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102:8.1 The highest [[evidence]] of the [[reality]] and efficacy of [[religion]] consists in the [[fact]] of [[human]] [[experience]]; namely, that man, [[naturally]] [[fearful]] and [[suspicious]], [[innately]] [[endowed]] with a strong [[instinct]] of [[self]]-[[preservation]] and craving [[survival]] after [[death]], is willing fully to [[trust]] the deepest interests of his [[present]] and [[future]] to the keeping and direction of that [[power]] and [[person]] designated by his [[faith]] as [[God]]. That is the one central [[truth]] of all [[religion]]. As to what that [[power]] or [[person]] requires of man in return for this watchcare and final [[salvation]], no two [[religions]] [[agree]]; in fact, they all more or less disagree.

102:8.2 Regarding the [[status]] of any [[religion]] in the [[evolutionary]] scale, it may best be [[judged]] by its [[moral]] [[judgments]] and its [[ethical]] [[standards]]. The higher the [[type]] of any [[religion]], the more it [[encourages]] and is encouraged by a constantly improving [[social]] [[morality]] and [[ethical]] [[culture]]. We cannot [[judge]] [[religion]] by the [[status]] of its accompanying [[civilization]]; we had better estimate the real [[nature]] of a [[civilization]] by the [[purity]] and [[nobility]] of its [[religion]]. Many of the world's most notable [[religious]] [[teachers]] have been virtually unlettered. The [[wisdom]] of the world is not [[necessary]] to an exercise of saving [[faith]] in [[eternal]] [[realities]].

102:8.3 The [[difference]] in the [[religions]] of various ages is wholly dependent on the [[difference]] in man's [[comprehension]] of [[reality]] and on his differing [[recognition]] of moral [[values]], [[ethical]] [[relationships]], and [[spirit]] [[realities]].

102:8.4 [[Ethics]] is the [[eternal]] [[social]] or racial [[mirror]] which [[faithfully]] [[reflects]] the otherwise [[Invisible|unobservable]] [[progress]] of internal [[spiritual]] and religious [[developments]]. Man has always [[thought]] of [[God]] in the terms of the best he knew, his deepest [[ideas]] and highest [[ideals]]. Even historic [[religion]] has always created its [[God]] [[conceptions]] out of its highest recognized [[values]]. Every [[intelligent]] [[creature]] gives the [[name]] of [[God]] to the best and highest thing he knows.

102:8.5 [[Religion]], when reduced to terms of [[reason]] and [[intellectual]] [[expression]], has always dared to [[criticize]] [[civilization]] and [[evolutionary]] [[progress]] as judged by its own [[standards]] of [[ethical]] [[culture]] and moral [[progress]].

102:8.6 While [[personal]] [[religion]] precedes the [[evolution]] of [[human]] [[morals]], it is regretfully recorded that [[institutional]] [[religion]] has invariably lagged behind the slowly changing [[mores]] of the human races. [[Organized]] [[religion]] has proved to be [[conservatively]] tardy. The [[prophets]] have usually led the people in [[religious]] [[development]]; the [[theologians]] have usually held them back. [[Religion]], being a matter of [[Inner Life|inner]] or [[personal]] [[experience]], can never [[develop]] very far in advance of the [[intellectual]] [[evolution]] of the races.

102:8.7 But [[religion]] is never enhanced by an [[appeal]] to the so-called [[miraculous]]. The [[quest]] for [[miracles]] is a harking back to the [ primitive religions of magic]. True religion has nothing to do with alleged [[miracles]], and never does [ revealed religion] point to [[miracles]] as [[proof]] of [[authority]]. [[Religion]] is ever and always rooted and grounded in [[personal]] [[experience]]. And your highest [[religion]], the [ life of Jesus], was just such a [[personal]] [[experience]]: man, [[mortal]] man, seeking [[God]] and finding him to the fullness during one short life in the [[flesh]], while in the same [[human]] [[experience]] there [[appeared]] [[God]] seeking man and finding him to the full [[satisfaction]] of the [[perfect]] [[soul]] of [[infinite]] [[supremacy]]. And that is [[religion]], even the highest yet [[revealed]] in the [[universe]] of [[Nebadon]]—the [[earth]] [ life of Jesus of Nazareth].

102:8.8 Presented by a [[Melchizedek]] of [[Nebadon]].

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