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102:2.1 [[Observing]] [[minds]] and [[discriminating]] [[souls]] know [[religion]] when they find it in the lives of their fellows. [[Religion]] requires no [[definition]]; we all know its [[social]], [[intellectual]], [[moral]], and [[Fruits of the Spirit.|spiritual fruits]]. And this all [[grows]] out of the [[fact]] that [[religion]] is the [[property]] of the [[human]] race; it is not a [[child]] of [[culture]]. True, one's [[perception]] of [[religion]] is still [[human]] and therefore subject to the [[bondage]] of [[ignorance]], the slavery of [[superstition]], the [[deceptions]] of [[sophistication]], and the [[delusions]] of [[false]] [[philosophy]].

102:2.2 One of the characteristic peculiarities of [[genuine]] [[religious]] [[assurance]] is that, notwithstanding the [[absoluteness]] of its affirmations and the stanchness of its [[attitude]], the [[spirit]] of its [[expression]] is so [[poised]] and tempered that it never conveys the slightest impression of [[self-assertion]] or [[egoistic]] exaltation. The [[wisdom]] of [[religious]] [[experience]] is something of a [[paradox]] in that it is both humanly [[original]] and [[Adjuster]] [[derivative]]. [[Religious]] [[force]] is not the product of the [[individual]]'s [[personal]] [[prerogatives]] but rather the outworking of that [[sublime]] [[partnership]] of man and the everlasting [[source]] of all [[wisdom]]. Thus do the [[words]] and [[acts]] of true and undefiled [[religion]] become compellingly [[authoritative]] for all [[enlightened]] [[mortals]].

102:2.3 It is [[difficult]] to identify and [[analyze]] the [[factors]] of a [[religious]] [[experience]], but it is not [[difficult]] to [[observe]] that such [[religious]] practitioners live and carry on as if already in the [[presence]] of the [[Eternal]]. Believers [[react]] to this [[temporal]] life as if [[immortality]] already were within their grasp. In the lives of such [[mortals]] there is a valid [[originality]] and a [[spontaneity]] of [[expression]] that forever [[segregate]] them from those of their fellows who have imbibed only the [[wisdom]] of the world. [[Religionists]] seem to live in effective [[emancipation]] from harrying haste and the [[painful]] [[stress]] of the [[vicissitudes]] [[inherent]] in the [[temporal]] currents of [[time]]; they exhibit a [[stabilization]] of [[personality]] and a tranquillity of [[character]] not [[explained]] by the [[laws]] of [ physiology], [[psychology]], and [[sociology]].

102:2.4 [[Time]] is an invariable element in the [[attainment]] of [[knowledge]]; [[religion]] makes its [[endowments]] immediately available, albeit there is the important [[factor]] of [[growth]] in [[grace]], definite advancement in all [[phases]] of religious [[experience]]. [[Knowledge]] is an [[eternal]] [[quest]]; always are you learning, but never are you able to arrive at the full [[knowledge]] of [[absolute]] [[truth]]. In [[knowledge]] alone there can never be [[absolute]] [[certainty]], only increasing [[probability]] of approximation; but the [[religious]] [[soul]] of [[spiritual]] [[illumination]] knows, and knows now. And yet this [[profound]] and positive [[certitude]] does not lead such a sound-minded [[religionist]] to take any less interest in the ups and downs of the [[progress]] of [[human]] [[wisdom]], which is bound up on its [[material]] end with the [[developments]] of slow-moving [[science]].

