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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 115:4.1 Any consideration of the origins of God the Supreme must begin with the [[Paradise Trin...'

115:4.1 Any [[consideration]] of the [[origins]] of [[God the Supreme]] must begin with the [[Paradise Trinity]], for the [[Trinity]] is [[original]] [[Deity]] while [[the Supreme]] is derived Deity. Any [[consideration]] of the [[growth]] of the Supreme must give consideration to the [[existential]] [ triodities], for they [[encompass]] all [[absolute]] [[actuality]] and all infinite [[potentiality]] (in conjunction with the [[First Source and Center]]). And the [[evolutionary]] [[Supreme]] is the culminating and personally [[volitional]] [[focus]] of the [[transmutation]]—the [[transformation]]—of [[potentials]] to [[actuals]] in and on the [[finite]] level of [[existence]]. The [ two triodities], actual and potential, [[encompass]] the [[totality]] of the interrelationships of [[growth]] in the [[universes]].

115:4.2 The [[source]] of [[the Supreme]] is in the [[Paradise Trinity]]—[[eternal]], [[actual]], and undivided [[Deity]]. The [[Supreme]] is first of all a [[spirit]] [[person]], and this spirit person stems from the [[Trinity]]. But the [[Supreme]] is secondly a [[Deity]] of [[growth]]—evolutionary growth—and this growth derives from the [ two triodities], [[actual]] and [[potential]].

115:4.3 If it is [[difficult]] to [[comprehend]] that the infinite [ triodities] can [[function]] on the [[finite]] level, pause to [[consider]] that their very [[infinity]] must in itself contain the [[potentiality]] of the [[finite]]; infinity [[encompasses]] [[Everything|all things]] ranging from the lowest and most qualified finite [[existence]] to the highest and unqualifiedly [[absolute]] [[realities]].

115:4.4 It is not so [[difficult]] to [[comprehend]] that the [[infinite]] does contain the [[finite]] as it is to understand just how this infinite actually is [[manifest]] to the [[finite]]. But the [[Thought Adjusters]] indwelling [[mortal]] man are one of the [[eternal]] [[proofs]] that even the [[absolute]] [[God]] (as absolute) can and does actually make direct [[contact]] with even the lowest and least of all [[universe]] [[Free will|will]] [[creatures]].

115:4.5 The [ triodities] which [[collectively]] [[encompass]] the [[actual]] and the [[potential]] are [[manifest]] on the [[finite]] level in conjunction with the [[Supreme Being]]. The [[technique]] of such [[manifestation]] is both direct and indirect: direct in so far as [ triodity] relations repercuss directly in the [[Supreme]] and indirect in so far as they are derived through the [[eventuated]] level of the [[absonite]].

115:4.6 [[Supreme]] [[reality]], which is [[total]] [[finite]] [[reality]], is in [[process]] of [[dynamic]] [[growth]] between the unqualified [[potentials]] of [[outer space]] and the unqualified [[actuals]] at the [[center]] of [[Everything|all things]]. The [[finite]] [[domain]] thus factualizes through the [[co-operation]] of the [[absonite]] [[agencies]] of [[Paradise]] and the [[Supreme Creator Personalities]] of [[time]]. The [[act]] of [[maturing]] the qualified [[possibilities]] of the [[three]] great potential [[Absolutes]] is the [[absonite]] [[function]] of the [[Architects of the Master Universe]] and their [[transcendental]] [[associates]]. And when these [[eventualities]] have [[attained]] to a certain point of [[maturation]], the ''[[Supreme Creator Personalities]]'' emerge from [[Paradise]] to [[engage]] in the agelong task of bringing the evolving [[universes]] into [[factual]] [[being]].

115:4.7 The [[growth]] of [[Supremacy]] derives from the [ triodities]; the [[spirit]] [[person]] of [[the Supreme]], from the [[Trinity]]; but the [[power]] [[prerogatives]] of [[the Almighty]] are predicated on the [[divinity]] successes of [[God the Sevenfold]], while the conjoining of the [[power]] [[prerogatives]] of the [[Almighty Supreme]] with the [[spirit]] [[person]] of [[God the Supreme]] takes place by [[virtue]] of the [[ministry]] of the [[Conjoint Actor]], who [[bestowed]] the [[mind]] of the [[Supreme]] as the conjoining [[factor]] in this evolutionary [[Deity]].

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