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76:6.1 [[Adam and Eve]] went to their [[mortal]] [[rest]] with strong [[faith]] in the [[promises]] made to them by the [[Melchizedeks]] that they would sometime [[awake]] from the [[sleep]] of [[death]] to resume life on the [[mansion worlds]], worlds all so familiar to them in the days preceding their mission in the [[material]] [[flesh]] of the [ violet race] on [[Urantia]].

76:6.2 They did not long rest in the [ oblivion] of the [[unconscious]] [[sleep]] of the [[mortals]] of the realm. On the third day after [[Adam]]'s [[death]], the second following his [[reverent]] [[burial]], the orders of [[Lanaforge]], sustained by the acting [[Most High]] of [[Edentia]] and concurred in by the [[Union of Days]] on [[Salvington]], acting for [[Michael]], were placed in [[Gabriel]]' s hands, directing the special roll call of the distinguished [[survivors]] of the [ Adamic default] on [[Urantia]]. And in [[accordance]] with this [[mandate]] of special [[resurrection]], number twenty-six of the [[Urantia]] series, [[Adam and Eve]] were [[repersonalized]] and reassembled in the [ resurrection halls] of the [[mansion worlds]] of [[Satania]] [[together]] with 1,316 of their [[associates]] in the [[experience]] of the [ first garden]. Many other [[loyal]] [[souls]] had already been [[translated]] at the time of Adam's arrival, which was attended by a [ dispensational adjudication (20:5.4)] of both the [[sleeping survivors]] and of the living qualified [[ascenders]].

76:6.3 [[Adam and Eve]] quickly passed through the worlds of [[progressive]] [[ascension]] until they [[attained]] [[citizenship]] on [[Jerusem]], once again to be residents of the [[planet]] of their [[origin]] but this time as members of a [[different]] order of [[universe]] [[personalities]]. They left [[Jerusem]] as permanent [[citizens]]— [ Sons of God]; they returned as [[ascendant]] [[citizens]]—sons of man. They were [[immediately]] attached to the [[Urantia]] [[service]] on [[the system capital]], later being assigned membership among the [[four and twenty counselors]] who [[constitute]] the present advisory-control body of [[Urantia]].

76:6.4 And thus ends the [[story]] of the [ Planetary Adam and Eve] of [[Urantia]], a [[story]] of [[trial]], [[tragedy]], and triumph, at least [[personal]] triumph for your well-[[meaning]] but deluded [[Material Son and Daughter]] and undoubtedly, in the end, a story of [[ultimate]] triumph for their world and its [[rebellion]]-tossed and [[evil]]-harassed [[inhabitants]]. When all is summed up, [[Adam and Eve]] made a mighty contribution to the speedy [[civilization]] and [[accelerated]] biologic [[progress]] of the [[human]] [[race]]. They left a great [[culture]] on [[earth]], but it was not possible for such an advanced [[civilization]] to [[survive]] in the face of the early dilution and the [[eventual]] submergence of the Adamic [[inheritance]]. It is the people who make a [[civilization]]; civilization does not make the people.

76:6.5 Presented by [[Solonia]], the seraphic " voice in the Garden. "

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