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79:6.1 Sometime after driving the red man across to [ North America], the expanding [[Chinese]] cleared the [ Andonites] from the river valleys of eastern Asia, pushing them north into [ Siberia] and west into [ Turkestan], where they were soon to come in contact with the superior [[culture]] of the [ Andites].

79:6.2 In [ Burma] and the [[peninsula]] of [ Indo-China] the [[cultures]] of India and China mixed and blended to produce the [[successive]] [[civilizations]] of those regions. Here the vanished [ green race] has [[persisted]] in larger [[proportion]] than anywhere else in the world.

79:6.3 Many [[different]] [[races]] occupied the [ islands of the Pacific]. In general, the southern and then more extensive islands were occupied by peoples carrying a heavy percentage of green and indigo blood. The northern islands were held by [ Andonites] and, later on, by races embracing large [[proportions]] of the yellow and red stocks. The [[ancestors]] of the [ Japanese] people were not driven off the mainland until [,000_B.C. 12,000 B.C.], when they were dislodged by a powerful southern-coastwise thrust of the northern [[Chinese]] tribes. Their final [[exodus]] was not so much due to [[population]] [[pressure]] as to the [[initiative]] of a chieftain whom they came to regard as a [[divine]] [[person]]age.

79:6.4 Like the peoples of [ India] and the [ Levant], victorious [[tribes]] of the yellow man [[established]] their earliest [[centers]] along the coast and up the [[rivers]]. The coastal settlements fared poorly in later years as the increasing floods and the shifting [[courses]] of the [[rivers]] made the lowland [[cities]] untenable.

79:6.5 [,000_BCE Twenty thousand years ago] the [[ancestors]] of the [[Chinese]] had built up a dozen strong [[centers]] of [[primitive]] [[culture]] and [[learning]], especially along the [ Yellow River] and the [ Yangtze]. And now these [[centers]] began to be reinforced by the arrival of a steady [[stream]] of superior blended [[peoples]] from [ Sinkiang] and [ Tibet]. The [[migration]] from Tibet to the Yangtze valley was not so extensive as in the north, neither were the Tibetan centers so advanced as those of the [ Tarim basin]. But both movements carried a certain amount of [ Andite] blood eastward to the river settlements.

79:6.6 The superiority of the [[ancient]] yellow race was due to four great [[factors]]:

79:6.7 1. ''Genetic''. Unlike their blue cousins in [ Europe], both the red and yellow races had largely [[escaped]] mixture with debased human stocks. The northern [[Chinese]], already strengthened by small amounts of the superior red and [ Andonic] strains, were soon to benefit by a considerable influx of [ Andite] blood. The southern Chinese did not fare so well in this regard, and they had long suffered from ''absorption'' of the green race, while later on they were to be further weakened by the infiltration of the swarms of inferior peoples crowded out of [ India] by the [ Dravidian]-[ Andite invasion]. And today in China there is a definite [[difference]] between the [ northern and southern races].

79:6.8 2. ''Social''. The yellow race early [[learned]] the [[value]] of [[peace]] among themselves. Their internal peaceableness so [[contributed]] to [[population]] increase as to insure the spread of their [[civilization]] among many millions. From [ 25,000 to 5000 B.C.] the highest mass [[civilization]] on [[Urantia]] was in central and northern China. The yellow man was first to [[achieve]] a racial [[solidarity]]—the first to attain a large-scale [[cultural]], [[social]], and [[political]] [[civilization]].

79:6.9 The [[Chinese]] of [ 15,000 B.C.] were aggressive [[Warrior|militarists]]; they had not been weakened by an overreverence for the past, and numbering less than twelve million, they formed a compact [[body]] speaking a common [[language]]. During this age they built up a real [[nation]], much more united and [[homogeneous]] than their [[political]] [[unions]] of historic times.

79:6.10 3. ''Spiritual''. During the age of [ Andite migrations] the [[Chinese]] were among the more [[spiritual]] peoples of [[earth]]. Long [[adherence]] to the [[worship]] of the ''One Truth'' [[proclaimed]] by [ Singlangton] kept them ahead of most of the other races. The [[stimulus]] of a [[progressive]] and advanced [[religion]] is often a decisive [[factor]] in [[cultural]] [[development]]; as India languished, so China forged ahead under the invigorating [[stimulus]] of a [[religion]] in which [[truth]] was enshrined as the [[supreme]] [[Deity]].

79:6.11 This [[worship]] of [[truth]] was provocative of [[research]] and fearless [[exploration]] of the [[laws]] of [[nature]] and the [[potentials]] of [[mankind]]. The [[Chinese]] of even six thousand years ago were still keen [[students]] and aggressive in their pursuit of [[truth]].

79:6.12 4. ''Geographic''. China is protected by the [[mountains]] to the west and the [ Pacific] to the east. Only in the north is the way open to [[attack]], and from the days of the red man to the coming of the later descendants of the [ Andites], the north was not occupied by any aggressive race.

79:6.13 And but for the [[mountain]] barriers and the later decline in [[spiritual]] [[culture]], the yellow race undoubtedly would have [[attracted]] to itself the larger part of the [ Andite migrations] from [ Turkestan] and unquestionably would have quickly [[dominated]] world [[civilization]].

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