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51:6.1 On most of the [[inhabited worlds]] the [[Paper 73 - The Garden of Eden|Gardens of Eden]] remain as superb [[cultural]] [[centers]] and [[continue]] to [[function]] as the [[social]] [[patterns]] of [[planetary]] [[conduct]] and usage [[age]] after age. Even in early times when the [ violet peoples] are [[relatively]] [[segregated]], their schools receive suitable [[candidates]] from among the world [[races]], while the industrial [[developments]] of the garden open up new [[channels]] of [[commercial]] [[intercourse]]. Thus do the [[Paper 74 - Adam and Eve|Adams and Eves]] and their [[progeny]] [[contribute]] to the sudden expansion of [[culture]] and to the rapid improvement of the [[evolutionary]] [[races]] of their worlds. And all of these [[relationships]] are augmented and sealed by the [[amalgamation]] of the [ evolutionary races] and the sons of Adam, resulting in the [[immediate]] upstepping of [[biologic]] [[status]], the quickening of [[intellectual]] [[potential]], and the enhancement of [[spiritual]] [[receptivity]].

51:6.2 On [[normal]] worlds [ the garden] [[headquarters]] of the [ violet race] becomes the second [[center]] of world [[culture]] and, jointly with the [[headquarters]] [[city]] of the [[Planetary Prince]], sets the pace for the [[development]] of [[civilization]]. For centuries the [[city]] [[headquarters]] schools of the [[Planetary Prince]] and the garden schools of [[Adam and Eve]] are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they [[work]] [[together]] in [[harmonious]] [[co-operation]].

51:6.3 [[Think]] what it would mean on your world if somewhere in the [ Levant] there were a world [[center]] of [[civilization]], a great [[planetary]] [[university]] of [[culture]], which had [[functioned]] uninterruptedly for 37,000 years. And again, pause to consider how the [[moral]] [[authority]] of even such an ancient [[center]] would be reinforced were there situated not far-distant still another and older [[headquarters]] of [[celestial]] [[ministry]] whose [[traditions]] would exert a cumulative [[force]] of 500,000 years of [[integrated]] [[evolutionary]] [[influence]]. It is [[custom]] which [[eventually]] spreads the [[ideals]] of [[Eden]] to a whole world.

51:6.4 The schools of the [[Planetary Prince]] are primarily concerned with [[philosophy]], [[religion]], [[morals]], and the higher [[intellectual]] and [[artistic]] achievements. The garden schools of [[Adam and Eve]] are usually [[devoted]] to [[practical]] arts, [[fundamental]] [[intellectual]] [[training]], [[social]] [[culture]], [[economic]] [[development]], [[Commerce|trade]] relations, [[physical]] [[efficiency]], and civil [[government]]. [[Eventually]] these world [[centers]] [[amalgamate]], but this [[actual]] affiliation sometimes does not occur until the times of the first [[Magisterial Son]].

51:6.5 The [[continuing]] [[existence]] of the Planetary [[Adam and Eve]], [[together]] with the [[pure]]-line [[nucleus]] of the [ violet race], imparts that [[stability]] of [[growth]] to [ Edenic] [[culture]] by [[virtue]] of which it comes to [[act]] upon the [[civilization]] of a world with the compelling [[force]] of [[tradition]]. In these [[immortal]] ''Material Sons and Daughters'' we encounter the last and the indispensable link [[connecting]] [[God]] with man, bridging the almost [[infinite]] gulf between the [[eternal]] [[Creator]] and the lowest [[finite]] [[personalities]] of [[time]]. Here is a [[being]] of high [[origin]] who is [[physical]], [[material]], even a [[sex]] [[creature]] like [[Urantia]] [[mortals]], one who can see and [[comprehend]] the [[invisible]] [[Planetary Prince]] and [[interpret]] him to the [[mortal]] [[creatures]] of the realm, for the ''Material Sons and Daughters'' are able to [[Vision|see]] all of the lower orders of [[spirit]] [[beings]]; they [[visualize]] the [[Planetary Prince]] and his [ entire staff], visible and [[invisible]].

51:6.6 With the passing of centuries, through the [[amalgamation]] of their [[progeny]] with the [ races of men], this same ''Material Son and Daughter'' become [[accepted]] as the common [[ancestors]] of [[mankind]], the common [[parents]] of the now blended [[descendants]] of the [[evolutionary]] [[races]]. It is [[intended]] that [[mortals]] who start out from an [[inhabited world]] have the [[experience]] of recognizing [[seven]] [[fathers]]:

*1. The [[biologic]] [[father]]—the father in the [[flesh]].
*2. The father of the [[Planet|realm]]—the ''Planetary Adam''.
*3. The father of the [[spheres]]—the [[System Sovereign]].
*4. The [[Most High]] Father—the [[Constellation]] Father.
*5. The [[universe]] Father—the [[Creator Son]] and supreme ruler of the local creations.
*6. The super-Fathers—the [[Ancients of Days]] who govern the [[superuniverse]].
*7. The [[spirit]] or [[Havona]] Father—the [[Universal Father]], who dwells on [[Paradise]] and [[bestows]] his [[spirit]] to live and [[work]] in the [[minds]] of the lowly [[creatures]] who inhabit the [[universe of universes]].

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