102:2.5 Even the [[discoveries]] of [[science]] are not truly real in the [[consciousness]] of [[human]] [[experience]] until they are unraveled and correlated, until their relevant [[facts]] actually become meaning through [[encircuitment]] in the [[thought]] streams of [[mind]]. [[Mortal]] man views even his [[physical]] [[environment]] from the [[mind]] level, from the [[perspective]] of its [[psychological]] registry. It is not, therefore, strange that man should place a highly [[unified]] [[interpretation]] upon the [[universe]] and then seek to identify this [[energy]] [[unity]] of his [[science]] with the [[spirit]] [[unity]] of his religious [[experience]]. [[Mind]] is [[unity]]; mortal [[consciousness]] lives on the [[mind]] level and [[perceives]] the [[universal]] [[realities]] through the eyes of the mind [[endowment]]. The [[mind]] [[perspective]] will not yield the [[existential]] [[unity]] of the [[source]] of [[reality]], the [[First Source and Center]], but it can and sometime will portray to man the [[experiential]] [[synthesis]] of [[energy]], [[mind]], and [[spirit]] in and as the [[Supreme Being]]. But [[mind]] can never succeed in this [[unification]] of the [[diversity]] of [[reality]] unless such mind is firmly aware of [[material]] [[things]], [[intellectual]] [[meanings]], and [[spiritual]] [[values]]; only in the [[harmony]] of the [[triunity]] of [[functional]] [[reality]] is there [[unity]], and only in unity is there the [[personality]] [[satisfaction]] of the [[realization]] of [[cosmic]] constancy and [[consistency]].

102:2.6 [[Unity]] is best found in [[human]] [[experience]] through [[philosophy]]. And while the body of philosophic [[thought]] must ever be founded on [[material]] [[facts]], the [[soul]] and [[energy]] of true philosophic [[dynamics]] is [[mortal]] [[spiritual]] [[insight]].

102:2.7 [ Evolutionary man] does not naturally relish hard [[work]]. To keep [[pace]] in his life [[experience]] with the impelling demands and the compelling urges of a [[growing]] [[religious]] [[experience]] means incessant [[activity]] in [[spiritual]] [[growth]], [[intellectual]] expansion, [[factual]] enlargement, and [[social]] [[service]]. There is no real [[religion]] apart from a highly [[active]] [[personality]]. Therefore do the more [[indolent]] of men often seek to [[escape]] the rigors of truly [[religious]] [[activities]] by a species of ingenious [[self]]-[[deception]] through resorting to a [[retreat]] to the [[false]] [[shelter]] of [[stereotyped]] [[religious]] [[doctrines]] and [[dogmas]]. But true [[religion]] is alive. [[Intellectual]] crystallization of [[religious]] [[concepts]] is the equivalent of [[spiritual]] [[death]]. You cannot [[conceive]] of [[religion]] without [[ideas]], but when [[religion]] once becomes reduced only to an [[idea]], it is no longer [[religion]]; it has become merely a species of human [[philosophy]].

102:2.8 Again, there are other [[types]] of unstable and poorly [[disciplined]] [[souls]] who would use the [[sentimental]] [[ideas]] of [[religion]] as an avenue of [[escape]] from the irritating demands of living. When certain vacillating and timid [[mortals]] attempt to [[escape]] from the incessant [[pressure]] of [[evolutionary]] life, [[religion]], as they conceive it, seems to present the nearest [[refuge]], the best avenue of [[escape]]. But it is the mission of [[religion]] to [[prepare]] man for [[bravely]], even [[heroically]], facing the [[vicissitudes]] of life. [[Religion]] is evolutionary [[man]]'s [[supreme]] [[endowment]], the one thing which enables him to carry on and "[[endure]] as seeing Him who is [[invisible]]."[] [[Mysticism]], however, is often something of a [[retreat]] from life which is [[embraced]] by those humans who do not relish the more [[robust]] [[activities]] of living a religious life in the open arenas of [[human]] [[society]] and [[commerce]]. True [[religion]] must [[act]]. [[Conduct]] will be the result of [[religion]] when man actually has it, or rather when [[religion]] is permitted truly to [[possess]] the man. Never will [[religion]] be content with mere [[thinking]] or unacting [[feeling]].

102:2.9 We are not blind to the fact that [[religion]] often acts unwisely, even irreligiously, but it [[acts]]. Aberrations of [[religious]] [[conviction]] have led to bloody [[persecutions]], but always and ever [[religion]] does something; it is [[dynamic]]!

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