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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 64:7.1 When the colored descendants of the ['

64:7.1 When the colored [[descendants]] of the [ Sangik] [[family]] began to multiply, and as they sought [[opportunity]] for expansion into adjacent territory, the fifth [ glacier], the third of [[geologic]] count, was well advanced on its southern drift over [ Europe] and [ Asia]. These early colored [[races]] were extraordinarily tested by the rigors and [[Adversity|hardships]] of the [ glacial] age of their [[origin]]. This glacier was so extensive in Asia that for thousands of years [[migration]] to eastern Asia was cut off. And not until the later retreat of the [[Mediterranean]] Sea, consequent upon the elevation of [ Arabia], was it possible for them to reach [ Africa].

64:7.2 Thus it was that for almost one hundred thousand years these [ Sangik peoples] spread out around the foothills and mingled [[together]] more or less, notwithstanding the peculiar but [[natural]] antipathy which early [[manifested]] itself between the [[different]] [[races]].

64:7.3 Between the times of the [[Planetary Prince]] and [[Adam and Eve|Adam]], [ India] became the [[home]] of the most [[cosmopolitan]] [[population]] ever to be found on the [[face]] of the [[earth]]. But it was unfortunate that this mixture came to contain so much of the green, orange, and indigo races. These secondary Sangik peoples found [[existence]] more easy and agreeable in the southlands, and many of them subsequently [[migrated]] to [ Africa]. The primary Sangik peoples, the superior races, avoided the [ tropics], the red man going northeast to [ Asia], closely followed by the yellow man, while the blue race moved northwest into [ Europe].

64:7.4 The red men early began to [[migrate]] to the northeast, on the heels of the retreating ice, passing around the highlands of [ India] and occupying all of northeastern [ Asia]. They were closely followed by the yellow tribes, who subsequently drove them out of Asia into [ North America].

64:7.5 When the [[relatively]] [[pure]]-line remnants of the red race forsook [ Asia], there were eleven [[tribes]], and they numbered a little over seven thousand [[men]], [[women]], and [[children]]. These [[tribes]] were accompanied by three small [[groups]] of mixed [[ancestry]], the largest of these being a combination of the orange and blue races. These three groups never fully fraternized with the red man and early [[journeyed]] southward to [ Mexico] and [ Central America], where they were later joined by a small group of mixed yellows and reds. These peoples all [[Amalgamation|intermarried]] and founded a new and amalgamated [[race]], one which was much less warlike than the pure-line red men. Within five thousand years this [[amalgamated]] [[race]] broke up into [[three]] [[groups]], [[establishing]] the [[civilizations]] respectively of [ Mexico], [ Central America], and [ South America]. The South American offshoot did receive a faint touch of the [ blood of Adam].

64:7.6 To a certain extent the early red and yellow men mingled in [ Asia], and the offspring of this [[union]] [[journeyed]] on to the east and along the southern seacoast and, eventually, were driven by the rapidly increasing yellow race onto the [[peninsulas]] and near-by islands of the [[sea]]. They are the present-day brown men.

64:7.7 The yellow race has continued to occupy the central regions of eastern [ Asia]. Of all the six colored races they have [[survived]] in greatest [[Quantity|numbers]]. While the yellow men now and then [[engaged]] in [[racial]] [[war]], they did not carry on such incessant and relentless [[wars]] of [[extermination]] as were waged by the red, green, and orange men. These three races [[virtually]] destroyed themselves before they were finally all but [[annihilated]] by their enemies of other races.

64:7.8 Since the [ fifth glacier] did not extend so far south in [ Europe], the way was partially open for these [ Sangik peoples] to [[migrate]] to the northwest; and upon the retreat of the ice the blue men, [[together]] with a few other small racial groups, migrated westward along the old trails of the [ Andon tribes]. They [[invaded]] [ Europe] in [[successive]] [[waves]], occupying most of the [ continent].

64:7.9 In [ Europe] they soon encountered the [ Neanderthal] [[descendants]] of their early and common [[ancestor]], [ Andon]. These older European [ Neanderthalers] had been driven south and east by the [ glacier] and thus were in position quickly to encounter and absorb their invading cousins of the [ Sangik tribes].

64:7.10 In general and to start with, the [ Sangik tribes] were more [[intelligent]] than, and in most ways far superior to, the deteriorated [[descendants]] of the early [ Andonic plainsmen]; and the mingling of these [ Sangik tribes] with the [ Neanderthal peoples] led to the [[immediate]] improvement of the older race. It was this infusion of [ Sangik blood], more especially that of the blue man, which produced that marked improvement in the [ Neanderthal] peoples [[exhibited]] by the [[successive]] [[waves]] of increasingly [[intelligent]] [[tribes]] that swept over [ Europe] from the east.

