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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 118:9.1 Time and space are a conjoined mechanism of the master universe. They are the devices w...'

118:9.1 [[Time and space]] are a conjoined [[mechanism]] of the [[master universe]]. They are the devices whereby [[finite]] [[creatures]] are enabled to coexist in the [[cosmos]] with the [[Infinite]]. [[Finite]] [[creatures]] are effectively [[insulated]] from the [[absolute]] [[levels]] by [[time and space]]. But these insulating [[media]], without which no [[mortal]] could exist, operate directly to [[limit]] the range of [[finite]] [[action]]. Without them no [[creature]] could [[act]], but by them the acts of every creature are definitely [[limited]].

118:9.2 [[Mechanisms]] produced by [[Frame of reference|higher minds]] [[function]] to [[liberate]] their [[creative]] [[sources]] but to some [[degree]] unvaryingly [[limit]] the [[action]] of all subordinate [[intelligences]]. To the [[creatures]] of the [[universes]] this [[limitation]] becomes [[apparent]] as the [[mechanism]] of the universes. [[Man]] does not have unfettered [[free will]]; there are [[limits]] to his range of [[choice]], but within the [[radius]] of this choice his will is [[relatively]] [[sovereign]].

118:9.3 The life [[mechanism]] of the [[mortal]] [[personality]], the human [[body]], is the product of [[supermortal]] [[creative]] [[design]]; therefore it can never be perfectly [[controlled]] by man himself. Only when [ ascending man], in [[liaison]] with the [ fused Adjuster], [[self]]-[[creates]] the [[mechanism]] for [[personality]] [[expression]], will he [[achieve]] [[perfected]] [[control]] thereof.

118:9.4 The [[grand universe]] is [[mechanism]] as well as [[organism]], [[mechanical]] and living—a living [[mechanism]] activated by a [ Supreme Mind], [[co-ordinating]] with a [ Supreme Spirit], and finding [[expression]] on maximum levels of [[power]] and [[personality]] [[unification]] as the [[Supreme Being]]. But to deny the [[mechanism]] of the [[finite]] [[creation]] is to [[Ignorance|deny]] [[fact]] and to disregard [[reality]].

118:9.5 [[Mechanisms]] are the products of [[mind]], [[creative]] mind [[acting]] on and in [[cosmic]] [[potentials]]. [[Mechanisms]] are the fixed crystallizations of [[Creator]] [[thought]], and they ever [[function]] true to the [[volitional]] [[concept]] that gave them [[origin]]. But the [[purposive]]ness of any [[mechanism]] is in its [[origin]], not in its [[function]].

118:9.6 These [[mechanisms]] should not be [[thought]] of as [[limiting]] the [[action]] of [[Deity]]; rather is it true that in these very [[mechanics]] [[Deity]] has achieved one [[phase]] of [[eternal]] [[expression]]. The basic [[universe]] [[mechanisms]] have come into [[existence]] in [[response]] to the [[absolute]] will of the [[First Source and Center]], and they will therefore eternally [[function]] in perfect [[harmony]] with the [[plan]] of the [[Infinite]]; they are, indeed, the nonvolitional [[patterns]] of that very [[plan]].

118:9.7 We [[understand]] something of how the [[mechanism]] of [[Paradise]] is correlated with the [[personality]] of the [[Eternal Son]]; this is the [[function]] of the [[Conjoint Actor]]. And we have [[theories]] regarding the operations of the [[Universal Absolute]] with [[respect]] to the [[theoretical]] [[mechanisms]] of the Unqualified and the [[potential]] [[person]] of the [[Deity Absolute]]. But in the evolving Deities of [[Supreme]] and [[Ultimate]] we [[observe]] that certain [[impersonal]] [[phases]] are being actually [[united]] with their [[volitional]] [[counterparts]], and thus there is evolving a new [[relationship]] between [[pattern]] and [[person]].

118:9.8 In the [[eternity]] of the [[past]] [[the Father]] and [[the Son]] found [[union]] in the [[unity]] of the [[expression]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. If, in the [[eternity]] of the [[future]], the [ Creator Sons] and the [ Creative Spirits] of the [[local universes]] of [[time and space]] should [[attain]] [[creative]] [[union]] in the realms of [[outer space]], what would their [[unity]] create as the combined [[expression]] of their [[divine]] [[natures]]? It may well be that we are to [[witness]] a hitherto unrevealed [[manifestation]] of [[Ultimate]] Deity, a new type of superadministrator. Such [[beings]] would [[embrace]] [[unique]] [[prerogatives]] of [[personality]], being the [[union]] of [[personal]] [[Creator]], [[impersonal]] [ Creative Spirit], [[mortal]]-[[creature]] [[experience]], and [[progressive]] personalization of the [[Divine Minister]]. Such [[beings]] could be [[ultimate]] in that they would [[embrace]] [[personal]] and [[impersonal]] [[reality]], while they would combine the [[experiences]] of [[Creator]] and [[creature]]. Whatever the [[attributes]] of such third [[persons]] of these [[postulated]] functioning [ trinities] of the [[creations]] of [[outer space]], they will sustain something of the same [[relation]] to their [ Creator Fathers] and their [ Creative Mothers] that the [[Infinite Spirit]] does to the [[Universal Father]] and the [[Eternal Son]].

118:9.9 [[God the Supreme]] is the [[personalization]] of all [[universe]] [[experience]], the [[focalization]] of all [[finite]] [[evolution]], the maximation of all [[creature]] [[reality]], the [[consummation]] of [[cosmic]] [[wisdom]], the [[embodiment]] of the [[harmonious]] [[beauties]] of the [[galaxies]] of [[time]], the [[truth]] of [ cosmic mind] [[meanings]], and the [[goodness]] of [[supreme]] [[spirit]] [[values]]. And [[God the Supreme]] will, in the [[eternal]] [[future]], [[synthesize]] these manifold finite [[diversities]] into one [[experiential]]ly meaningful [[whole]], even as they are now existentially united on [[absolute]] levels in the [[Paradise Trinity]].

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