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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 45:2.1 The chief executive of a local system of inhabited worlds is a primary Lanonandek So...'

45:2.1 The [[chief executive]] of a [[local system]] of [[inhabited worlds]] is a primary [[Lanonandek]] Son, the [[System Sovereign]]. In our [[local universe]] these [[sovereigns]] are intrusted with large [[executive]] [[responsibilities]], unusual [[personal]] [[prerogatives]]. Not all [[universes]], even in [[Orvonton]], are so [[organized]] as to permit the [[System Sovereigns]] to [[exercise]] such unusually wide [[powers]] of [[personal]] [[discretion]] in the direction of [[the System|system]] affairs. But in all the [[history]] of [[Nebadon]] these untrammeled [[executives]] have [[exhibited]] disloyalty only [[three]] times. The [[Lucifer rebellion]] in [[the system]] of [[Satania]] was the last and the most widespread of all.

45:2.2 In [[Satania]], even after this disastrous [[upheaval]], absolutely no [[changes]] have been made in the [[technique]] of system [[administration]]. The present [[System Sovereign]] [[possesses]] all the [[power]] and [[exercises]] all the [[authority]] that were invested in his unworthy predecessor except for certain matters now under the supervision of the [[Constellation Fathers]] which the [[Ancients of Days]] have not yet fully restored to [[Lanaforge]], the successor of [[Lucifer]].

45:2.3 The present head of [[Satania]] is a [[gracious]] and [[brilliant]] ruler, and he is a [[rebellion]]-tested [[sovereign]]. When serving as an assistant [[System Sovereign]], [[Lanaforge]] was [[faithful]] to [[Michael]] in an earlier [[upheaval]] in the [[universe]] of [[Nebadon]]. This mighty and [[brilliant]] Lord of [[Satania]] is a tried and tested [[administrator]]. At the time of the second system [[rebellion]] in [[Nebadon]], when the [[System Sovereign]] stumbled and fell into [[darkness]], [[Lanaforge]], the first assistant to the erring chief, seized the reins of [[government]] and so conducted the affairs of [[the system]] that [[comparatively]] few [[personalities]] were lost either on the [ headquarters worlds] or on the [[inhabited planets]] of that unfortunate [[system]]. [[Lanaforge]] bears the distinction of being the only primary [[Lanonandek Son]] in all [[Nebadon]] who thus [[functioned]] [[loyally]] in the [[service]] of [[Michael]] and in the very [[presence]] of the [[default]] of his [[brother]] of superior [[authority]] and antecedent rank. [[Lanaforge]] will probably not be removed from [[Jerusem]] until all the results of the former [[folly]] have been overcome and the [[product]]s of [[rebellion]] removed from [[Satania]].

45:2.4 While all the affairs of the [[isolated]] worlds of [[Satania]] have not been returned to his [[jurisdiction]], [[Lanaforge]] discloses great interest in their [[welfare]], and he is a frequent visitor on [[Urantia]]. As in other and [[normal]] [[the System|systems]], the [[System Sovereign|Sovereign]] presides over the system [[council]] of world rulers, the [[Planetary Princes]] and the [ resident governors general] of the [[isolated]] worlds. This [[planetary]] [[council]] assembles from time to time on the [[headquarters]] of [[the system]]—"When the [[Sons of God]] come [[together]]."[][]

45:2.5 Once a week, every [[ten]] days on [[Jerusem]], [[the Sovereign]] holds a [[conclave]] with some one [[group]] of the various [[orders]] of [[personalities]] domiciled on the [ headquarters world]. These are the charmingly [[informal]] hours of [[Jerusem]], and they are never-to-be-forgotten occasions. On [[Jerusem]] there exists the utmost [[fraternity]] between all the various [[orders]] of [[beings]] and between each of these [[groups]] and the [[System Sovereign]].

45:2.6 These [[unique]] assemblages occur on the [[sea of glass]], the great gathering field of [[the system]] [[capital]]. They are [[purely]] [[social]] and [[spiritual]] occasions; nothing pertaining to the [[planetary]] [[administration]] or even to the [[ascendant plan]] is ever [[discussed]]. [[Ascending mortals]] come [[together]] at these times merely to [[enjoy]] themselves and to meet their fellow [[Citizens|Jerusemites]]. Those [[groups]] which are not being [[entertained]] by [[the Sovereign]] at these weekly [[relaxation]]s meet at their own [[headquarters]].

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