64:7.11 During the following [ interglacial period] this new [ Neanderthal race] extended from [ England] to [ India]. The remnant of the blue race left in the old [ Persian] peninsula later [[amalgamated]] with certain others, primarily the yellow; and the resultant blend, subsequently somewhat upstepped by the [ violet race of Adam], has [[persisted]] as the swarthy [[nomadic]] [[tribes]] of [ modern Arabs].

64:7.12 All [[efforts]] to [[identify]] the [ Sangik] [[ancestry]] of modern peoples must take into account the later improvement of the racial strains by the subsequent admixture of [ Adamic blood].

64:7.13 The superior races sought the northern or [ Temperateness temperate] [[climes]], while the orange, green, and indigo races [[successively]] gravitated to [ Africa] over the newly elevated [ land bridge] which separated the westward retreating [[Mediterranean]] from the [ Indian Ocean].

64:7.14 The last of the [ Sangik peoples] to [[migrate]] from their [[center]] of [[race]] [[origin]] was the indigo man. About the time the green man was killing off the orange race in [ Egypt] and greatly weakening himself in so doing, the great black exodus started south through [ Palestine] along the coast; and later, when these [[physically]] strong indigo peoples overran Egypt, they wiped the green man out of [[existence]] by sheer [[force]] of [[Quantity|numbers]]. These indigo races absorbed the remnants of the orange man and much of the stock of the green man, and certain of the indigo tribes were considerably improved by this racial [[amalgamation]].

64:7.15 And so it appears that [ Egypt] was first [[dominated]] by the orange man, then by the green, followed by the indigo (black) man, and still later by a [[mongrel]] race of indigo, blue, and [[modified]] green men. But long before [ Adam] arrived, the blue men of [ Europe] and the mixed races of [ Arabia] had driven the indigo race out of [ Egypt] and far south on the [ African] continent.

64:7.16 As the [ Sangik] [[migrations]] draw to a close, the green and orange races are gone, the red man holds [ North America], the yellow man eastern [ Asia], the blue man [ Europe], and the indigo race has gravitated to [ Africa]. [ India] harbors a blend of the secondary [ Sangik races], and the brown man, a blend of the red and yellow, holds the islands off the [ Asiatic coast]. An [[amalgamated]] race of rather superior [[potential]] occupies the [ highlands of South America]. The [[purer]] [ Andonites] live in the extreme northern regions of Europe and in [ Iceland], [ Greenland], and [ northeastern North America].

64:7.17 During the periods of farthest [ glacial] advance the westernmost of the [ Andon tribes] came very near being driven into the [[sea]]. They lived for years on a narrow southern strip of the present island of [ England]. And it was the [[tradition]] of these repeated glacial advances that drove them to take to the [[sea]] when the [ sixth and last glacier] finally appeared. They were the first [[marine]] [[adventurers]][]. They built boats and started in search of new [[land]]s which they [[hoped]] might be free from the terrifying ice invasions. And some of them reached [ Iceland], others [ Greenland], but the vast [[majority]] perished from [[hunger]] and thirst on the open [[sea]].

64:7.18 A little more than eighty thousand years ago, shortly after the red man entered northwestern [ North America], the freezing over of the north seas and the advance of local ice fields on [ Greenland] drove these [ Eskimo] [[descendants]] of the [[Urantia]] [[aborigines]] to seek a better [[land]], a new [[home]]; and they were successful, safely crossing the narrow straits which then separated Greenland from the northeastern land masses of North America. They reached the continent about twenty-one hundred years after the red man arrived in [ Alaska]. Subsequently some of the mixed stock of the blue man [[journeyed]] westward and [[amalgamated]] with the later-day [ Eskimos], and this [[union]] was slightly beneficial to the Eskimo tribes.

64:7.19 About five thousand years ago a [[chance]] meeting occurred between an [ Indian tribe] and a lone [ Eskimo] group on the southeastern shores of [ Hudson Bay]. These two [[tribes]] found it difficult to [[communicate]] with each other, but very soon they intermarried with the result that these Eskimos were [[eventually]] absorbed by the more numerous red men. And this [[represents]] the only [[contact]] of the North American red man with any other [[human]] stock down to about one thousand years ago, when the [ white man] first [[chance]]d to land on the [ Atlantic coast].

64:7.20 The [[struggles]] of these early [[ages]] were characterized by [[courage]], bravery, and even [[heroism]]. And we all regret that so many of those sterling and rugged [[traits]] of your early [[ancestors]] have been lost to the later-day races. While we [[appreciate]] the [[value]] of many of the refinements of advancing [[civilization]], we miss the [[magnificent]] [[persistency]] and superb [[devotion]] of your early [[ancestors]], which oftentimes bordered on grandeur and [[sublimity]].

64:7.21 Presented by a [[Life Carrier]] resident on [[Urantia]].

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