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151:2.1 [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and the [[group]] about him came to the conclusion that the [[parable]] of the [[sower]] was an [[allegory]], that each feature had some hidden [[meaning]], and so they [[decided]] to go to [[Jesus]] and ask for an [[explanation]]. Accordingly, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] approached [[the Master]], saying: " We are not able to penetrate the [[meaning]] of this [[parable]], and we [[desire]] that you [[explain]] it to us since you say it is given us to know the [[mysteries]] of [[the kingdom]]. " And when [[Jesus]] heard this, he said to [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]: " My son, I [[desire]] to withhold nothing from you, but first suppose you tell me what you have been talking about; what is your [[interpretation]] of the [[parable]]? "

151:2.2 After a [[moment]] of [[silence]], [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] said: " Master, we have talked much concerning the [[parable]], and this is the [[interpretation]] I have [[decided]] upon: The [[sower]] is the [[gospel]] [[preacher]]; the [[seed]] is the [[word]] of [[God]]. The [[seed]] which fell by the wayside [[represents]] those who do not [[understand]] the [[gospel]] teaching. The birds which snatched away the [[seed]] that fell upon the hardened ground represent [[Satan]], or the evil one, who steals away that which has been [[sown]] in the [[hearts]] of these [[ignorant]] ones. The [[seed]] which fell upon the rocky places, and which sprang up so suddenly, [[represents]] those [[superficial]] and unthinking [[persons]] who, when they hear the [[glad]] tidings, [[receive]] the [[message]] with [[joy]]; but because the [[truth]] has no real [[root]] in their deeper [[understanding]], their [[devotion]] is short-lived in the face of [[tribulation]] and [[persecution]]. When [[trouble]] comes, these believers stumble; they fall away when [[tempted]]. The [[seed]] which fell among thorns [[represents]] those who hear the [[word]] willingly, but who allow the [[cares]] of the world and the [[deceitfulness]] of [[riches]] to choke the [[word]] of [[truth]] so that it becomes unfruitful. Now the [[seed]] which fell on [[good]] [[Soil|ground]] and sprang up to bear, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold, [[represents]] those who, when they have heard the [[truth]], [[receive]] it with varying [[degrees]] of [[appreciation]]—owing to their differing [[intellectual]] [[endowments]]—and hence [[manifest]] these varying [[degrees]] of [[religious]] [[experience]]. "

151:2.3 [[Jesus]], after [[listening]] to [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s [[interpretation]] of the [[parable]], asked the other [[apostles]] if they did not also have suggestions to offer. To this [[invitation]] only [[Nathaniel]] responded. Said he: " Master, while I [[recognize]] many [[good]] [[things]] about [[Simon Peter]]'s [[interpretation]] of the [[parable]], I do not fully [[agree]] with him. My [[idea]] of this [[parable]] would be: The [[seed]] [[represents]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], while the [[sower]] stands for the [[messengers]] of [[the kingdom]]. The [[seed]] which fell by the wayside on hardened ground [[represents]] those who have heard but little of the [[gospel]], along with those who are [[indifferent]] to the [[message]], and who have hardened their [[hearts]]. The birds of the [[sky]] that snatched away the [[seed]] which fell by the wayside [[represent]] one's [[habits]] of life, the [[temptation]] of [[evil]], and the [[desires]] of the [[flesh]]. The [[seed]] which fell among the rocks stands for those [[emotional]] [[souls]] who are quick to [[receive]] new [[teaching]] and equally quick to give up the [[truth]] when [[confronted]] with the [[difficulties]] and [[realities]] of living up to this [[truth]]; they lack [[spiritual]] [[perception]]. The seed which fell among the thorns [[represents]] those who are attracted to the [[truths]] of the [[gospel]]; they are [[mind]]ed to follow its [[teachings]], but they are prevented by the [[pride]] of life, [[jealousy]], [[envy]], and the [[anxieties]] of [[human]] [[existence]]. The [[seed]] which fell on [[good]] [[soil]], springing up to bear, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold, [[represents]] the [[natural]] and varying [[degrees]] of [[ability]] to [[comprehend]] [[truth]] and [[respond]] to its [[spiritual]] teachings by [[men]] and [[women]] who possess [[diverse]] [[endowments]] of [[spirit]] [[illumination]]. "

151:2.4 When [[Nathaniel]] had finished [[speaking]], [[the apostles]] and their [[associates]] fell into serious [[discussion]] and [[engaged]] in [[earnest]] [[debate]], some contending for the correctness of [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s [[interpretation]], while almost an [[equal]] number sought to defend [[Nathaniel]]'s [[explanation]] of the [[parable]]. Meanwhile [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[Nathaniel]] had withdrawn to the house, where they were involved in a [[vigorous]] and [[determined]] [[effort]] the one to convince and [[change]] the [[mind]] of the other.

