel]] of the ''kingdom of heaven''. And when this kingdom of [[spiritual]] pre-eminence does come upon the [[earth]], it will not be [[manifested]] in mere improved [[social]] and [[material]] conditions, but rather in the [[glories]] of those enhanced and enriched [[spiritual]] [[values]] which are characteristic of the approaching age of improved [[human]] [[relations]] and advancing [[spiritual]] [[attainments]].

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