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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 107:6.1 As Thought Adjusters are encountered in creature experience, they disclose the [[presen...'

107:6.1 As [[Thought Adjusters]] are encountered in [[creature]] [[experience]], they disclose the [[presence]] and [[leading]] of a [[spirit]] [[influence]]. The [[Adjuster]] is indeed a spirit, [[pure]] [[spirit]], but spirit plus. We have never been able satisfactorily to [[classify]] [[Mystery Monitor]]s; all that can [[certainly]] be said of them is that they are truly Godlike.

107:6.2 The [[Adjuster]] is [[man]]'s [[eternity]] [[possibility]]; man is the [[Adjuster]]'s [[personality]] [[possibility]]. Your [[individual]] [[Adjusters]] [[work]] to spiritize you in the [[hope]] of eternalizing your [[temporal]] [[identity]]. The [[Adjusters]] are [[saturated]] with the [[beautiful]] and [[self]]-[[bestowing]] [[love]] of [[the Father]] of spirits. They truly and [[divinely]] [[love]] you; they are the prisoners of [[spirit]] [[hope]] confined within the [[minds]] of men. They long for the [[divinity]] [[attainment]] of your [[mortal]] [[minds]] that their loneliness may end, that they may be delivered with you from the [[limitations]] of [[material]] investiture and the habiliments of [[time]].

107:6.3 Your [[path]] to [[Paradise]] is the path of [[spirit]] [[attainment]], and the [[Adjuster]] [[nature]] will faithfully [[unfold]] the [[revelation]] of the [[spiritual]] [[nature]] of the [[Universal Father]]. Beyond the [[Paradise]] [[ascent]] and in the postfinaliter [[stages]] of the [[eternity]] [[career]], the [[Adjuster]] may possibly [[contact]] with the onetime [[human]] [[partner]] in other than [[spirit]] [[ministry]]; but the [[Ascension Career|Paradise ascent]] and the [[finaliter]] [[career]] are the [[partnership]] between the God-knowing spiritualizing [[mortal]] and the spiritual ministry of the [[God]]-[[revealing]] [[Adjuster]].

107:6.4 We know that [[Thought Adjusters]] are [[spirits]], pure spirits, presumably [[absolute]] spirits. But the [[Adjuster]] must also be something more than exclusive [[spirit]] [[reality]]. In addition to conjectured [[mindedness]], [[factors]] of [[pure]] [[energy]] are also present. If you will [[remember]] that [[God]] is the [[source]] of [[pure]] [[energy]] and of pure [[spirit]], it will not be so [[difficult]] to [[perceive]] that his [[fragments]] would be both. It is a [[fact]] that the [[Adjusters]] traverse [[space]] over the [[instantaneous]] and [[universal]] [ gravity circuits] of the [[Paradise]] Isle.

107:6.5 That the [[Mystery Monitors]] are thus [[associated]] with the [ material circuits] of the [[universe of universes]] is indeed puzzling. But it remains a [[fact]] that they flash throughout the entire [[grand universe]] over the [ material-gravity circuits]. It is entirely [[possible]] that they may even penetrate the [[outer space]] levels; they certainly could follow the [[gravity]] [[presence]] of [[Paradise]] into these regions, and though my order of [[personality]] can traverse the [ mind circuits] of the [[Conjoint Actor]] also beyond the confines of the [[grand universe]], we have never been sure of detecting the [[presence]] of [[Adjusters]] in the uncharted regions of [[outer space]].

107:6.6 And yet, while the [[Adjusters]] utilize the [ material-gravity circuits], they are not subject thereto as is [[material]] [[creation]]. The [[Adjusters]] are [[fragments]] of the [[ancestor]] of [[gravity]], not the consequentials of gravity; they have segmentized on a [[universe]] level of [[existence]] which is [[hypothetically]] antecedent to [[gravity]] [[appearance]].

107:6.7 [[Thought Adjusters]] have no [[relaxation]] from the [[time]] of their [[bestowal]] until the day of their release to start for [[Divinington]] upon the [[natural]] [[death]] of their [[mortal]] subjects. And those whose subjects do not pass through the [[portals]] of [[natural]] [[death]] do not even [[experience]] this temporary respite. [[Thought Adjusters]] do not require [[energy]] intake; they are [[energy]], energy of the highest and most [[divine]] order.

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