151:2.5 [[The Master]] [[permitted]] this [[confusion]] to pass the point of most [[intense]] [[expression]]; then he clapped his hands and called them about him. When they had all gathered around him once more, he said, " Before I tell you about this [[parable]], do any of you have aught to say? " Following a [[moment]] of [[silence]], [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] spoke up: " Yes, Master, I wish to say a few [[words]]. I [[remember]] that you once told us to [[beware]] of this very thing. You instructed us that, when using [[illustrations]] for our [[preaching]], we should employ true [[stories]], not fables, and that we should select a [[story]] best suited to the [[illustration]] of the one central and [[vital]] [[truth]] which we [[wished]] to [[teach]] [[the people]], and that, having so used the [[story]], we should not attempt to make a [[spiritual]] [[application]] of all the minor details involved in the telling of the [[story]]. I hold that [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[Nathaniel]] are both [[wrong]] in their attempts to [[interpret]] this [[parable]]. I admire their [[ability]] to do these things, but I am [[equally]] sure that all such attempts to make a [[natural]] [[parable]] yield [[spiritual]] [[analogies]] in all its features can only result in [[confusion]] and serious misconception of the true [[purpose]] of such a [[parable]]. That I am right is fully [[proved]] by the [[fact]] that, whereas we were all of [[one]] [[mind]] an hour ago, now are we divided into [[two]] [[separate]] [[groups]] who hold [[different]] [[opinions]] concerning this [[parable]] and hold such [[opinions]] so [[earnestly]] as to [[interfere]], in my [[opinion]], with our [[ability]] fully to grasp the great [[truth]] which you had in [[mind]] when you presented this [[parable]] to [[the multitude]] and subsequently asked us to make comment upon it. "

151:2.6 The [[words]] which [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] spoke had a [[quieting]] [[effect]] on all of them. He caused them to recall what [[Jesus]] had taught them on former occasions, and before [[Jesus]] resumed [[speaking]], [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] arose, saying: " I am [[persuaded]] that [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] is right, and I would like to have him tell us what [[meaning]] he attaches to the [[parable]] of the [[sower]]. " After [[Jesus]] had beckoned [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] to [[speak]], he said: " My brethren, I did not wish to prolong this [[discussion]], but if you so [[desire]], I will say that I [[think]] this [[parable]] was [[spoken]] to [[teach]] us one great [[truth]]. And that is that our teaching of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], no matter how [[faithfully]] and [[efficiently]] we [[execute]] our [[divine]] commissions, is going to be attended by varying [[degrees]] of success; and that all such [[differences]] in results are directly due to conditions [[inherent]] in the circumstances of our [[ministry]], conditions over which we have little or no [[control]]. "

151:2.7 When [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] had finished [[speaking]], the [[majority]] of his fellow [[preachers]] were about ready to [[agree]] with him, even [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[Nathaniel]] were on their way over to [[speak]] with him, when [[Jesus]] arose and said: " Well done, [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]]; you have [[discerned]] the true [[meaning]] of [[parables]]; but both [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[Nathaniel]] have done you all [[equal]] [[good]] in that they have so fully shown the [[danger]] of undertaking to make an [[allegory]] out of my [[parables]]. In your own [[hearts]] you may often profitably [[engage]] in such flights of the [[speculative]] [[imagination]], but you make a mistake when you seek to offer such conclusions as a part of your [[public]] [[teaching]]. "

151:2.8 Now that the [[tension]] was over, [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and [[Nathaniel]] congratulated each other on their [[interpretations]], and with the exception of the [[Alpheus twins]], each of [[the apostles]] ventured to make an [[interpretation]] of the [[parable]] of the [[sower]] before they retired for the night. Even [[Judas Iscariot]] offered a very [[plausible]] [[interpretation]]. [[The twelve]] would often, among themselves, attempt to figure out [[the Master]]'s [[parables]] as they would an [[allegory]], but never again did they regard such [[speculations]] seriously. This was a very profitable session for [[the apostles]] and their associates, especially so since from this time on [[Jesus]] more and more employed [[parables]] in connection with his [[public]] teaching.

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